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Friends of Turkey: A light-hearted thread.

The new generation of Turks have little differance and gravitate more towards Ukrainans, Bulgarians, Germans, Isreali's other Turkic people like Azerbaiijabni etc then Pakistani's. What I am saying is Turks are just a Western people compared to Pakiostani's.

I agree with most of your post apart from the above. By the way the point about the Turkish actors was hilarious i.e. when Pakistani Twitter users were questioning the females on their modesty, when wearing bikinis.
Now for the gravitation part, Ukrainians are the most bigoted people on earth when it comes to Turks and Muslims in general. They literally have zero concept of diversity and hold views that would make the SS blush. Do you remember the world cup documentary from the BBC when they were beating up Indian fans in the stadium, despite supporting a Ukrainian team? How about the young chap who came to the UK who decided to blow up three mosques (failed) but managed to martyr an old Pakistani Haji in Birmingham. Having come across regular Ukrainians they strike me as cold, even with other white folk, and certainly not a people that any ethnicity will be drawn to.
I have been to Turkey many times and never seen anyone gravitate to these people, in fact it's the opposite.

The Bulgarians you can say are just as bad if not far worse, these guys literally have the Ottoman Empire burned into them and simply despise Turks, even though nearly 1/10th of the population is Turkish. Their past has been erased by the authorities, or at he very best is not recognised. Sure the brutal purges of the communist days are gone when there were policies like the mass expulsion of Turks!

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Again I have never seen this, but if any young Turks get this idea of cozying up to such people then they are going to get the shock of their lives!
You then mentioned the Germans, I'm sorry having known them all through my life they just plain and simply hold bigoted views towards Turks. We had them on this board, and even the moderate ones let's say didn't have anything good to say about our Turkish friends. It's worse from the Eastern ones, but even the Western ones are very stand offish, and if you can get the Germans to speak openly about it, which is hard as they tend to be refrain themselves you'll see what I mean. How do you think parties such as the AFD became the thirst largest party in Germany, although they've recently slumped in the polls. Much of their rhetoric is anti-Turkish and anti-Muslim. For example Andre Poggenburg, a senior leader of their party called German Turks 'camel drivers' openly! But he 'resigned', but it just goes to show you how rife it is.

The Azeri stuff is spot on, not sure about the Israelis, I don't know any.
You also have to remember the Turks whether they bow fives times a day to prayer, or spend their time drinking, partying etc, are a pragmatic people. They know they have very few if any true allies, and no matter what do view the Pakistanis through the brotherhood prism i.e. if it's not them then we sure as hell can't turn to the Europeans who have never got over their gates of Vienna complex (see France). Many of them do also say that Pakistanis are far more conservative etc and there can be mishaps and some gulf, but not enough for the two people to turn away.
I agree with most of your post apart from the above. By the way the point about the Turkish actors was hilarious i.e. when Pakistani Twitter users were questioning the females on their modesty, when wearing bikinis.
Now for the gravitation part, Ukrainians are the most bigoted people on earth when it comes to Turks and Muslims in general. They literally have zero concept of diversity and hold views that would make the SS blush. Do you remember the world cup documentary from the BBC when they were beating up Indian fans in the stadium, despite supporting a Ukrainian team? How about the young chap who came to the UK who decided to blow up three mosques (failed) but managed to martyr an old Pakistani Haji in Birmingham. Having come across regular Ukrainians they strike me as cold, even with other white folk, and certainly not a people that any ethnicity will be drawn to.
I have been to Turkey many times and never seen anyone gravitate to these people, in fact it's the opposite.

The Bulgarians you can say are just as bad if not far worse, these guys literally have the Ottoman Empire burned into them and simply despise Turks, even though nearly 1/10th of the population is Turkish. Their past has been erased by the authorities, or at he very best is not recognised. Sure the brutal purges of the communist days are gone when there were policies like the mass expulsion of Turks!

Read this;

Again I have never seen this, but if any young Turks get this idea of cozying up to such people then they are going to get the shock of their lives!
You then mentioned the Germans, I'm sorry having known them all through my life they just plain and simply hold bigoted views towards Turks. We had them on this board, and even the moderate ones let's say didn't have anything good to say about our Turkish friends. It's worse from the Eastern ones, but even the Western ones are very stand offish, and if you can get the Germans to speak openly about it, which is hard as they tend to be refrain themselves you'll see what I mean. How do you think parties such as the AFD became the thirst largest party in Germany, although they've recently slumped in the polls. Much of their rhetoric is anti-Turkish and anti-Muslim. For example Andre Poggenburg, a senior leader of their party called German Turks 'camel drivers' openly! But he 'resigned', but it just goes to show you how rife it is.

The Azeri stuff is spot on, not sure about the Israelis, I don't know any.
You also have to remember the Turks whether they bow fives times a day to prayer, or spend their time drinking, partying etc, are a pragmatic people. They know they have very few if any true allies, and no matter what do view the Pakistanis through the brotherhood prism i.e. if it's not them then we sure as hell can't turn to the Europeans who have never got over their gates of Vienna complex (see France). Many of them do also say that Pakistanis are far more conservative etc and there can be mishaps and some gulf, but not enough for the two people to turn away.

Anyone who thinks Turks will "gravitate" towards Europe is deluded....will they take inspiration from Europe? Maybe...

But with the current rise of nationalism around the world, Europe's Islamophobic fervor and other factors...I see otherwise.
Pakistan itself will get more 'secular' down the line with better education and modernization with underlying muslimness. I don't think there's diversion. Clubs/alcohol women situation is low key allover Pakistan. I think Pakistanis accept Turkeys modern edge.

Pakistan came out of its worst extremist dark period with Turkish relations stronger then ever. I think Turkey and China issues are too hyped, mainly due to gassed up people on forums.
I agree with most of your post apart from the above.
I mean't in cultural way. You would have noticed masses of Ukrainanians in Istanbul. And don't ever say this to Turks but most Anatolians are native Hitites washed with waves of Greeks, Bulgars, Macedoniians, Serbs. A very tny % of Turkish DNA is actually Turkic from Central Asia. Most Turks cluster with Balkan, Italian, Greek and other Meditearnean peoples. There is precious little "desi" about them. Thus the shock when out lot found out Esra in real life.
I mean't in cultural way. You would have noticed masses of Ukrainanians in Istanbul. And don't ever say this to Turks but most Anatolians are native Hitites washed with waves of Greeks, Bulgars, Macedoniians, Serbs. A very tny % of Turkish DNA is actually Turkic from Central Asia. Most Turks cluster with Balkan, Italian, Greek and other Meditearnean peoples. There is precious little "desi" about them. Thus the shock when out lot found out Esra in real life.

Bro yes , I’ve seen it along with the Russians when they used to come but their personal views are solid. They are on holiday and looking for a good time. But they are no friends to Turks heck anyone different for that matter. Although the ones aboard tend to be nicer, but there’s simply no merging of people going on.
That’s not to say you don’t get nice folks but there are clear lines. I’ve met tons of nice EE folk but they have clear views.
Anyone who thinks Turks will "gravitate" towards Europe is deluded....will they take inspiration from Europe? Maybe...

But with the current rise of nationalism around the world, Europe's Islamophobic fervor and other factors...I see otherwise.

I’d say aside the British and Nordic countries, most Europeans are certainly hostile to Turkey. Check out the social media scene regarding Armenia for a start.
But I respect the Turks for one thing. Out of a mass of ethnic groups, Balkan, Greek, Bulgars, Tatar, Georgian, Chechen, Chuvash, Macedonian, Circassian, Armenian, Kurds they managed to make uber-nationalistic Turkey with their own brand "Turkey". Despite Turks sharing amazing similarity to Greeks the Turks have a clear identity as "Turks" unlike our lot who dance around with Desi food, Asian dress, Muslim culture, Pakistan Army, South Asian, Indian etc with identities jumping around.
But I respect the Turks for one thing. Out of a mass of ethnic groups, Balkan, Greek, Bulgars, Tatar, Georgian, Chechen, Chuvash, Macedonian, Circassian, Armenian, Kurds they managed to make uber-nationalistic Turkey with their own brand "Turkey". Despite Turks sharing amazing similarity to Greeks the Turks have a clear identity as "Turks" unlike our lot who dance around with Desi food, Asian dress, Muslim culture, Pakistan Army, South Asian, Indian etc with identities jumping around.

Except for anything Indian (most of which is influenced by Muslims or Islam one way or another), I have never seen the majority change their stance of who they are. Pakistani and Muslim is what the overwhelming majority says.

The divide you seek in Pakistan is not the one there is. :D
For the stunned reaction of Turks to the sudden and unexpected opening of population registers on an online genealogy database three weeks ago was so immediate and so vast that the system crashed within hours. Rather a lot of Turks, it turned out, were actually Armenians – or part-Armenians – or even partly Greek or Jewish. And across the mountains of eastern Anatolia – and around the cities of Istanbul, Izmir, Erzurum, Van and Gaziantep and along the haunted death convoy routes to Syria, ancient ghosts climbed out of century-old graves to reassert their Armenian presence in Turkish history. For the registry proved that many of them – through their families – were still alive.


I think there is more to it than what meets the eye between Pakistan and Azerbaijan, especially if you connect the statements by foreign office, the pm tweet, the constant mention of Pakistan by Azerbaijan president (the only other country he mentions with such regard is Turkey which is actively supporting militarily), the Armenian prime minister statement etc. Are our advisors involved?

Maybe I need to go to bed now :D
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