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France & Pakistan to revive JF-17 Avionics/EW/Missiles deal as Indian MMRCA stalls.

To be fair a jf17 fitted with French radars ew suites and mica missiles would be a far bigger export success than the plain vanilla thunder that paf have at present.

I can see the merits of this for potential customer like Egypt or even Argentina.

French weapons have great credibility far moremore than China.

But it would double the cost of the thunder from 20million to over 40 milliin.per plane ....

Then potential buyers start looking at other options at 40 million ie

F16 block c
Gripen e

To sell thunder it has to be kept cheap
France and USA would object to the sale/transfer of advanced avionics. Even India which is throwing billions of dollars at some of these deals has difficulty getting them
So your evidence is simply "Believe me, would I lie to you?". I've already shown how dumb your argument is, there is no point in continuing this argument.
No news about this from our side. :coffee:

We don't want to buy french stuff either; we all know that you get a cut from anything that is sold ! :whistle:

Thats right do you think we wouldn't notice your recently renovated Chateau de Gabriel ? :azn:

And how you had a Mirage 5 personally fitted for you with leather seats and a mini refrigerator for wine ? :o:
There is no news on this officially in paf or in France.

The deal died as soon as somebody mentioned 2,billion dollars please
There is no news on this officially in paf or in France.
The deal died as soon as somebody mentioned 2,billion dollars please

But there is plenty of news in France that they don't want to proceed with selling the Rafale. And you may be right, the JFT deal may have died as SOON as someone mentioned that the Pakistanis do airplace deals just like the Indians!!! :cheers:
This is a joke, right?

Either you are making this entire thing up or your "Highly placed industrial sources" are lying to you. The latest news regarding the Rafale deal have been positive, wait a few more weeks and your last hopes will be dashed and the deal will be signed.

Even IF the Rafale deal was stalled with India, the level of business India still does with France is many times greater than anything Pakistan can offer (A330 MRTTs, Ceasar MGS, LUHs, SSKs, radars etc etc). NO WAY would France put this at risk for some HMDS and EW sub-systems for the JF-17.

You nailed it, I am very positive that he is just doing two plus two.
Viper the French are begging India to sign the deal.

It the Indians playing hardball .

Get it right.

And yes this is in the news

Not like your Pakistani thread just made up wish list
To be fair a jf17 fitted with French radars ew suites and mica missiles would be a far bigger export success than the plain vanilla thunder that paf have at present.

I can see the merits of this for potential customer like Egypt or even Argentina.

French weapons have great credibility far moremore than China.

But it would double the cost of the thunder from 20million to over 40 milliin.per plane ....

Then potential buyers start looking at other options at 40 million ie

F16 block c
Gripen e

To sell thunder it has to be kept cheap
It wont double its cost, but it will increase it a little something like 5 to 7 million only, dont forget we wont change all of our avionic with french ones
To be fair a jf17 fitted with French radars ew suites and mica missiles would be a far bigger export success than the plain vanilla thunder that paf have at present.

I can see the merits of this for potential customer like Egypt or even Argentina.

French weapons have great credibility far moremore than China.

But it would double the cost of the thunder from 20million to over 40 milliin.per plane ....

Then potential buyers start looking at other options at 40 million ie

F16 block c
Gripen e

To sell thunder it has to be kept cheap

I can see under certain conditions and terms France selling the avionics and weapons to Pakistan. I doubt they will agree to export to 3rd countries.
Thread starter does not even know how cruel he is being to the pakistani awam !

If it happens, it will potentially kill export orders for jf-satrah.

You have to get cleared by Russia and France.

Let's see..:coffee:
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