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Friends of Turkey: A light-hearted thread.

Thanks brother. Please show your patriotism and your love. We support Turks and Azerbaycan 100%.

We have Muslim brothers all over the world, but with Turks, we are blood brothers. We felt the same pain, we felt the same defeats, and together we celebrate our victories.

If there is an Ummah today, it is only Turkey, Azerbaycan, and Pakistan.

We, all three, are free of racism and sectarian poison. Our hearts are open to all.

Yet if you poke one of our eyes out, all three us will fight together to defend the honor of our blood brother.

I used to have a Tunisian friend, he would tell me something similar to that tweet.

Among North Africans, Berber region, the general perception is that the people in our region, South Asia, he basically would say you guys or Pakistanis, because he knew I was, anyway, the perception is we are far better Muslims than them, and apparently they have a lot of respect of Pakistanis.

I thought it's related, still Muslim brotherhood etc.
I highly appreciate this thread but a lot of Turks were banned this year and need to be unbanned for them to participate.

But, let me do my part to attract attention to this thread. @T-123456 add more Turks here!

Banned....exactly my point. :lol:

This member I believe was banned because of her AKP stance and honestly she likes to troll the secular Turks. She was banned before the dispute that make many Turkish members leave the forum

I used to have a Tunisian friend, he would tell me something similar to that tweet.

Among North Africans, Berber region, the general perception is that the people in our region, South Asia, he basically would say you guys or Pakistanis, because he knew I was, anyway, the perception is we are far better Muslims than them, and apparently they have a lot of respect of Pakistanis.

I thought it's related, still Muslim brotherhood etc.

North Africans are very pro-Ottoman also. Their flags are all based on the Beylik of Tunis and the Barbary Corsairs.

This is why people of Libya welcomes Turks as allies and helpers.

Please do not reply to trolls bro, this thread is for Turks and friends of Turks. These spoilers hacme a whole other forum to spout their nonsense.

You're no better than Indian quoting bollywood movies as a fact. :lol:

Turks & Mongols conquered and kicked around China for many centuries. Your currency is named after the Mongol Dynasty, so is one of your subs, your capital is also where the Mongols made their capital. Want me to go on? Because I'll move the discussion to another thread and you'll derailing this and that thread too.

Report please and do not engage.

let's also not bring China into this. It has no relation to the OP.
Some food items in Turkey which are similar to Pakistan


Lahmacun - Pakistani Keema alle naan


Köfte Kebap - Pakistani Koftey


Adana Kebap - our Seekh Kabab


Şiş Tavuk - Pakistani Tikke Kabab


Haydari - similar to Garlic sauce eaten in Pakhawar, KPK, and Afghanistan


Cacık - kind of like a thicker Cucumber Raita


Kahva - simple black tea, our kava


Halva :smitten:- Sooji da Halva (badam ala)

Waah ji waah.


Cezeriye - Gajjar da Halva


Türkiye çok yaşa

Pakistan Zindabad

Yaşasın Azərbaycan
Turks & Mongols are cousins, thus the similarities. Doesn't matter their religion. Both interacted with each other in the same areas. Both kicked your butt.

Your current generals look Mongolian btw, probably are from Inner Mongolia. And I know a Mongolian when I see one. :lol:

And I know a hater based on religious differences when I see one too.....you. So before I spank you around some more, better you exit this thread peacefully.

Bhai, pls do not reply to trolls, just report and leave them.

I have spoken to Mods and they have assured their cooperation with this thread.
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15 Top-Rated Tourist Attractions in Turkey

Written by Jess Lee
Mar 27, 2019

Packed to the brim with ancient monuments left over from a parade of conquerors, and endowed with showcase scenery that never fails to impress, Turkey is a dazzling destination that straddles Asia and Europe. Its vibrant culture, famous food, and vast history wow all who venture here, while its glorious landscapes-from the sun-soaked Mediterranean to the mighty mountains and arid steppe-are highlights in themselves.

Whether you want to lap up the Byzantine and Ottoman glories of Istanbul on a city break, laze on the beach, delve into history wandering through ruins such as Ephesus, or see some of the world's most surreal panoramas in Pamukkale and Cappadocia, this country has attractions galore. For more ideas on things to see and do, read our list of the top tourist attractions in Turkey.

1. Aya Sofya

Aya Sofya

Aya Sofya

Renowned as one of the most beautiful buildings in the world, the spellbinding Byzantine glory of the Aya Sofya Museum (Hagia Sophia) is not only one of the top things to do in Istanbul, but also in Turkey.

The staggering bulk of its exterior is rimmed by the delicate minarets added after the Ottoman conquest, while the sumptuous and cavernous frescoed interior is a grand reminder of old Constantinople's might and power. This famed monument is a must-do for every tourist visiting the country.

Accommodation: Top-Rated Places to Stay in Istanbul

2. Ephesus



Not to be missed, the mighty ruin of Ephesus is a city of colossal monuments and marble-columned roads. One of the most complete, still-standing Roman cities in the Mediterranean region, this is the place to experience what life must have been like during the golden age of the Roman Empire.

A sightseeing trip here will take at least half a day to cover the major highlights and longer, if you really want to explore, so make sure you plan your visit so you don't feel rushed.

Accommodation: Where to Stay near Ephesus

3. Editor's Choice Cappadocia



The surreal, swooping rock valleys of Cappadocia are every photographer's dream. Cliff ridges and hill crests are home to rippling panoramas of wave-like rock or wacky-shaped pinnacles that have been formed by millennia of wind and water action.

And if you don't feel like hiking for the views, this is one of the world's top destinations to take a hot air balloon ride. If the lunar-scape isn't enough to tempt you, nestled in these valleys are the frescoed rock-cut churches of the Byzantine Era, when this area was an important early Christian site.

Accommodation: Where to Stay in Cappadocia

4. Topkapi Palace

Topkapi Palace

Topkapi Palace

Sumptuous beyond belief, the Topkapi Palace takes you into the fantastical, opulent world of the sultans. It was from here that the sultans of the Ottoman Era carved out an empire that would extend up into Europe and down through the Middle East and into Africa.

The interiors, with their decadently exuberant tiling and lavish jeweled decor, are an unforgettable peek into the Ottoman's power base. The surrounding public gardens were once the sole domain of the Royal Court but are now open to the public and provide a tranquil, green respite from the city streets.

Accommodation: Top-Rated Places to Stay in Istanbul

5. Pamukkale



One of Turkey's most famous natural wonders, the pure white travertine terraces of Pamukkale ("Cotton Castle" in English) cascade down the slope looking like an out-of-place snowfield amid the green landscape. Although the travertines are themselves a highlight of a Turkey trip, the vast and rambling ruins of Roman Hierapolis, an ancient spa town, lie on the top of this calcite hill, providing another reason to visit.

For the best photographs, come at dusk when the travertines glow as the sun sinks below the horizon.

Accommodation: Where to Stay near Pamukkale


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Whenever I hear this music, I found some pain and sorrow, which reminds the struggle of Sultan Abdul Hamid Han, who defends the whole Muslim world and his nation against the British, Americans, and Russians. Great Sultan and a faithful follower of Prophet Muhammad(pbuh). I dont believe the lies people make about Erdogan; they are jealous of his success. May the Islamic caliphate rise again❤🇹🇷🇹🇷
This was my music during my personal tragedy in life and my long endless walks, but then ertugural music gave me hope with zikr of Muhammad PBUH and the power of astaghfar .. now i run half marathons on, from hopelessness to hopeful..... but this music is still significant when i see injustice and the pain is overwhelming due to the tragedy of islamic world, the unity, the millat ...

Brothers, add some of your passion to this thread.

I mean't in cultural way. You would have noticed masses of Ukrainanians in Istanbul. And don't ever say this to Turks but most Anatolians are native Hitites washed with waves of Greeks, Bulgars, Macedoniians, Serbs. A very tny % of Turkish DNA is actually Turkic from Central Asia. Most Turks cluster with Balkan, Italian, Greek and other Meditearnean peoples. There is precious little "desi" about them. Thus the shock when out lot found out Esra in real life

As always anti-Turk GUYS like you from the US and the UK attack Turkish People and Turkiye

We dont care about DNA and who is who

Turkiye = Ottoman Empire

and between 1821 and 1922 , millions of muslim Albanians , Bosnians , Macedonians , Pomaks , Circassians , Abkhazians , Chechens , Ossetians , Georgians , etc came to Anatolia ( Turkiye ) from Balkans and Caucasia to save themselves from being slaughtered by christian Russians , Serbs , Greeks , Bulgars

also there are millions of muslim Kurds and Arabs in Turkiye
even Turkiye hosts over 3,5 million of Syrian refugees and most of them never will return to Syria
but S.Arabia,The Uae,Egypt,Bahreyn dont help even their Arab brothers , They don't help Turks at all

today only Turkiye,Bosnia and Pakistan support muslim Azerbaijan against christian Armenia who is backed by Russia,France and The US

so We Turks are not racist People and We dont care about DNA
We Turks help to muslims whenever we can from Bosnia to Arakan , from Somalia to Afghanistan , from Palestine to East Turkestan

also We Turks fought for İSLAM since 1096 CRUSADE
even Ottoman Empire sent Navy and troops to Jeddah ( S.Arabia ) , İndia and İndonesia to help muslims against christian Portugal who was great Naval Power in the 16th century

also Turkiye always support Palestine against İsrael/The US
Turkiye support Pakistan ( Kashmir ) against İndia
Turkiye support East Turkestan against China
Turkiye support Azerbaijan , Syrian and Libyan People against Russia-İran

and Turkiye always paid heavy price economically and militarily for supporting Muslims against big powers like İsrael/The US , İndia , China , Russia-İran and Europe

so Pakistan People is real brother in the eyes of Turkish People
and We Turks never will forget about Pakistani help to the Turks against the UK,France,Greece,Armenia in the Turkish War of Independence

The love of the Turks and Pakistanis to each other is so old that it will never break
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