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French Muslim girl banned from class for wearing long skirt

The rules are sames for the jews and Christians as well and i can see no religious discrimination or islamophobia here.
"When in rome live like the romans"
Exactly the point. And then we complain bout racism. Point is simple. Dont try to be od man out. U wont be treated racially.

Its a misconception that color creates racism. Its the personality and culture and their difference with the locals that bring racism.
hmmm... Good Question, see if follower of Arabic religion answer this properly..

Why Beard?
Why ankle high Pajama?
Why Burka?
Why Sharia?

Why why why??

No religious stupidity please..

Why beard? Recommended but not compulsory.
Why ankle high pajama? I don't know, mostly a South Asian thing.
Why Burka? Arabic dress, Hijab is fine for modesty too, I guess it comes to personal choice.
Why Sharia? Depends on which type of Muslim you ask.

Now its your turn to answer my questions little man.

Why the red dot?
Why worship statues which can't move or talk?
Why burn the dead and throw their burnt bodies in a River?
Why do Hindu priests wear saffron coloured clothes?
Well.. When you're in Rome do as the Romans do. You can't really expect to do as you please in a country which has become quite paranoid with a certain religious group.
As usual, when there no answer , make diversion - English error , grammar error,spelling mistake :blah::blah::blah: :coffee::coffee:

Truth hurts sometime ....

No seriously you don't type in clear English, go learn English.
I want to know from my Muslim friends here

@Color_Less_Sky @jamahir

Why do Muslims always go out of their way to look different?

Is it some sort of ghetto persecution rebound mentation?

The beard, the jaali waali topi, the kajal in the eyes, the typical kurta pyjama. I mean, normal clean shaven, t-shirt, jeans a problem?

well, surma in the eyes is okay, i think, but the others are not.

there is a slight difference in why dressing changes happened in indian muslims and those in the west... also the ladies in socialist/socialistic muslim societies dressed differently than those in "muslim" nations allied to the western bloc.

below is asma al-assad, wife of bashar, the president of syria, which is a society guided by socialism...


compare that to the wife of turkey's president...


in case of indian muslims, all this "looking different" has come in the last 20 years... if i can show you family photographs of mine, there is no burqa or much beard visible... same will be case for others.

four things happened to change the dressage and psyche of many indian muslims...

1. influence of khomenei, the iran mullah who ordered death on salman rushdie in 1989... since most indian muslims were not politically aware, they looked khomenei's strict face ( i would say, strange ) and thought that is how a muslim leader dresses... even though khomenei is shia and india muslims are majorly not, this "death fatwa" encouraged the deoband/tableeghi-jamaat mullahs to spread their regressive reactionary ideas in india, including about dressing.

even though saddam hussain became a hero in india in 1990-91, his dressing and the atmosphere of iraq did not permeate among indian muslims because of them being not politically aware.

2. the babri masjid demolition of 1992 again led to more "closing of the ranks".

3. it was in the late 90's or early 2000's when the burqa really became adopted in a major way... the workers from kerala who returned from the gulf were bringing ideas of dressing, especially female dressing... even though burqa is from iran region it had been adopted by the gulf wahabi movement in a big way... in india, in places like bangalore and kerala, burqa became to become more and more visible... the tableeghi jamaat began having many members from kerala and the reactionary ideas of tableegh were forced upon indian muslims, because not many muslims in the world bother to actually read quran ( in arabi or in english ), leaving this to the professional priest ( the mullah ).

4. "peace tv" of zakir naik, funded by gulf money, was the last nail in the coffin... you can see from below picture the extent of the changed mentality...


in case of most european countries, in preceding decades, there were many muslim political emigrants from socialist muslim nations... these emigrants went there because they either ran away or were exiled... this happened because the emigrants were deemed reactionary and regressive in their societies by the socialist/socialistic governments so the west was a safe place for them ( capitalist western bloc versus socialist eastern bloc ).

in france, much of the muslim emigrants are from north africa... algeria fought a war in the 90's with the reactionary terrorists of fis and gia groups, which are derivations of the ikhwaan movement.

it is worth nothing that the ikhwaan movement, original to british-time egypt, was influenced by the indian tableeghi jamaat in the 1940's or thereabouts... many of the "muslim" reactionary groups in the world are influenced either by ikhwaan or directly by tableeghi jamaat... so even thought indian muslims don't generally participate in terrorism, they certainly create the atmosphere and brainwashing for others.

below two pics are of algerian ladies in algeria... compare them to many algerian females in france...



what is wrote made a rough sketch... you can extend that to any muslim society, be it pakistan or be it somalia.

@Ceylal you want to add anything here??
well, surma in the eyes is okay, i think, but the others are not.

there is a slight difference in why dressing changes happened in indian muslims and those in the west... also the ladies in socialist/socialistic muslim societies dressed differently than those in "muslim" nations allied to the western bloc.

below is asma al-assad, wife of bashar, the president of syria, which is a society guided by socialism...


compare that to the wife of turkey's president...


in case of indian muslims, all this "looking different" has come in the last 20 years... if i can show you family photographs of mine, there is no burqa or much beard visible... same will be case for others.

four things happened to change the dressage and psyche of many indian muslims...

1. influence of khomenei, the iran mullah who ordered death on salman rushdie in 1989... since most indian muslims were not politically aware, they looked khomenei's strict face ( i would say, strange ) and thought that is how a muslim leader dresses... even though khomenei is shia and india muslims are majorly not, this "death fatwa" encouraged the deoband/tableeghi-jamaat mullahs to spread their regressive reactionary ideas in india, including about dressing.

even though saddam hussain became a hero in india in 1990-91, his dressing and the atmosphere of iraq did not permeate among indian muslims because of them being not politically aware.

2. the babri masjid demolition of 1992 again led to more "closing of the ranks".

3. it was in the late 90's or early 2000's when the burqa really became adopted in a major way... the workers from kerala who returned from the gulf were bringing ideas of dressing, especially female dressing... even though burqa is from iran region it had been adopted by the gulf wahabi movement in a big way... in india, in places like bangalore and kerala, burqa became to become more and more visible... the tableeghi jamaat began having many members from kerala and the reactionary ideas of tableegh were forced upon indian muslims, because not many muslims in the world bother to actually read quran ( in arabi or in english ), leaving this to the professional priest ( the mullah ).

4. "peace tv" of zakir naik, funded by gulf money, was the last nail in the coffin... you can see from below picture the extent of the changed mentality...


in case of most european countries, in preceding decades, there were many muslim political emigrants from socialist muslim nations... these emigrants went there because they either ran away or were exiled... this happened because the emigrants were deemed reactionary and regressive in their societies by the socialist/socialistic governments so the west was a safe place for them ( capitalist western bloc versus socialist eastern bloc ).

in france, much of the muslim emigrants are from north africa... algeria fought a war in the 90's with the reactionary terrorists of fis and gia groups, which are derivations of the ikhwaan movement.

it is worth nothing that the ikhwaan movement, original to british-time egypt, was influenced by the indian tableeghi jamaat in the 1940's or thereabouts... many of the "muslim" reactionary groups in the world are influenced either by ikhwaan or directly by tableeghi jamaat... so even thought indian muslims don't generally participate in terrorism, they certainly create the atmosphere and brainwashing for others.

below two pics are of algerian ladies in algeria... compare them to many algerian females in france...



what is wrote made a rough sketch... you can extend that to any muslim society, be it pakistan or be it somalia.

@Ceylal you want to add anything here??
Nicely summarized, see u in algeria :azn:
Exactly the point. And then we complain bout racism. Point is simple. Dont try to be od man out. U wont be treated racially.

Its a misconception that color creates racism. Its the personality and culture and their difference with the locals that bring racism.
True that.
There is a great deal of hypocrisy here man .In the middle east they cannot wear little skirts but in france we are disrespecting their secular laws and introducing burkas in schools and in work places.
Good post @jamahir

The photo of that wrapped up little girl is just sad. I have seen a few such in India. Father with wife and kids, and even the really little girls are wrapped up like this.

I can empathize with the French on this one.

It is really offensive and abhorrent to cultures not used to this way of life. I would happily ban it in India and emancipate our women from the clutches of this servitude.

These are our women. Who are still paying the price of some of our men bending over to invaders centuries ago.

P.S. Dibs on No. 4 ....
I can see many Momins here keeping wrong assumptions...

Opposite of Bur-kha is not nakedness.. There come many dress in-between Burkha and bikani...
The photo of that wrapped up little girl is just sad. I have seen a few such in India.

it has become very common in the last five to six years.

These are our women. Who are still paying the price of some of our men bending over to invaders centuries ago.

let us not start on that now... the natives were no sophisticates either. :enjoy:

P.S. Dibs on No. 4 ....

for me, the short one in white ( jersey no. 3 ) and the tall one with pink hair-clips ( jersey no. 4 ) .
it has become very common in the last five to six years.

But why? You will agree that India has got to be probably the safest place on earth for Muslim women. Man, 99.9% of Indian men are just uncomfortable looking at a Muslim woman in the face. I am of course part of the 0.1% but then I do not discriminate between womandom anywhere on Earth.

let us not start on that now... the natives were no sophisticates either. :enjoy:

Please. Compared to Arabic Islam ?

for me, the short one in white ( jersey no. 3 ) and the tall one with pink hair-clips ( jersey no. 4 ) .

Hmmmmm I can see the attraction to the short one now. I missed it. Both of them in fact.

The pink hairclip one is No. 4 man. You take the short one. @fakhre mirpur is into midget stuff. Me I like tall girls.
But why? You will agree that India has got to be probably the safest place on earth for Muslim women. Man, 99.9% of Indian men are just uncomfortable looking at a Muslim woman in the face. I am of course part of the 0.1% but then I do not discriminate between womandom anywhere on Earth.

many modern indian muslims think being muslim is about "looking muslim in a certain fashion" and not about living the true islami life which is about freedoms and rights.

therefore a beard-without-moustache middle class jobnik muslim in india will see no contradiction in getting a bank loan on interest so as to enable his burqa'ed sister ( only eyes visible ) to join a mba kaalej so that their parents can force her into marriage with improved prospects.

they are going against basic laws of islam but they don't care as long as they "look muslim"... by the way, the stringy topi is jewish in origin and the burqa is irani from pre-islam times in some nearer-to-india part of the irani empire.

Please. Compared to Arabic Islam ?

the concept of provisions for ladies like divorce rights and property inheritance wasn't available in india until arrival of muslims... not to speak of a enlightened economic system... in fact, the current civil family laws in india ( like court wedding ) are based on islami law.

perfect for its time but not for future.

and look up "al-andalus" and "golden age of islam" for the sophicated triumph in muslim forwarders of knowledge.

Hmmmmm I can see the attraction to the short one now. I missed it. Both of them in fact.

1. color camouflage.
2. eye sight goes to something that is popping out.

The pink hairclip one is No. 4 man. You take the short one. @fakhre mirpur is into midget stuff. Me I like tall girls.

okay, i will take the short one.
many modern indian muslims think being muslim is about "looking muslim in a certain fashion" and not about living the true islami life which is about freedoms and rights.

therefore a beard-without-moustache middle class jobnik muslim in india will see no contradiction in getting a bank loan on interest so as to enable his burqa'ed sister ( only eyes visible ) to join a mba kaalej so that their parents can force her into marriage with improved prospects.

they are going against basic laws of islam but they don't care as long as they "look muslim"... by the way, the stringy topi is jewish in origin and the burqa is irani from pre-islam times in some nearer-to-india part of the irani empire.

I am trying to understand why. Its obvious that there is a connection between looking different and feeling different. There is a "rally together" protective component to it as well as a defiance/needle component to it.

Its like Muslims are fearful and so are banding together (living) as well as making themselves easily identifiable in case of a fight. Everyone in India knows that if you get into a fight with a Muslim on the road, anywhere it might be, within minutes there will be 8-10 other Muslims on the scene. Hindus don't do that. We are way too many and have way too many internal divisions to band together around.

The other bit is the Muslims thumbing their collective nose against other Indians they live amongst. See we are Muslim. We will scratch our balls in you face and spit 30 times a minute. What are you going to do about it?
I am trying to understand why. Its obvious that there is a connection between looking different and feeling different. There is a "rally together" protective component to it as well as a defiance/needle component to it.

Its like Muslims are fearful and so are banding together (living) as well as making themselves easily identifiable in case of a fight.

you are right actually.

1. it is clear that indian muslims are the most to believe in mysticism ( prayer, ritual, festival etc )... there are 300,000+ mosques in india, the highest in the world... plus, middle-class indian muslims in recent years create artificial/invisible ghettos centered around the local mosque in areas where originally there was no distinct muslim feel or name ( like "bismillah nagar" ).

2. the lower classes of muslim males ( autorickshaw drivers, factory workers etc ) may use typical white string cap because they want to put a "don't mess with me" label on themselves as they are more likely to be caught in a riot or unpleasant outdoors situation than the middle classes or upper classes.

3. the reactionary nature of modern indian muslim middle classes is because of the reasons i gave in earlier posts.

Everyone in India knows that if you get into a fight with a Muslim on the road, anywhere it might be, within minutes there will be 8-10 other Muslims on the scene. Hindus don't do that.

actually, that happens with any community in india when visible signs of religion are seen on one party or both.

The other bit is the Muslims thumbing their collective nose against other Indians they live amongst. See we are Muslim. We will scratch our balls in you face and spit 30 times a minute. What are you going to do about it?

there is a element of that... example, a few years ago, some of the "muslim" employees in ibm ( bangalore, i think ) demanded from the management that they be allowed to spread prayer mat in the office space and pray the two days they are in office in day time, or whenever really, because they may work in night shifts too... so these muslims were not agitating to start a "employees union" but allowing of prayers.

it is another thing that their prayers were of no help when ibm removed 50,000+ employees in february 2014... no magic prevented these praying "muslims" from being removed.

i have also seen a boy, maybe aged 10 years, shouting "allah hu akbar" to a young lady in jeans who was just walking by... so this was a combination of traditional indian misogyny and the thumbing of collective nose you mentioned.

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