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Fuss on alcohol clouds Istanbul music festival

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Your culture and belief was different 1000 years ago, in your logic with islam we also deformed.

Besides that people's choice does not concerns you, if you don't like it, don't drink.
Your culture and belief was different 1000 years ago, in your logic with islam we also deformed.

Besides that people's choice does not concerns you, if you don't like it, don't drink.

Our culture was targeted since 1700 and thanks to the copycat mentality of you guys we are in a depression like this. And they do this in name of democracy and freedom.

Its not a matter of individual choices because of the fact that people will also start thinking that he has the freedom to do things agains the law. But as i said, freedom always has its limits so stop defending the freedom argument or freedom of choice. If you dont want to accept this law, than go to your homeland america where you can drink so much as you want.
I'm repeating myself, you seriously believe we were better in the past ? and you didn't answered we also deformed when we changed our religion ? morals can change totally or personally, or evolve.

Of course freedom has limits, its limits starts when your freedom starts to harm others.

Only sick minded islamists would see freedom as a threat to their tyranny, as the example shows.
I'm repeating myself, you seriously believe we were better in the past ? and you didn't answered we also deformed when we changed our religion ? morals can change totally or personally, or evolve.

Of course freedom has limits, its limits starts when your freedom starts to harm others.

Only sick minded islamists would see freedom as a threat to their tyranny, as the example shows.

What about sick minded kemalists who limited people with scarf entering universities? In Turkey the tyranny of secularists is (was?) worse than the tyranny of "islamists"
As you know I said many times I'm not supporting the ban of headscarf or any other restrictment againts people's personal beliefs.
Yes we where better in past. The breakpoint was caused by implanting other cultures, liking the way of others and starting to copycat. If we defended our culture and taked our beliefs out from this source with a target, we would be on another point now. You are really pride now while Turkey is far far far very far behind other nations. You searching the cause in religion while the leaders after Ataturk tried to handle like west. Why the copy of modern western civilation and their politics didnt work? Because our origin is different.

Yes Alcohol does harm others even if you use the ''drink in moderation'' argument. Alcohol, even 1 glass is unhealthy agains yourself and this can lead for more problems inside a family. How many families are destroyed by alcohol? And gambling?

To prevent this, the education must start in begin. Learning the childeren that alcohol is haram and that the judgment of it has its wisdom. Or do you know it better then Allah? If you are a disbeliever, then we must talk different.
I would call this post nothing more than demagogy if you were a politican but because you are not one, this is just empty words, as we say in Turkey ''laf kalabalığı'' means verbiage.

I made a deal with Zulkarneyn so I am not going to go into religion part but all the things you have mentioned aren't against civil liberties but they are against morals of people (except euthanasia which is against drug companies) and becuase unfortunately democracy as you put it is ''popular will'' we can't actually reach our full potential.

Impeccable logic as always, Deno ! :girl_wacko:

Sis, most of the things that I said are against 'civil liberties' ! :blink: And how the heck does 'Euthanasia' gets connected to 'drug companies' ? And if democracy isn't the way to go then what is ? Who gets to decide what our 'full potential' is ? You..? I...? The Martians...?

P.S If I were a politician would you vote for me ? Pssst...pssst I'd even subsidize beer and finally get Gala some good players instead of the old fossils that usually play for them ! :azn:
What about sick minded kemalists who limited people with scarf entering universities? In Turkey the tyranny of secularists is (was?) worse than the tyranny of "islamists"

The topic does not go about scarf dont go off-topic.

As you know I said many times I'm not supporting the ban of headscarf or any other restrictment againts people's personal beliefs.

Sorry but you are in a contradiction. A scarf doesnt has its place in contemporary world remember.
Killuminati no one is taking you seriously. Please be quiet with your never-ending conspiracies
I'm repeating myself, you seriously believe we were better in the past ? and you didn't answered we also deformed when we changed our religion ? morals can change totally or personally, or evolve.

Of course freedom has limits, its limits starts when your freedom starts to harm others.

Only sick minded islamists would see freedom as a threat to their tyranny, as the example shows.

I think both you - the Secularists and Us - the Islamists, have an agreement on two things - A need for the Freedom to choose and refuse and the need to limit it ! Our divergence comes at the 'what' and 'where' stages i.e what constitutes as personal freedom and where does the societal benefit becomes significant enough to limit it ? For example..you'd say that drinking is a person's own choice....we'd say - No..! Just as committing suicide or taking drugs isn't a person's own choice...neither is drinking for us ! You'd say let us draw the line at Point 'A'...we'd say lets go further and draw it at Point 'D' ! So whats the fuss about ? And what in god's name about any of that makes us 'sick minded' when we're doing the same thing as you are albeit at different points.
I would call this post nothing more than demagogy if you were a politican but because you are not one, this is just empty words, as we say in Turkey ''laf kalabalığı'' means verbiage.

I made a deal with Zulkarneyn so I am not going to go into religion part but all the things you have mentioned aren't against civil liberties but they are against morals of people (except euthanasia which is against drug companies) and becuase unfortunately democracy as you put it is ''popular will'' we can't actually reach our full potential.

interesting term.....''lafz'' in Urdu means word/expression. Didnt realize also its turkish

so literally it means ''traffic of the words''

i learn something new everyday :D
Hypocricy as its best, we also copied Arabic and Persian culture and way of life so what ?

In the beginning of Republic , all we got was a bunch of illiterate people and an empthy country.

Did you ever wondered why leaders in those times tried to copy west ?(not only Ataturk, almost every leader), because rest of the world was literally in sh.thole, they were following the west from few centuries back.

Thats not different from racism, someone from bubble race did a bad thing ? hate the entire bubble people, or we should ban the religion may be ? because there is some people abusing the religion and harming people ?

Banning is not the solve, make people informed about Alcohol, after that consciously consuming it is their decision.


Find a way that Sharia law only applies to ones that wanting it.
As you know I said many times I'm not supporting the ban of headscarf or any other restrictment againts people's personal beliefs.

You are getting upset because the government wants to ban this concert because of legitimate concerns like underage drinking etc. And you call them islamist tyranny because of that. But i have never seen you critisizing the seculars who have restricted women with scarf entering universities for decades, if this is not tyrannical behaviour what is?
Hypocricy as its best, we also copied Arabic and Persian culture and way of life so what ?

In the beginning of Republic , all we got was a bunch of illiterate people and an empthy country.

Did you ever wondered why leaders in those times tried to copy west ?(not only Ataturk, almost every leader), because rest of the world was literally in sh.thole, they were following the west from few centuries back.

Thats not different from racism, someone from bubble race did a bad thing ? hate the entire bubble people, or we should ban the religion may be ? because there is some people abusing the religion and harming people ?

Banning is not the solve, make people informed about Alcohol, after that consciously consuming it is their decision.


Find a way that Sharia law only applies to ones that wanting it.

Can you rephrase that bit because I don't really understand what you mean ?
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