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Frontier corps under assault in Baluchistan. Where is the action?

Afghanistan Afghanistan Afghanistan

You guys keep on harping about Afghanistan. Nobody cares about that shithole of a country

My concern is Pakistani casualties that are going sky high and Indian casualties that have gone literally to zero

If we are that successful in Afghanistan as you claim then why BLA and TTP both continue to enjoy refuge in Afghanistan? Why we have failed to eliminate their leadership hiding inside Afghanistan?

Whatever success that Afghan taliban have achieved is on their own. We have failed to exploit that victory in our favor. The leadership currently has failed on so many levels. That includes using Taliban victory for own gains too

A COUNTRY that was openly hostile to us, a government that was plotting against us alongside India our main enemy is ON ITS KNEES

This has everything to do with what is happening

its all connected

if FC deaths were happening in normal time I would agree with you and say WTF

but they are NOT
Pakistan has scored a massive strategic victory over multiple states who wished us I'll
Now we need to consolidate that victory

but it's a unfortunate side effect that the pain we are causing our enemies will cause a reaction

They are trying to step up attacks and we will need to be vigilant, brutal and go on the attack

by September all U.S troops will be out
U.S is no longer willing to pay for the Afghan state

Afghanistan will be desperate for Pakistani support and open borders for trade, medicine. EVERYTHING

We will negotiate with what's left of the Afghan state or the Taliban to ensure our strategic interests and victory

with our border's fenced we will indeed mass targeting of enemies within Afghanistan

This is as good as it gets at the moment, it's unfortunate FC have to take the fallout and we of course need to support them but we have scored a massive strategic victory and it's why our enemies are so hurt

The Afghans are looking to strike at us,, simply look on twitter how desperate they are

What many don't realise is that the Taliban themselves want to keep BLA and TTP active, because it gives them leverage over Pakistan.

That is because we are not playing our cards right

Taliban leadership is in Pakistan. They have families here. We can and should force them to eliminate TTP and BLA leadership. But I don't see that happening. Both are still living freely and India continues to use Afghanistan against Pakistan. That is why I say current leadership is a failure. They are failing on far too many levels.
That is because we are not playing our cards right

Taliban leadership is in Pakistan. They have families here. We can and should force them to eliminate TTP and BLA leadership. But I don't see that happening. Both are still living freely and India continues to use Afghanistan against Pakistan. That is why I say current leadership is a failure. They are failing on far too many levels.
We should at least be bombing TTP/BLA in Afghanistan. I don't understand why Pakistan is so scared of bombing Afghanistan?
A COUNTRY that was openly hostile to us, a government that was plotting against us alongside India our main enemy is ON ITS KNEES

This has everything to do with what is happening

its all connected

if FC deaths were happening in normal time I would agree with you and say WTF

but they are NOT
Pakistan has scored a massive strategic victory over multiple states who wished us I'll
Now we need to consolidate that victory

but it's a unfortunate side effect that the pain we are causing our enemies will cause a reaction

They are trying to step up attacks and we will need to be vigilant, brutal and go on the attack

by September all U.S troops will be out
U.S is no longer willing to pay for the Afghan state

Afghanistan will be desperate for Pakistani support and open borders for trade, medicine. EVERYTHING

We will negotiate with what's left of the Afghan state or the Taliban to ensure our strategic interests and victory

with our border's fenced we will indeed mass targeting of enemies within Afghanistan

This is as good as it gets at the moment, it's unfortunate FC have to take the fallout and we of course need to support them but we have scored a massive strategic victory and it's why our enemies are so hurt

The Afghans are looking to strike at us,, simply look on twitter how desperate they are

Again the same rant about Taliban and Afghanistan

Can you please take your head outside Taliban victory against Afghanistan and look at the bigger picture?

We are still getting hits in record numbers despite the alleged victory in Afghanistan. This shows that victory is simply not enough or at least we are not exploiting it to our favor

Taliban won. Good

But we still have a long way to go and our leadership is clueless to how to win this comprehensively in favor of Pakistan. That is the thing right now.
Problem is, a FC soldier is dying the same way he has died since the last 20 years. And since these 2 decades there have been a total of 0 changes in our doctrine.

Let's say we lost 30 FC this month

Let's say we lose 30 FC every month this year (we won't and haven't)

That's 360 FC

In reality we will lose around 200 this year

Now those 200 FC deaths are TRAGIC both for the families and country

But unfortunate to say they mean nothing to little in the greater sense of the strategic interests of the country

india will lose 1000+ to covid today, in reality they number will be 4x greater, AST few months they have officially lost about 4000-5000 per day, in reality 20,000-30000 per day

Millions dead over the last few months

This is just perspective

we cannot forgive any death of FC, but don't panic just yet
We should at least be bombing TTP/BLA in Afghanistan. I don't understand why Pakistan is so scared of bombing Afghanistan?

Read ISPR statement

They have again asked Afghanistan for effective border management

What a joke

This cowardice is the reason our soldiers are dying
Let's say we lost 30 FC this month

Let's say we lose 30 FC every month this year (we won't and haven't)

That's 360 FC

In reality we will lose around 200 this year

Now those 200 FC deaths are TRAGIC both for the families and country

But unfortunate to say they mean nothing to little in the greater sense of the strategic interests of the country

india will lose 1000+ to covid today, in reality they number will be 4x greater, AST few months they have officially lost about 4000-5000 per day, in reality 20,000-30000 per day

Millions dead over the last few months

This is just perspective

we cannot forgive any death of FC, but don't panic just yet
You don't understand my point, we should be focusing on building capabilities to effectively trace the enemy after each and every attack (Gorgon Stare), have the ability to call air support for FC for a very low price (Specialised COIN aircraft) and MRAPs.

But instead we wasted all our money on literally everything else, from Frigates to Tanks, but when it comes to actually building effective ISTAR capabilities, passive long term monitoring and what not, we've come up with every excuse under the sun.

As for FC casualties, that average of 30 a month is going to gradually creep up to 50, then 80, then a 100.
Even one death is one too many, leave this numbers game back in WW2 where it belongs.
Every other nation on earth would've pummeled their enemy on even one death.
Read ISPR statement

They have again asked Afghanistan for effective border management

What a joke

This cowardice is the reason our soldiers are dying
An Afghanistan that doesn't even recognize the border.
That is because we are not playing our cards right

Taliban leadership is in Pakistan. They have families here. We can and should force them to eliminate TTP and BLA leadership. But I don't see that happening. Both are still living freely and India continues to use Afghanistan against Pakistan. That is why I say current leadership is a failure. They are failing on far too many levels.

Pakistan and afghan taliban have agreed on not letting afghanistan territory ro be used against Pakistan.

I do not know what your particular gripe is but if the current regime falls in Afghanistan that will be the biggest strategic victory of any general or governemnt since 2000. The people you criticize had the foresight and are the ones responsible for making the dialogue a reality and subsequent withdrawl of foreign troops.

The past governemnts never even had the guts to openly contradict Afghanistan or even Indian balant propanda. I remember the period of Karzai and ghani initial periods. We were fighting a war and narender modi was invited for weddings.

Neither air power nor bombing Afghanistan is going to solve your problem will only enhance their recruitment drive in Afghanistan. Developing understanding with governemnt in Kabul has always been the answer along with the destruction of their liberal anti state propaganda machine from ptm to karachi to lahore to Islamabad apologist network. which was practically off the table because of puppets of India in kabul.
Ina Lillahi Wa Ina Alaihi Rajioun.

How is it that the previous PML-N Government managed to defeat terrorism in just one Operation Zarb-e-Azb (2014-2016) while we're seeing daily martyrdom of security personal on nearly daily basis under the current incompetent PTI Government?

To me, it feels like it's being deliberately allowed to grow again. Why?
Dear, if Op Z e A would would have been launched before, it would probably have failed.... The environment which facilitated the launch of Op Z e A was molded by earlier operations like Rah e Rast, Nijat, OAM ETC ETC.... Op Z e A was actually the culminating point of all this.... Its not about Generals.... General Raheel would probably have not been successful had he launched the op maybe around 2008.... Or any time before 2010.

bunch of idiots in ISPR now sharing pictures of martyred soldiers wearing photoshopped body armor, just to justify people FC is properly armed …:disagree:
View attachment 758027View attachment 758028
bunch of idiots in ISPR now sharing pictures of martyred soldiers wearing photoshopped body armor, just to justify people FC is properly armed …:disagree:
Must have been an oversight, they are profile photos, not meant to have body armor anyways. Nor are those two from FC, are you sure this photo is from ISPR and not just the media? ISPR Twitter doesn’t have it.
Must have been an oversight, they are profile photos, not meant to have body armor anyways. Nor are those two from FC, are you sure this photo is from ISPR and not just the media? ISPR Twitter doesn’t have it.
What u mean ?? Who have martyred soldiers pictures other then ISPR ?? Every credible Twitter accounts are sharing these pictures
What u mean ?? Who have martyred soldiers pictures other then ISPR ?? Every credible Twitter accounts are sharing these pictures
I’m saying that ISPR has not posted these pictures on their socials. Why would they try to photoshop armor on to profile photos that were clearly taken at safe locations…they’ve never done it before. Maybe ISPR
Provided the picture but someone else edited it.

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