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France asks german Siemens corporation to save french ALSTOM from american take over


Nov 23, 2013
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Look who comes crawling now and begs for help...

ALSTOM is one of france biggest corporations. It produces not only the world famous TGV trains but also nuclear power plants, turbines and other energy engines. For decades ALSTOM was the greatest competitor of our Siemens corporation. Both corporations are very similar in their products. In 2004 ALSTOM made some business mistakes and went almost bancrupt. The french state saved it. In 2009 Siemens made an offer to buy ALSTOM but the french did boycott the deal and Sarkozy personal intervened. But now things changed.

The american mega corporation GE plans to buy ALSTOM. Knowledge and technology would go to the USA as well as the HQ. France would lose ALSTOM compeltly. The french government is furious and said they would not allow that their national most important corporation is going to USA. The CEO of GE is expected to travel to france to bring them into favor of the take over.

Now it turns out that the french government went direct to the Siemens CEO and asked him, that Siemens may buy ALSTOM and prevent the american take over. There is no decission yet but insiders say that Siemens indeed plans to make a bid.

Support for this comes from the highest places. It is said that french president Hollande also caleld Chancellor Merkel to use her influence to push the deal forward.

What makes this more interesting is, that the french government says they know ALSTOM will be bought, but they want it be bought from Siemens. It is better to be under the umbrella of a renomated engineering corporation from germany than under the control of wallstreet locusts.

Siemens soll Alstom vor General Electric (GE) retten, sagt Frankreich - SPIEGEL ONLINE
I remember they asked US to save them from Germany
Today situation is so grim that no one wants to set up plants and hire french. French labour laws are absurd.

I will be happy to see if siemens can save another European company.
French economy is a mess and the UK is not far behind with it's manufactured housing boom for electoral purposes.

Europe is nothing without Germany.
I am sure there are pieces of the old and good Alstom for which Chinese firms are willing to pay top prices。

Just kidding。It won't happen for political and “security” reasons。:D
Would be intersting if we buy alstom. Siemens builds ICE and Alstom TGV. We have both then
i always support EU > America espacially siemens who had the balls to go putin despite russophobic media bashing the siemens president for that move,

but seriously mark whats your opinion about that more and more americans buying up EU stuff, first nokia now this while EU says always yes while they said no when germany wanted to buy the NYSE?

I thought EU is going to be a super power for you?
i always support EU > America espacially siemens who had the balls to go putin despite russophobic media bashing the siemens president for that move,

but seriously mark whats your opinion about that more and more americans buying up EU stuff, first nokia now this while EU says always yes while they said no when germany wanted to buy the NYSE?

I thought EU is going to be a super power for you?

Nokia was shit anyways. As for Alstom, it belongs here and im sure Siemens will make the deal.
Are you sure this GE thing isn't a ploy by Alstom to get Siemens to buy them and pay them more.
Are you sure this GE thing isn't a ploy by Alstom to get Siemens to buy them and pay them more.
nope, the siemens boss visited russia for a reason hes pissed how GE grows stronger thanks to capital which is printed by the Fed and put into american companies

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