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Fuss on alcohol clouds Istanbul music festival

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Why you're keep bringing up examples that have nothing with me ? what can I do about Swiss people ? :D

I already explained enough, Sharia law is based on beliefs of a certain group, while Secular law supposed to be treat everybody equally and can be change according needs of people, I didn't get a clear answer, can orders and prohibits of religion changed in Sharia ? if yes then what is the point on Sharia law ?

Why you're keep bringing up examples that have nothing with me ? what can I do about Swiss people ? :D

I already explained enough, Sharia law is based on beliefs of a certain group, while Secular law supposed to be treat everybody equally and can be change according needs of people, I didn't get a clear answer, can orders and prohibits of religion changed in Sharia ? if yes then what is the point on Sharia law ?

On what kind of knowledge is this statement based on?
You're trying to tell me Sharia law is not coming from the orders of islam ?
Its based on Islam, belief of a certain group ?
Wut ? icatla falan ne ilgisi var ? belli bi grubun inancı üzerine kurulu diyoruz işte.

Gönderildi mi icat mı edildi bilmem, o beni ilgilendirmez.
people are going to rock concerts...not to prayer!!! :)

and alcohol is not an ''illegal thing'' :)

Seems like you have difficulties with understanding simple sentences. I was giving an example, be it religious or unreligious stuff, this event is not about forcing religion to people. I am against forcing religion on people too.

And what's illegal is the underaged people who consumes alchohol in concerts like this.

Why you're keep bringing up examples that have nothing with me ? what can I do about Swiss people ? :D

I already explained enough, Sharia law is based on beliefs of a certain group, while Secular law supposed to be treat everybody equally and can be change according needs of people, I didn't get a clear answer, can orders and prohibits of religion changed in Sharia ? if yes then what is the point on Sharia law ?

You said:
Secular law is not based on orders of a belief, it can change according to needs of people.

I'm giving you an example on that issue. If we see at the "movements" inside the Switzerland, they want the law changed so its no longer a criminal action to do such thing. Considering your sentence above it can only be because those people (According to your theory) have a need called sexual relationship with close family member. And therefore the government wanted to change the law. I'm correct or wrong?

The government or state have some responsibilities. It's not just protecting the country border with heavy weapons, control the next years economical budget. Making international deals with other countries. They have also some responsibility to have harmony and welfare in the country. Thats why many countries have Department of integration ministerial, Social and culture ministerial etc.

These ministerial have some purpose, missions and hopefully visions. It is the governments responsibility to set some moral and ethical standards in the country. To protect the stability and harmony.


Now i have read many comments, some of the secularist Kemalists claim that its their own personal right to do what they wanna do. Its part of democracy.

well since Democracy is majority tyranny (yes it is) then you guys don't have anything to complain about.

The next thing is that some guy said "you guys talk like it was better before." Indeed it wasn't better, therfore the Ottoman imperium fall. But if you use same logic on current status. If yours politicians were better, Akp would not get almost 50% of all voters. This must indicate something to you? (I'm not Akp voter and never will be.)

Stop complaining and take to another country. I heard Akp has made some good agreements around the globe you don't need visa.
İslama geçiş içinde aynı şeyi söyleyebiliriz, eski ahlak anlayışı değişti, özenti mi diyelim ? ahlak deformasyonu mu diyelim buna da ?

Bitiyorum şu beyin yıkandı şöyle kötüye gittik böyle oldu falan safsatalarına, süperdik dimi daha önce ?

Güzel düsünce. Olaya su sekilde bakabilirsin. Ahlak deformasyonu ancak kisi daha kötüye gittiyse gerceklesmis olabilir. Misal vermek gerekirse Islamdan önce tüketilen alkol Islamdan sonra artmis olsa evet ahlak deformasyonu olurdu. Ama böyle bir durum söz konusu degildir. Islamdan cikipta laik bir kafaya bürününce deformasyon olur cünkü az tüketilen icki daha cok olur. Aklima Ilber ortaylinin bir sözü geldi. Bir müslüman devletin laikligini savunabilir ama kisinin laik olmasini asla savunamaz.

Which one of you creeps drove Armstrong away ? You mess with one of us, you mess with all biyatch.....

It was Deno ! Shes mean...!

13 pages of nonsense and BS because of alcohol or something
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