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Re-post: Refutation of the false allegations that Pakistan supports terrorism against Iran

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Here is simple answer , Pakistan and Iran both are economically weak states, it is fact both lands been used by others. Indian used Iranain land under the cover of construction companies to hit inside Pakistan, mainly Quetta and Gawadar. And Isreali used Pak land under CIA agents cover to hit inside Iran, where they killed political and people linked to nuclear field. We discuss this issue many times with proves. Both side suffered enough. Time to move on .
You never know its Israel-India joint operation on both side .

Pakistan and Iran never had a rivalry except in the 1990s in Afghanistan where the two countries were on the opposite sides--and so were Pakistan and Turkey!
Iran is/was an expansionist regime while Pakistan had no interest beyond safeguarding Pakistan's interests against India--a formidable tasks. Iranians know that and the world knows that. This is an essential truth which I guess all foreign policy planners in most countries know and that's what informs their foreign policies wrt to Pakistan.

But, as you said, both are weak countries and are susceptible to outside incursions. Iranians have a semi-justified suspicion of Pakistan because of Pakistan's close alliance with the Arabs and, until recently, with Washington and by extension with Iran's mortal enemies the Israelis. And Pakistanis are also justified to suspect the Iranian motives considering Iran after 1979 had started to use sectarianism in Pakistan to advance the Iranian goals.

Until great powers like China and Russia offer iron clad assurances to both countries to bring them together, I foresee the mutual distrust to continue.

India and it's role in Iran is miniscule in this debate. Indians can be easily kicked out of whatever little presence they have in Iran--and Iranian leadership have time and again clearly spoken about Kashmir, to give you an idea where India stands in Iran
Iran will never be friend with any muslim country (Shia or Sunni) and it will always align itself with your non-mulsim foe, just look around in our neighborhood and give me any example contrary to what i said. They are on a revenge mode for destroying persian empire.
The ones that attacked us either 14 centuries ago or 3 decades ago were Arabs ... and when Arabs attacked Kuwait we extended our hands for Kuwaiti people and sheltered them .. as we did the exact same thing for Iraqis when american and their Arabs allies attacked Iraq after 8 years of supporting its dictator killing Iranians ... or we did it the same in Bosnia -- Arbil - Qatar - Lebanon and Palestine ... we are sanctioned left and right due to our stance regarding Palestine ... the one which is receiving F15 and F35 have aligned itself with non-mulsim foes .. not Iran ...
I dunno what you guys smoke but whatever it's it takes you to a parallel world which in reality is upside down ....
Iran will never be friend with any muslim country (Shia or Sunni) and it will always align itself with your non-mulsim foe, just look around in our neighborhood and give me any example contrary to what i said. They are on a revenge mode for destroying persian empire.
But we can say Iranian govt is friendly with Iraqi govt, UAE govt, even Afganistan govt. I do agree that Iran has serious ideological disagreements with many relevant Islamic countries, but you making it seem like Iran has no friends is not true. I think Iran didnt use to have Arab friends decades ago, not today...
Iran will never be friend with any muslim country (Shia or Sunni) and it will always align itself with your non-mulsim foe, just look around in our neighborhood and give me any example contrary to what i said. They are on a revenge mode for destroying persian empire.
Why should they even side with so called Muslims in the first place?$ Iran is older than Islam and religion changes many time soon iran will be Christian Zoroastrian atheist majority state
Why should they even side with so called Muslims in the first place?$ Iran is older than Islam and religion changes many time soon iran will be Christian Zoroastrian atheist majority state

Iran will always and only be a Zoroastrian land and people.

Other religions and people are welcome as long as they are of and from that land and it's bloodlines.

Iran was Zoroastrian long before the idea of Judaism was seeded in the Levant.

Christianity and then Islam followed a lot later.

Cheers, Doc
Iran will never be friend with any muslim country (Shia or Sunni) and it will always align itself with your non-mulsim foe, just look around in our neighborhood and give me any example contrary to what i said. They are on a revenge mode for destroying persian empire.

But that's absurd.

If their empire and civilization was destroyed by Muslims.

Why would they themselves be Muslim today.

And still war with Muslims?

It does not even make sense in a warped and twisted way.

Then again, both of us being Hendi, we cannot understand.

Maybe we should invite the Iranians here to clarify and explain it to us?

Cheers, Doc
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Iran will always and only be a Zoroastrian land and people.

Other religions and people are welcome as long as they are of and from that land and it's bloodlines.

Iran was Zoroastrian long before the idea of Judaism was seeded in the Levant.

Christianity and then Islam followed a lot later.

Cheers, Doc

But that's absurd.

If their empire and civilization was destroyed by Muslims.

Why would they themselves be Muslim today.

And still war with Muslims?

It does not even make sense in a warped and twisted way.

Then again, both of us being Hendi, we cannot understand.

Maybe we should invite the Iranians here to clarify and explain it to us?

Cheers, Doc
That’s exactly what they don’t understand
That’s exactly what they don’t understand

The fire is within brother.

Cheers, Doc
The ones that attacked us either 14 centuries ago or 3 decades ago were Arabs ... and when Arabs attacked Kuwait we extended our hands for Kuwaiti people and sheltered them .. as we did the exact same thing for Iraqis when american and their Arabs allies attacked Iraq after 8 years of supporting its dictator killing Iranians ... or we did it the same in Bosnia -- Arbil - Qatar - Lebanon and Palestine ... we are sanctioned left and right due to our stance regarding Palestine ... the one which is receiving F15 and F35 have aligned itself with non-mulsim foes .. not Iran ...
I dunno what you guys smoke but whatever it's it takes you to a parallel world which in reality is upside down ....

Of all the human anatomy, its the Balls and Spine that are genetic. Racial.

Cheers, Doc
That’s exactly what they don’t understand
So let's make it bite size...
* Persian is an Indo-European language.
* Just like Persian language Aryans are and were not native to what is today the land of Aryans.
* Avestan and Sanskrit are conjoined twins with similar roots and similar traditions in priestly class connecting hindus and zoros.
* Just like the foreign origin of language, R1a haplogroup is foreign and a minority in Iran.
* J1 and J2, quintessential middle eastern haplogroups, are most common in Iran.
* Just like Avestan and Sanskrit origins, R1a is most common in Afghanistan, Tajikistan and Pakistan triangle.
* Abbasid Caliphate was as much Arab as the name Baghdad itself... essentially Persian sanctioned and appropriated regime.
* Last Persian empire The Saffarids ruled essentially from what is today Afghanistan.
* For a thousand years Iranians were ruled by Turks appropriating Persian language.
* Mongols took out around a third of then Persian population.
* Unlike popular belief, Iranians for the most part were and remained Ahl-Sunnah until another Turk dynasty put paid to that...
* Iranian and Persian nationalism is interestingly similar to Hinduvadi appropriation of pseudo history.
* zoros are Indian and have been Indian for sometime now... except their frat club would tell them otherwise.

What is at play is instead misplaced jingoism, appropriation and historical grievance(s) to make a cause(another topic)... when a lot of water has gone under the bridge.
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So let's make it bite size...
* Persian is an Indo-European language.
* Just like Persian language Aryans are and were not native to what is today the land of Aryans.
* Avestan and Sanskrit are conjoined twins with similar roots and similar traditions in priestly class connecting hindus and zoros.
* Just like the foreign origin of language, R1a haplogroup is foreign and a minority in Iran.
* J1 and J2, quintessential middle eastern haplogroups, are most common in Iran.
* Just like Avestan and Sanskrit origins, R1a is most common in Afghanistan, Tajikistan and Pakistan triangle.
* Abbasid Caliphate was as much Arab as the name Baghdad itself... essentially Persian sanctioned and appropriated regime.
* Last Persian empire The Saffarids ruled essentially from what is today Afghanistan.
* For a thousand years Iranians were ruled by Turks appropriating Persian language.
* Mongols took out around a third of then Persian population.
* Unlike popular belief, Iranians for the most part were and remained Ahl-Sunnah until another Turk dynasty put paid to that...
* Iranian and Persian nationalism is interestingly similar to Hinduvadi appropriation of pseudo history.
* zoros are Indian and have been Indian for sometime now... except their frat club would tell them otherwise.

What is at play is instead misplaced jingoism, appropriation and historical grievance(s) to make a cause(another topic)... when a lot of water has gone under the bridge.

What's the point you are trying to make.

Why do Pakistanis get so insecure when it comes to Iranians and faith.

It must be some sort of syndrome.

They converted you.

Now they're reverting.

Where does that leave you?


Sorry man. I find you guys hilarious. Your little brown insecurities.

Worth a ban. Old wisdom mere gote.

Cheers, Doc
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What's the point you are trying to make.

Why do Pakistanis get so insecure when it comes to Iranians and faith.

It must be some sort of syndrome.

They converted you.

Now they're reverting.

Where does that leave you?


Sorry man. I find you guys hilarious. Your little brown insecurities.

Worth a ban. Old wisdom mere gote.

Cheers, Doc

No cheetos!

Reflection pisses you off, and that triggers the innate insecurities of fire hindus. So, I understand...

Converted? Reverting...


The above is exactly that, a reflection!
Wannabe Aryans, who are just any other middle easterners speaking an alien language and glorifying a colonizer...

Would that be any different from glorifying any other, say Turks?
In fact all past thousand years of heritage and architecture is just that, imposed!

Or perhaps, Arabs?
Didn't they rule under the guise of Abbasid Caliphate or help bring them to power? Or, one of their ancestors is the progenitor of Ahl-Sunnah school of thought? Or, that it is in fact Arabic that enriched Persian and not the other way round?

Pride? Pardon me! What kind of pride is this? On who's behest?
What crutches do you have of pride?
Yours is a community of pooper scoopers!
And, you here keep polishing a turd of gargantuan proportions, day in and day out, just like your ancestors! Hoping to sell it to those who are just as clueless as yourself(but you guys are wilfully so)...
Is being a frat hindu that bad?

Cheech and Chong!
It's a simple answer. Jundullah is a banned organisation. Pakistan hunts down its members and prosecutes them.

This is just one example. What has Iran done against Indian terrorists operating from thier soil.
Iran has done nothing. Sunnis are not allowed to build mosques in Iran with freedom. The Mullahs have their own narrow minded agenda
So let's make it bite size...
* Persian is an Indo-European language.
* Just like Persian language Aryans are and were not native to what is today the land of Aryans.
* Avestan and Sanskrit are conjoined twins with similar roots and similar traditions in priestly class connecting hindus and zoros.
* Just like the foreign origin of language, R1a haplogroup is foreign and a minority in Iran.
* J1 and J2, quintessential middle eastern haplogroups, are most common in Iran.
* Just like Avestan and Sanskrit origins, R1a is most common in Afghanistan, Tajikistan and Pakistan triangle.
* Abbasid Caliphate was as much Arab as the name Baghdad itself... essentially Persian sanctioned and appropriated regime.
* Last Persian empire The Saffarids ruled essentially from what is today Afghanistan.
* For a thousand years Iranians were ruled by Turks appropriating Persian language.
* Mongols took out around a third of then Persian population.
* Unlike popular belief, Iranians for the most part were and remained Ahl-Sunnah until another Turk dynasty put paid to that...
* Iranian and Persian nationalism is interestingly similar to Hinduvadi appropriation of pseudo history.
* zoros are Indian and have been Indian for sometime now... except their frat club would tell them otherwise.

What is at play is instead misplaced jingoism, appropriation and historical grievance(s) to make a cause(another topic)... when a lot of water has gone under the bridge.
Islam entered Iran by the sword also why the Iranian have to follow a religion that just a silly copy of the Zoroastrian faith?!
Here is simple answer , Pakistan and Iran both are economically weak states, it is fact both lands been used by others. Indian used Iranain land under the cover of construction companies to hit inside Pakistan, mainly Quetta and Gawadar. And Isreali used Pak land under CIA agents cover to hit inside Iran, where they killed political and people linked to nuclear field. We discuss this issue many times with proves. Both side suffered enough. Time to move on .
You never know its Israel-India joint operation on both side .


Islam entered Iran by the sword also why the Iranian have to follow a religion that just a silly copy of the Zoroastrian faith?!
You fancy fire too? Besides ask the zoro guy, it's been a merry go round for Iranians if you got a sword... so yes, it becomes kinda silly at some point on which former glory you want to celebrate.

Do everyone a favor and join the zoro into extinction!
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