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Erdoan Over the Edge

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West media and goverenments went to a huge negative policy changes toward Erdogan leadership and AKP governmnet..at any slightest oppurtunity they hardly slam Erdogan...they sometimes accusse him of authoritarian, sultan or even with dictatorships..
Whereas, facts are very far from what west media tries to portray..

Turkey in period of AKP rulings experinced the most democratic era in his near history..
Erdogan remove many articls of law from contstitution which bann or restrict politic freedom, statements and opinions of freedom, rights of minorities etc..
AKP is the first government recognized some cultural and mother language rights of Kurd and gave legal permition to open private and state sponsored TV,radio channels and Kurdish institutions in state universities..

Erdogan eliminated 150 years old of supervision of millitary generals staff on civil policy and civil politicians in turkey..And legally punish many generals and persons who involved in millitary coups..

AKP governmnet cleared many state supported hidden informal mafia and Gladio style organizations from Judiciary system, Army and police instutition which involved ind countless politic assasinations and crimes....improved turkish judiciary system to the EU standars..

AKP government provided women many new legal rights that any government wouldnt be able to do before againist domination of men superiority..

Throughout his 10 years of PM Erdogan didn change even a single article of law which restrict freedom of poitic, stetatment or opinion etc..

i didnt even mention tremendous successes of economic policy of AKP

But, Erdogan in his personal attitudes sometime behave as stubborn, nervous and using hard tone of statement aganist oppotion parties...
and Some regulations like Alcohol regulation caused to escelating tension among hardline secularist spheres.. Such actions creates pretexs to accuse him as authoritarian or dictator by hardline secularist circles...The irony is that amost of those freedom lover!! hardline secularists are pro military coup and were happy in the period of millitary ruling...



It is very clear that West has some anxieties and troubles about leadership of Edogan and gvoerment of AKP...
These unrests by West very simliar to the hates toward sultan Abdulhamid(1876-1909)..

Sultan Abdulhamid ruled Othoman impire for 33 years succesfully...he stopped the declining and weakening process of othoman impire and even didnt let lossing a single span of land in entire of his ruling period.
He was first sultan that laid the foundations of modern education and economic model.As many west monarchies executed their politic opponents Sultan Abdulhamid rarely decided to deaht penalty and iinstead, he usually prefered to exile or arrest his politic enemies and opponents..

After he expelled a Zionist delegation visited him headed by father of zionism Theodor Herzog which offered Sultan to give permition to establish a Jewish state in palastine in return of undertaking payment of all entire foreing depts of othoman impire, west started a large slander campaing with Jewish controlled media institutions againist sultan Abdulhamid..

in 1909 he was dethroned by internal rivals with West support through a military coup...
After him just during of 10 years Othoman impire lost 90% his land.



The "protesters" in Turkey are the usual homeless, jobless, aimless and generally useless losers who can be found in any society. They are acting up for the cameras.

The silent Turkish majority will speak come election time.
The "protesters" in Turkey are the usual homeless, jobless, aimless and generally useless losers who can be found in any society. They are acting up for the cameras.

The silent Turkish majority will speak come election time.

You forgot the part that the biggest part is the youth, like students.
Another braindead useless so called think-thank.
The "protesters" in Turkey are the usual homeless, jobless, aimless and generally useless losers who can be found in any society. They are acting up for the cameras.

The silent Turkish majority will speak come election time.

:lol: No wonder Safriz has been made a Jr.Think Tank. I mean look at this sht... Apparently, the more BS you unload, the better chance you have to be a Think Tank.

Artists, Musicians, Actors, University Students, Engineers, Doctors, Lawyers and others. :wave:

Didn't you know, these professions are being considered as useless and aimless in Pakistan.
We will wait and see in next year's Presidential election if these hooligans represent the silent majority.

People who disrupt businesses, loot and vandalize private property are hooligans.
@Jamaal Yelmaaz

Delete this ugly Pic´s from Western Propaganda ,we have enough Internet Agents here in Forum who will post this everytime.
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We will wait and see in next year's Presidential election if these hooligans represent the silent majority.

People who disrupt businesses, loot and vandalize private property are hooligans.

In every nation-wide demonstration, such unwanted scenes occur. If you are eager to label millions of people as hooligans, looters, useless , etc... over some pictures, then you can also label every Turkish police as a psychopath since there are more footage of police brutality than the pictures of vandalism.

You see, people would expect from a Think Tank to THINK before posting BS.

These protests has nothing to do with legitimacy of Erdogan nor it is an effort to show the world who is majority. It is about freedoms, our freedoms, not some random Pakistani's from god knows which Western country. By the way, the protest has already been successful. Not completely though, that's why it is going to continue.
In every nation-wide demonstration, such unwanted scenes occur. If you are eager to label millions of people as hooligans, looters, useless , etc... over some pictures, then you can also label every Turkish police as a psychopath since there are more footage of police brutality than pictures of vandalism.

You see, people would expect from a Think Tank to THINK before posting BS.

These protests has nothing to do with legitimacy of Erdogan nor it is an effort to show the world who is majority. It is about freedoms, our freedoms, not some random Pakistani's from god knows which Western country. By the way, the protest has already been successful. Not completely though, that's why it is going to continue.

The anti-Ergodan camp has been very vocal on the internet, but I like to hear both sides of the story.

Ten Tweets on the Hypocrisy of the Turkey Protests | MuslimMatters.orgMuslimMatters.org
Kanka, he was not insulting Erdogan or anyone else. He was merely asking for opinions from both sides.

Again, before insulting people, know what is going on and its reason, know the demands of the protestors, know who they are. Make you own research.

Off you go now.
Kanka, he was not insulting Erdogan or anyone else. He was merely asking for opinions from both sides.

The "protesters" in Turkey are the usual homeless, jobless, aimless and generally useless losers who can be found in any society. They are acting up for the cameras.

The silent Turkish majority will speak come election time.

He shouldn't have come up with a conclusion if he had no idea what he is talking about.
Again, before insulting people, know what is going on and its reason, know the demands of the protestors, know who they are. Make you own research.

Off you go now.

Another balanced view of the Turkish protests, by yet another Turk.
You probably won't like this one either.

On the Ground at Gezi Park and Taksim Demonstrations | What Would Muhammad Do?

For those "protesters" who still don't get it, Turkey has a mature democracy. If you want changes, the proper place and time is an election. Disrupting business, harassing women, and vandalizing property is not the way to do it.
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