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French Muslim girl banned from class for wearing long skirt

How do you know whether the student is an immigrant? At her young age most likely she was born there. Unfortunately, too many ignorant people like you think associate the word Muslim with foreign, that's just not the case.

If some born in middle east also get the same right ??? If the same girl with different religion born in middle east go to the school or outside and say they are forcing me to wearing burka , it should be changed due to my religion don't allow , will it be allow to changed???? did you change for them the rule ?? that's my question..:coffee:

You cannot force others when you itself are immigrant religion in the country . ..........

STFU you little Indian twat. No one asked you for you God forsaken opinion...

-ive 23 , Still Trolling in High level... Not Surprise ....
How do you know whether the student is an immigrant? At her young age most likely she was born there. Unfortunately, too many ignorant people like you think associate the word Muslim with foreign, that's just not the case.
Ok. Shes not then her parents were. U dint get the point do u?

What that girl is asking is simple. French authorities shud ban immigration from a particular sect coz even if the immigrant dont their children will try be odd man out creating unfortable situation for locals.

Pretty much explains Islamophobia.

I dont know if any Hindu ever fought for his or her hindu rights in Europe or Americas. IF they are allowed its good if not they live by the rule of the land. Not try change it fr their comfort.
Sounds bad,her family should leave that French hellhole...
If some born in middle east also get the same right ??? If the same girl with different religion born in middle east go to the school or outside and say they are forcing me to wearing burka , it should be changed due to my religion don't allow , will it be allow to changed???? did you change for them the rule ?? that's my question..:coffee:

You cannot force others when you itself are immigrant religion in the country . ..........

-ive 23 , Still Trolling in High level... Not Surprise ....

Go learn English, I can barely understand you discombobulated gibberish.
What they did not like in a long skirt? They have fagot parades just through the streets in a middle of the day, and the girl in a long skirt - is a crime? Crazy western freaks.

Liberals are gettibg a bad name becuz of these idiots
Go learn English, I can barely understand you discombobulated gibberish.

As usual, when there no answer , make diversion - English error , grammar error,spelling mistake :blah::blah::blah: :coffee::coffee:

Truth hurts sometime ....

does she wear only black color long skirt and hence correlated with religious dress?
I'll bet the boys in that school like this ruling!
Pretty stupid decision on the whole though.
French Muslim girl banned from class for wearing long skirt
Published: April 29, 2015


FRANCE: France – The case of a 15-year-old Muslim girl who was banned from class twice for wearing a long black skirt seen as too openly religious for secular France has sparked an outcry.

The girl was stopped from going to class earlier this month by the head teacher who reportedly felt the long skirt — popular among some Muslim women who cover their whole body ‘conspicuously’ showed religious affiliation, which is banned in schools by France’s strict secularist laws.

“The girl was not excluded, she was asked to come back with a neutral outfit and it seems her father did not want the student to come back to school,” local education official Patrice Dutot told AFP on Tuesday.

He added that the student always removed her veil before entering school premises in the northeastern town of Charleville-Mezieres, as is specifically stipulated by law.

According to the 2004 law that governs secularity in schools, veils, the Jewish kippa or large Christian crosses are all banned in educational establishments, but “discreet religious signs” are allowed.

The student, whom local daily L’Ardennais identified as Sarah, told the newspaper her skirt was “nothing special, it’s very simple, there’s nothing conspicuous. There is no religious sign whatsoever.”

Her story was trending on Twitter in France Tuesday with the hashtag #JePorteMaJupeCommeJeVeux, translated into English as “I wear my skirt as I please.”

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la fureur de vivre @selimmuse

la laïcité à des fins #Islamophobe est insupportable #JePorteMaJupeCommeJeVeux

10:11 PM - 28 Apr 2015

“If it’s worn by a ‘white’ person, it’s hippy chic, if it’s a Muslim, it becomes conspicuous,” one user tweeted.

But the regional education office hinted in a statement that wearing the skirt could have been part of a concerted ‘provocation’.

“When it comes to concerted protest actions by students, which follow other more visible incidents linked for instance to wearing the veil, the secular framework for education must be firmly reminded and guaranteed,” it said.

According to the CCIF Islamophobia watchdog, some 130 students were rejected from class last year for outfits deemed too openly religious.
The rules are sames for the jews and Christians as well and i can see no religious discrimination or islamophobia here.
"When in rome live like the romans"

NIce clean, righteous man .... with syphilis."usually considered to be the product of his encounter with a prostitute in a brothel in Cologne or Leipzig, is equally likely, it is now held, to have been contracted in a male brothel in Genoa".
It's a school not a whorehouse, everybody should wear proper clothes.
In hot days girls should not wear any dress at all at school or in public and during winter only white bikini .

Their country their rules...
of course but also other culture and believe too if that don't contradict local rule .

Does a long, black skirt flout France's treasured secularity?
AFP — PUBLISHED 37 minutes ago

In 2004, the French government's ban on veils in schools caused outrage among the country's Muslim population.- Reuters Photo
Is a long, black skirt a “conspicuous” sign of Islam? Or is that pushing France's strict secularity laws a little too far?

The outrage over the case of a Muslim girl who was twice banned from class for wearing the offending piece of clothing highlights the headache teachers face in interpreting France's treasured ban on religion in schools, experts and officials say.

The country has a long-established secular tradition that has its roots in the anti-clericalism of the French revolution and a 1905 law enforcing a strict separation between church and state.

In 2004, spooked that the growing number of Muslim girls wearing headscarves in public schools was eroding this separation, the government brought in a controversial secularity law that banned students from wearing “conspicuous” signs of religion such as veils, Jewish skullcaps or crucifixes.

‘Difficult to interpret law’
But a 15-year-old girl was stopped from going to class earlier this month for wearing a long skirt – popular among some Muslim women who cover their whole body – which the head teacher decided “conspicuously” showed her religious affiliation as part of a concerted, protest action.

Her story caused an outrage, fuelled by the fact that she always removed her veil before entering school premises in the northeastern town of Charleville-Mezieres, as is specifically stipulated by law.

On Twitter, the hashtag #JePorteMaJupeCommeJeVeux, translated into English as “I wear my skirt as I please,” was trending on Tuesday.

“The girl was not excluded, she was asked to come back with a neutral outfit and it seems her father did not want the student to come back to school,” local education official Patrice Dutot told AFP on Tuesday.

According to the CCIF Islamophobia watchdog, some 130 students were kicked out of class last year for outfits deemed too openly religious.

Nicolas Cadene, the prime minister's special advisor on secularity, cautioned that this was a rare occurrence but said the move in Charleville-Mezieres was a “bad interpretation of the law.”

To make matters more complicated, a letter sent to all education personnel explaining how to apply the law allows for some exceptions, such as when a student attaches religious significance to an accessory or outfit he or she wears regularly.

As a result, a local education authority near Charleville-Mezieres explained on Tuesday, “it is sometimes difficult to distinguish between simply wearing a conspicuous religious sign, provocation or temptation to test the limits of common rules.”

Cadene said that while the individual behaviour of students had to be taken into account to decide whether they were deliberately provoking authorities, it would be “counter-productive” to set up a “clothing police.”

‘Cat and mouse game’
Sociologist Jean Bauberot, who took part in a commission of experts debating secularity ahead of the 2004 law, said he and other members at the time had warned that any accessory or outfit could eventually be given religious significance.

“We risked entering a stupid cat and mouse game, constantly suspecting the students,” he said. So they decided to make a list of conspicuous religious signs that was included in the letter sent to education personnel.

But he said the issue had become “an obsession” with some school authorities that risks encouraging teenagers “to revolt and spark the feeling that they are persecuted and victims of injustice.

“If we wanted young people to be attracted by extremism, we couldn't do better than this.

“And if we chase down young girls who have long skirts, their parents will put them in private schools,” he added.

“We're turning our backs completely on the calling of state schools, which is to welcome a lot of children.”
These Frenchies are getting a little too extreme on their secular views...

Just sick and tired of these Indians ruining every thread on this forum...

And for a moron like you its very Ok when the Chinese do the same to the Muslims right???

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