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Fuss on alcohol clouds Istanbul music festival

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Turks should spread ISLAM around the world. My friend from england said that every sunday the people from the church go the muslim areas giving leaflets and inviting people to church in the name of jesus.. Why shouldn't we?
I think we spreaded Islam enoug for one nation. It brought us nothing but war and conflicts. I think we deserve to live peacefully, inside and outside.

A great man once said: "Yurtta sulh, cihanda sulh."
Just do as islam says or these "muslims" will feel insecure.

When you start forcing it it's no longer a religion it's a communal obsession.

You guys are incapable of individual thinking. You may succeed in being the best sheep in the flock and that's as far as you will possibly get.

When did we assert that you have to follow it ? Our only consideration was that if Islamic Finance, Islamic Jurisprudence and Islamic Polity provide an alternative paradigm to the one currently present don't have a hissy fit every time we mention them; if the Turks by and large want 'Secular Laws', 'Capitalist Finance' and 'Secular Politics', that is there prerogative and that can only be changed through Popular Will...if there isn't one then Turkey will continue to be what Mr.Ataturk wanted it to be nothing else. No one asserted anything to the contrary but isn't it our right to hold a 'contrary opinion' ?

As far as 'individual thinking' is concerned ever heard of 'Avicenna, Averroes, Ibn Khaldun, Gazali' and so many others ? Islam never saw any disconnection between 'rationality' and 'faith' otherwise one of the earliest known sects of Islam 'the Mu'tazilla' wouldn't have been born. What there was a difference of opinion was on the 'limits of the human mind', 'of reason', 'of our inability to define them to begin with and then vociferously vouch for them' - these intricacies have been explored and debated to no end by Muslim Polymaths and Theologians ! Try to grab a copy of the any book that captures the critiques and counter-critiques between the Mu'tazilla (the Rationalists) and the Asharis. Heck if not anything else then try to understand how the 4 Sunni Schools of Jurisprudence were formulated and then go and explore the importance of 'speculative theology' in the Muslim World...Sheeps my arse !
When did we assert that you have to follow it ? Our only consideration was that if Islamic Finance, Islamic Jurisprudence and Islamic Polity provide an alternative paradigm to the one currently present don't have a hissy fit every time we mention them; if the Turks by and large want 'Secular Laws', 'Capitalist Finance' and 'Secular Politics', that is there prerogative and that can only be changed through Popular Will...if there isn't one then Turkey will continue to be what Mr.Ataturk wanted it to be nothing else. No one asserted anything to the contrary but isn't it our right to hold a 'contrary opinion' ?
The topic here isn't what Atatürk wanted it to be the problem is what these guys want it to be. They wanna stop me from getting my booze so they can feel more islamic inside :) which is idiotic.

As far as 'individual thinking' is concerned ever heard of 'Avicenna, Averroes, Ibn Khaldun, Gazali' and so many others ? Islam never saw any disconnection between 'rationality' and 'faith' otherwise one of the earliest known sects of Islam 'the Mu'tazilla' wouldn't have been born. What there was a difference of opinion was on the 'limits of the human mind', 'of reason', 'of our inability to define them to begin with and then vociferously vouch for them' - these intricacies have been explored and debated to no end by Muslim Polymaths and Theologians ! Try to grab a copy of the any book that captures the critiques and counter-critiques between the Mu'tazilla (the Rationalists) and the Asharis. Heck if not anything else then try to understand how the 4 Sunni Schools of Jurisprudence were formulated and then go and explore the importance of 'speculative theology' in the Muslim World...Sheeps my arse !
As far as im fascinated by the philosphy i am having trouble finding a place for theology in politics. Since it is a clash of interests rather than thoughts. People change, laws change but justice is eternal and consuming alcohol will never be a crime.

and did i mention you were talking too much to show your point?
When did we assert that you have to follow it ? Our only consideration was that if Islamic Finance, Islamic Jurisprudence and Islamic Polity provide an alternative paradigm to the one currently present don't have a hissy fit every time we mention them; if the Turks by and large want 'Secular Laws', 'Capitalist Finance' and 'Secular Politics', that is there prerogative and that can only be changed through Popular Will...if there isn't one then Turkey will continue to be what Mr.Ataturk wanted it to be nothing else. No one asserted anything to the contrary but isn't it our right to hold a 'contrary opinion' ?

As far as 'individual thinking' is concerned ever heard of 'Avicenna, Averroes, Ibn Khaldun, Gazali' and so many others ? Islam never saw any disconnection between 'rationality' and 'faith' otherwise one of the earliest known sects of Islam 'the Mu'tazilla' wouldn't have been born. What there was a difference of opinion was on the 'limits of the human mind', 'of reason', 'of our inability to define them to begin with and then vociferously vouch for them' - these intricacies have been explored and debated to no end by Muslim Polymaths and Theologians ! Try to grab a copy of the any book that captures the critiques and counter-critiques between the Mu'tazilla (the Rationalists) and the Asharis. Heck if not anything else then try to understand how the 4 Sunni Schools of Jurisprudence were formulated and then go and explore the importance of 'speculative theology' in the Muslim World...Sheeps my arse !

Don't waste your time mate, they will trashtalk you just because you emphasize in your writings. I can assure you many does not have the capability to comprehend what a paradigm shift concerns, nor the evolution of state affairs. There has been status quo in Turkish politics thanks topeople who don't think it is right to evolve from Ataturks "vision". As i said countless of times, as long as we remain a visionless people, we won't break our limits.
Don't waste your time mate, they will trashtalk you just because you emphasize in your writings. I can assure you many does not have the capability to comprehend what a paradigm shift concerns, nor the evolution of state affairs. There has been status quo in Turkish politics thanks topeople who don't think it is right to evolve from Ataturks "vision". As i said countless of times, as long as we remain a visionless people, we won't break our limits.
I have no problem with evolving from Atatürk's vision as far as it doesn't include evolving from sanity :)

You guys are like childeren who found father's car keys u want to do first thing coming to mind but it just isnt right! :)
Yet another wikipedia guy...

Why do you not talk about the flag? I'm waiting patiently...

Have you read what hürruyetcilik and sahsiyetcilik describe according to your basbug?
How funny it is your youth of so called neo ulkuculer that attacks gays in Turkey? ;)

I don't judge your IQ or lower standard of self confidence. It must be your inferiority complex, since you instead of making arguments are offending me. Is this some sort of escapism from the truth that you don't have the required knowledge about ülkücülük?

Or should i say Türk Islam devlet?

Why the flag then?

Do you know what the older generation of your ideology disgust most?
- to look like chp, communists and other atheistic groups. We have reached a point today that i simply cant see any difference between you and for secularists, atheists, kemalists. Except that the only difference between you and them is your point of view on PKK.

Thanks for your time...

Look, I agree on almost every thing you say; i am a man of my word. I only disagree on the part where you lot attack Ataturk. If you have read my post's you will understand that i am not a kemalists because these days CHP and atheists are using his name to attack Islam. I acknowledge the fact that Ataturk supressed the some 'hoca's', but that was for the good of everyone. I rather have AKP in power, than CHP because CHP is full of 'kanı bozuk'. When i was studying in England i fought with many atheists; they look down on religous people which makes me angry.

My point being is that i am no enemy.

This post is also for Zulkarneyn, because i am no robot; i can't work, and reply to two people at a time.
Look, I agree on almost every thing you say; i am a man of my word. I only disagree on the part where you lot attack Ataturk. If you have read my post's you will understand that i am not a kemalists because these days CHP and atheists are using his name to attack Islam. I acknowledge the fact that Ataturk supressed the some 'hoca's', but that was for the good of everyone. I rather have AKP in power, than CHP because CHP is full of 'kanı bozuk'. When i was studying in England i fought with many atheists; they look down on religous people which makes me angry.

My point being is that i am no enemy.

This post is also for Zulkarneyn, because i am no robot; i can't work, and reply to two people at a time.

Well I'm happy to hear that.

Not some, most hoca's was suspended from doing their work.

And when we look back, this is what we got back...

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Because following advancement is bad following backwardness is good.

Those Islamists are killing me.

Who is saying advancement is bad?

Islam is not backwardness, you have yet not understood this and probably never will. It seems hopeless discussing with a guy full of islamophopic views, and the rest lot who thanks his atheist view (including topal). And topal, don't be a bellydancer in between.
Simple, see who is backward who is advanced today, any logical person would tend to advancement, calling them copycats is ridiculous.
The topic here isn't what Atatürk wanted it to be the problem is what these guys want it to be. They wanna stop me from getting my booze so they can feel more islamic inside :) which is idiotic.

As far as im fascinated by the philosphy i am having trouble finding a place for theology in politics. Since it is a clash of interests rather than thoughts. People change, laws change but justice is eternal and consuming alcohol will never be a crime.

and did i mention you were talking too much to show your point?

What are you still strungling for? He owned you, just stop making your self more ridicilous and move on.
a holly epistemological context & words of god ... should be islamic theory of science...I am speechless just brilliant....:) deserves a summa cum laude!

paradigm shift?? before proposing an alternative paradigm for your gods sake... islamists should first focus on the anomalies that they encounter since there are anomalies for all paradigms... but wait yours is a holly one; with an immaculate orgin...words of god! therefore your only option is brushing away these anomalies as misrepresentations & misinterpretations since for you true islam has not been realized in any muslim country yet...and strange enough this argument reminds me marxists.


ban tomato!!!
What are you still strungling for? He owned you, just stop making your self more ridicilous and move on.
so much for talking about individually thinking, he starts quoting and you think he owned me :/

why the hell am i talking to you anyway
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