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France & Pakistan to revive JF-17 Avionics/EW/Missiles deal as Indian MMRCA stalls.

Apparently one of our Middle Eastern friends who's looking for Rafales to replace Tornados is arm twisting France to approve the Pakistani deal, either overtly or covertly with the said country agreeing to play the middleman.
It's also worth mentioning that PAF's original requirement for some 40 Block-52s, which was reduced to 18 is now back in the news since the requirement for another squadron or two is still a security demand......regardless whether it's fulfilled by more Block-52s or some other platform.
Not surprised at all. Seems like these would be for Block 3, since Block2 is already in production. It also means that exports are expected, so PAF must have given the French an estimate on how much they can earn, regardless of whether India gets Rafale or not.

Still waiting for confirmation and actual deal, but would be nice to have those systems along with, of course the MICA/Meteor weapons package. Now if they would seriously increase the hardpoints on JF-17, so it can carry at least 4 full BVRs and 2 wingtip IR missiles.

@MastanKhan @Oscar


At this moment---I do not have enough information.

Maybe the Egyptian deal has given the French the strength to get back to doing things the way they did things in the past.

I was surprised at the French when it happened the first time---it was out of character of the French to do something like that---the greed got the best of them. Now that they have been hung up and strung long enough to dry---they are getting some of their senses back. The euphoria of the massive deal must have worn thin by now.

We'll see what happens in the next few months.
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France is not trust worthy paf should now focus on stealth jets from china save some money i bet u if india dont buy rafale india wil buy F 35 lightning mark my words sonn u hear it plan for this paf
Why is Pakistan playing second fiddle to India, especially since it is a customer?
Accepted rule of marketing is, Sellers flog the customer with their product and the customer picks, what's best for it.

Where as here the seller is calling shots, will sell, what they like and when they like.

This means when ever Indians want and are willing to pay the price, French will again cancel the deal.

ON the other hand it casts a real shadow on quality and capabilities of Chinese on avionics on JF-17, clearly Pakistanis are not content with them, and accepted them for they were best they could get in the given circumstances.
French wont sell at least the required technology as Thunder could some time come across on competition on any sale deal with Mirage 2000. They would never make it equivalent to MK2 or attach alot of strings with it to restrain it from selling against them

That makes no sense whatsoever, man! The M2000 line has been dismantled years ago; it was offered to India last, before the MRCA became MMRCA. Dassault now only offers upgrades to it.
This also explains why anyone who mentioned Dassault as part of this deal is wrong, the Thunder not being one of its products.

An avionics suite would be alright though but that is then independent from any Indian contract as a couple posters ( Abingdon et al ) rightfully noted. Apply simple logic, please : Russia sells Su-30s or derivatives to both India and China. The USA has on-going deals with both Pakistan and India. So why would French corporations doing as much warrant the flurry of anti-French comments I read in the last 7 pages?

Besides, if one ( Pakistan or anyone else ) makes such statements, should they not put their money where their mouth is? If we tally all comments from fora ( PDF or other ), no one would then buy from anyone or just about … which is why top nations aim for autonomous indigenous products in the first place.

Finally, from a moral standpoint, if you criticize nation X for its duplicity / self-interested practices and go on to buy their stuff, you are just as bad and knavish as they are. Show some backbone and pride, for Pete's sake!


P.S. For what it's worth, I checked for French sources and found none which is of course not sufficient in and of itself to prove or disprove anything.
I will laugh out loud when this like the imminent j10 induction, russian rd93 import, etc, etc, etc.. Will turn out to be Pakistani pie in the sky news
Unlike several decades repeated missed deadlines for the induction of LCA, the news of J-10 induction was never official, the acquirement of this aircraft was an outside option but since the F-16s were released, there was really no need for J-10 in the PAF....not in it's present form in any case.
Pakistan ki toh lottery lag gayi!!Pakistan ke paas bahut paisa hai!!:D

Now the Russians will say if India does play with them for FGFA, they will give the tech to Pakistan!!
American will say if India does not buy F-35 from them they will give the F-22 tech to Pakistan!!
Unlike several decades repeated missed deadlines for the induction of LCA, the news of J-10 induction was never official, the acquirement of this aircraft was an outside option but since the F-16s were released, there was really no need for J-10 in the PAF....not in it's present form in any case.
According to this board the J-10 was going to happen any day. There were several threads on that subject and that like this news here is just wishing.
If you go thru the thread, you will realize he is in minority (he is anyway one of the few intelligent members on the forum)

He is in the know group... We ask him for the info, so his opinion matters. Meaning JFT really does not need the French package anymore since the current avionics are as good as they were offering.
UAE doesn't have Tornadoes and Saudis are buying and operating Typhoons and Eagles. Maybe saudi National Guard is considering Rafale but not AF and Brits were to buy back Tornadoes as part of Typhoon deal as I remember
@Horus is suggesting that Saudis want to replace Tornadoes with Rafale
If the information is true then it clearly means that now france is trying to blackmail India...
nope, french would have sold it after MRCA concluded anyway..thats how the french are...
it means MRCA is either done deal or no deal

anyway how much cost effective will it be anyway , their are multiple issues now...i only see it as a good thing for export may be but will pakistan go with it, do we even have money for it
France and their pressure tactics.
an indian is saying that ! really ? the country pressurized france to stop military deal for JF17

anyways am against this deal with french. such country cannot be trusted anymore
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