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Unethical according intolerant people, thats what we're talking about it after all.

Homosexuality is either a matter of choice or about hormons, either way nobody is in the position to judge them, no different from seeing another religion or view as a seed of evil.

For what reason I should have problem with having a homosexual child ? why I should be mad about that ? for what reason ? Homosexual parents raising children could be a problem in the countries which is homosexuality is still a taboo, otherwise as long they raise the children properly nothing is wrong, are all heterosexual parents raising their children properly ?
Unethical according intolerant people, thats what we're talking about it after all.

Homosexuality is either a matter of choice or about hormons, either way nobody is in the position to judge them, no different from seeing another religion or view as a seed of evil.

For what reason I should have problem with having a homosexual child ? why I should be mad about that ? for what reason ? Homosexual parents raising children could be a problem in the countries which is homosexuality is still a taboo, otherwise as long they raise the children properly nothing is wrong, are all heterosexual parents raising their children properly ?

That is your opinion and you are entitled to it as i am entitled to mine.
A family consists of a mother, father and children. Not a father, father and children. I am completely against adoption to homo parents. And i hope Turkey will never grant such rights.
As long as children are raised in proper ways, nothing wrong in homosexual parenting as the sciensific researches shows.

16 pages seriously lets stop it here.
Unethical according intolerant people, thats what we're talking about it after all.

Homosexuality is either a matter of choice or about hormons, either way nobody is in the position to judge them, no different from seeing another religion or view as a seed of evil.

For what reason I should have problem with having a homosexual child ? why I should be mad about that ? for what reason ? Homosexual parents raising children could be a problem in the countries which is homosexuality is still a taboo, otherwise as long they raise the children properly nothing is wrong, are all heterosexual parents raising their children properly ?

Dude, talk with science instead of own crap opinions about it. You have many men that turned to gay after a marriage with woman. I know a guy that left his woman and kids just to become a gay. Gayness is nothing else but handling to lust and a threat agains human being. There is no other possibility in this. Many scientist are getting under fire when they claim that gayness is a deviation. Why?


I am no AKP supporter but the new CHP is very bad; their MP's go support the PKK.

Habur’dan geldi CHP’ye girdi! | Sgk Bilgi

And you lot are talking about headscarfs; we got more important stuff to talk about....

-.-" move on please.

As long as children are raised in proper ways, nothing wrong in homosexual parenting as the sciensific researches shows.

16 pages seriously lets stop it here.

???????!!! Show it.. ''now he gonna search the whole google to proof his statement.''
Nobody is perfect, every human group has rotten eggs inside of it, I had a gay friend with perfect personality and I know many heterosexual people who did many bad things what will we do about that ?

You know how to type ? then google awaits you, I have no reason to educate a troll.

Thats it for me, I wasted a lot time for that thread, if you didn't get anything, read the pages again and again.
Nobody is perfect, every human group has rotten eggs inside of it, I had a gay friend with perfect personality and I know many heterosexual people who did many bad things what will we do about that ?

Now we moved on suddenly to personality? Yes you wasted many places in this thread by your nonsense arguments and then complaining about 16 pages. How celiski.
Yes its about personality what were you thinking ?

Saçmalayan tek kişi sensin, aslında cevap vermeye bile değmessin ama susmuyorsun ki konu kapansın, git önceki mesajları oku daha ne diyeyim ki sana.
We talking about the correctness of the act itself not about the personality. A good personality can not change the fact that gayness is a unnatural act.
The example you gave was about personality, its have nothing gayness.

Empty words again, just end it here okay ?
Ya sen kimsin de insanların Türklüğünü sorguluyorsun? Kamuya açık alanda alkol alınmasının yasaklanmasını savunur, homoseksüellere ölüm diye çemkirir. Sonra batı sistemini eleştirir. Lan sen ve senin gibiler yüzünden o sistemi bir türlü oturtamadık. Oturtabilseydik herkes istediği gibi ibadetini yapar, kimse oruç tutmuyor diye dayak yemez, 12 yaşında kızlarla evlendirilmez, şeyhlerin altına yatmaz, eğitim seviyesi daha yüksek ve refah sahibi bir toplum olurduk.

Muhtemelen otuzlu yaşlarında, lise terk, hayatında bir baltaya sap olamamış, bunu forumlarda ucuz milliyetçilik yaparak gidermeye çalışan bir adamsın. Müzik dinleyenler günaha giriyor diyebilecek kadar kafası bulanmış zavallı bir bireysin. Bari pisliğini gözler önüne serme kendine sakla.

Nasil bir mükemmel sistem ise, herkese özgürlük dagitmis.

Basörtünün, cübbenin, sarigin yasaklanmasi.
Ezanin türkce okutulmasi, arabca ezanin yasaklanmasi.
Aya sofyanin müze haline cevirilmesi.
Islami isimlerin filmlerde ve dizilerde sürekli salak, kötü veya itici karakterlere verilmesi.
Hocalarin sürekli filmlerde vatan haini ve düsmanla isbirlikci gibi gösterilmesi.
Sakal birakanlara yobaz gibi bakilmasi.

Askeriyede askerin dizlerindeki izlere bakarak, namaz kildigini teshis ettikleri anda onu askerden def etmeleri.
Ordunun basina aglama duvarinda zirlayan biri gectigi zaman herseyin normal ama dindar biri gececek olsa irtica gelmesi.
Insanlara zorla sapka giydirtme cabasi.

Cumhuriyetle birlikte egitim sisteminin icerdigi reformlar.
Bunun icinde en art niyetci olani medreselerin kapatilmasi,
Kuran ögreniminin engellenmesi. (Simdi Mustafa Kemalden özel izin alan biri vardi, elmali hamdi Kuranin türkce aciklamasini yazdi filan sözleriyle gelme. Gectik onlari artik.)

Osmanli tarhine dayali ne varsa sindirilmesi ve nerdeyse yok sayilmasi.
Ayib be insan su yazdigindan utanir. Sana Murat Bardakci dan bir video göstereyim. (Heralde onuda seriyatci görmüyorsundur)

bak bur da ne var

Tarihine ihanet ve saygisizlik edenleri millet asla affetmiyeceklerdir. Merak etmeyin.

Ne demistik

Keser döner sap döner, gün gelir hesap döner.
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Write in English you yobaz- don't worry, it is not a sin to write in english; you have my word.
I've just realized that it is (almost) only the Turks who is from Europe that shares pro-Islamic views, and the Turks from Turkey (mostly kemalists) shares anti-islamic views in almost every matter. Turkey is like a hamster who runs in its everlasting cage, trying copycat the western ideologies to reach the same level of developement as the westerners. While Turks in the western world is like an eagle who hunts its own meal, and whose eyes are sharpened that sees the future of Turkey, and they know that real developement, progression and tranquility will come from bringing its own cultural values, and making partners with nations who shares the same cultural and religious values, since it's not easy to trust everybody nowadays.
Because following advancement is bad following backwardness is good.

Those Islamists are killing me.
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