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US bought France-bound face masks for CASH from China – French official

Unlike you, I don't look to simply confirm my bias.

Like it or not, this DOES hurt China's image. China is still having to deal with US allegations towards Huawei, what fo you think this is gonna do?

Of course it is, but the global image was that China was harshly stamping it out, and that managed to sweep things under the rug. This is going to bring the spot light back on that corruption.
I would agree with your comments here on CHina if we were in year 2005 or so. Underestimating adversaries is what gets western countries in the biggest trouble, please remember that.
So let me get this right.. Chinese took advance payment from the French for these masks, were in the process of shipping them to France, when American offered them more money and hence Chinese shipped them to US instead.

That is just bad faith on the part of Chinese, they did not honor their deal with French.

I would imagine the story as follows:
The French guy: I'll pay you 1 million
The Chinese guy: OK
The American guy come later, and say (to the Chinese guy): I'll pay you 2 millions.

Of course, as a capitalist, the Chinese guy stops for a moment and think. Then

The Chinese guy asks the French guy: I'll pay you the down payment back, and an extra of $200,000 as compensation. Come later and I will serve you.

And of course, as a capitalist, the French guy stops for a moment and think. Then he accepts, because he will get $200,000 for doing nothing.

So the French guy is happy, the Chinese guy is happy and the American guy is happy. The sufferers are French people, patients and health workers, but welcome to the capitalist world.
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US accused of 'modern piracy' after diversion of masks meant for Europe

German politician adds to chorus of complaints about American tactics to source protective gear

Andreas Geisel, the interior minister for Berlin state, appealed to the German government to demand the US conform to international trading rules. Photograph: David Gannon/AFP via Getty Images
The US has been accused of “modern piracy” after reportedly diverting a shipment of masks intended for the German police, and outbidding other countries in the increasingly fraught global market for protective equipment.

About 200,000 N95 masks made by the manufacturer GM were diverted to the US as they were being transferred between planes in Thailand, according to the Berlin authorities who had ordered the masks for the police force.

Andreas Geisel, the interior minister for Berlin state, described the diversion as “an act of modern piracy” and appealed to the German government to demand Washington conform to international trading rules. “This is no way to treat trans-Atlantic partners,” Geisel said. “Even in times of global crisis there should be no wild west methods.”

He joined a growing chorus of complaints about the Trump administration’s practice as the US wields its clout in a marketplace for scarce medical supplies that is becoming a free-for-all, with nation competing against nation.

Valérie Pécresse, the influential president of the Île-de-France region, which includes Paris, described the race to get masks as a “treasure hunt”.

“I found a stock of masks that was available and Americans – I’m not talking about the American government – but Americans, outbid us,” Pécresse said. “They offered three times the price and they proposed to pay upfront. I can’t do that. I’m spending taxpayers’ money and I can only pay on delivery having checked the quality,” she told BFMTV. “So we were caught out.”

Pécresse said she had finally obtained a consignment of 1.5m masks thanks to the help of Franco-Chinese residents in the Paris area.

Her comments follow allegations from two other French regional heads of unidentified American buyers outbidding on mask shipments, including one case when a consignment was reportedly “on the tarmac” to be flown to France.

“We really have to fight,” Jean Rottner, a doctor and president of the Grand Est regional council, told RTL radio. His area had been particularly badly hit by Covid-19 cases.

Following reporting on his comments, Rottner said on Twitter that it was not his order of 2m masks that had been diverted, although it was “common practice”.

The French media have started calling the rush for equipment “mask wars”.
In the global market for medical supplies such as N95 masks, US states have found themselves competing against each other and the federal government. The New York governor, Andrew Cuomo, said this week that it was like “being on eBay with 50 other states.”

State governors learned they could not rely on the rapidly depleting national stockpile, especially after Donald Trump made it clear that federal help would be affected by political preference, saying he wanted governors to be “appreciative”.

“I’ve got to tell you that on three good orders, we lost to the feds,” the Massachusetts governor, Charlie Baker, told Trump during a teleconference. “I’ve got a feeling that if someone has the chance to sell to you and to sell to me, I am going to lose on every one of those.”

Trump later said the federal government would attempt to drop bids if there were a conflict.

The US Federal Emergency Management Agency (Fema) is coordinating flights for US buyers but has so far not nationalised the distribution network, arguing that private distributors can do a better job. Rear Admiral John Polowczyk, who runs the Fema global supply chain, said on Thursday that six cargo planes carrying medical supplies from overseas had landed so far, and 28 more were planned in the coming weeks.

In the scramble for masks and other critical medical supplies, the US has a significant advantage in its fleet of large air freighters, three times the size of China’s. Buyers from national governments, US states and private buyers are going through a network of brokers, many in Shanghai.

One broker, Michael Crotty, who runs Golden Pacific Fashion & Design in Shanghai, told the New York Times that Chinese factories sometimes move the highest-paying customers to the front of the line. “It’s a seller’s market,” Crotty said. “You don’t see this very often.”

Personal connections often provide a decisive edge. Robert Kraft, an American billionaire businessman, lent a Boeing 767 this week to Governor Baker, who was trying to transport 1m masks he had bought in China to Massachusetts.

The plane was one of two Kraft bought for the New England Patriots NFL team, which helped organise the shipment, with the help of China’s consul general in New York, according to an account by the Wall Street Journal. The plane was allowed to land as long as the crew did not get off and it stayed on the ground in China for less than three hours.

Speaking on Thursday in front of the plane, Baker choked up with emotion. “This gear will make an enormous difference,” the Republican said. “It’s not a secret that securing [personal protective equipment] has been an enormous challenge. And we will continue to come up with ways to chase more gear to keep our frontline workers and patients safe. We need more, we will always need more.”

Governments have been accused of using other underhand methods to acquire supplies, including banning exports of protective equipment.

Brazil, too, has said recent attempts to purchase protective gear from China had fallen through. “There is a problem of hyper-demand,” the health minister, Luiz Henrique Mandetta, said on Wednesday.

The US has the largest number of confirmed coronavirus case of any country with about 245,000 reported infections and more than 6,000 deaths. Domestic stocks of masks and other vital equipment are scarce.As global demand surges, so are suspicions about buying tactics, especially when shipments are delayed or cancelled.

A shipment of 10,000 masks bought for hospitals in Montreal, Canada, was mysteriously rerouted to the US state of Ohio last week, according to the Canadian tabloid Le Journal de Montréal.

The buyer, Fan Zhou, had flown them to Canada using y DHL, and was attempting to contact the shipping firm to ascertain why they had been taken to Cincinnati. Zhou did not suggest the masks had been purposefully diverted. After the story was published in Le Journal and the Canadian prime minister Justin Trudeau mentioned it in a press briefing, DHL told Zhou a “computer error” had suggested the masks were en route for Ohio, but they had never left Quebec.

Zhou told the paper he had received some of the masks but not all and was sceptical of DHL’s response. “That is their explanation. That is not my explanation,” Zhou said.

Le Journal cited him as saying it had been hard to source the masks, as the Chinese government took priority, meaning foreign deals needed to go through “non-traditional channels”.
I would imagine the story as follows:
The French guy: I'll pay you 1 million
The Chinese guy: OK
The American guy come later, and say (to the Chinese guy): I'll pay you 2 millions.

Of course, as a capitalist, the Chinese guy stops for a moment and think. ...


1. France flies a cargo plane to China.
2. China loads it up as per the order.
3. Americans come to the airport with cash.
4. France accepts new transaction.
5. France authorises flight transfer.
6. France flies the cargo plane to the US.
7. US, Europe and their minions blame China.
in urgend times good friends will be clearly visible and shining like bright stars in the darkest night
In America money talks and bull shit walks. If I was the Chinese and American's came out with more cash, it's within one's write to back out and pursue another deal, and not just that isn't France a NATO Western Ally? So this is not a Chinese issue.
if you sign a deal , you cant walk out of it so easily . there most be some sort of comensation for doing that.

The same way French gave exocet codes to Britain

Yup, that's a big one right their. As I said its a taste of their own medicine they getting.

do you knew how many exocet Argentina had ?
let me tell you just 5
Unlike you, I don't look to simply confirm my bias.

Like it or not, this DOES hurt China's image. China is still having to deal with US allegations towards Huawei, what fo you think this is gonna do?

Bias is never more obvious, the OP is a case against US and you twisted towards China.
China's reputation is not the context... Even if we had to believe the story, France complaint to US not China.
If you don't know how International business work, than don't go around Challenging international trade deals.
There are legally binding contracts in place, where nothing is left to chance. To say the least, obviously China was not binding in the whole deal. In such case, France is to blame.
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Bias is never more obvious, the OP is a case against US and you twisted towards China.
China's reputation is not the context... Even if we had to believe the story, France complaint to US not China.
If you don't know how International business work, than don't go around Challenging international trade deals.
There are legally binding contracts in place, where nothing is left to chance. To say the least, obviously China was not binding in the whole deal. In such case, France is to blame.
This is absolutely a delusional way of thinking.

If corruption doesn't care about contracts nor rules.

France's complaint is towards BOTH China and the US; the US for buying equipment meant for France, and China for allowing corrupt officials to redirect the equipment toward the US by bribing corrupt officials.

Contract fulfillment is one of the most important aspects of international business relations, and can have dire consequences if not fulfilled.

If the story is to be believed, then the exchange between the US official and the Chinese official happened right before the plane was go leave for france. Meaning, there was no negotiations, just a simple bribe.

You have no idea what you're talking about.

I would agree with your comments here on CHina if we were in year 2005 or so. Underestimating adversaries is what gets western countries in the biggest trouble, please remember that.
When it comes to business FR, it's a different story.

This isn't a military issue, it's a business, and FR issue.
This is absolutely a delusional way of thinking.

If corruption doesn't care about contracts nor rules.

France's complaint is towards BOTH China and the US; the US for buying equipment meant for France, and China for allowing corrupt officials to redirect the equipment toward the US by bribing corrupt officials.

Contract fulfillment is one of the most important aspects of international business relations, and can have dire consequences if not fulfilled.

If the story is to be believed, then the exchange between the US official and the Chinese official happened right before the plane was go leave for france. Meaning, there was no negotiations, just a simple bribe.

You have no idea what you're talking about.

When it comes to business FR, it's a different story.

This isn't a military issue, it's a business, and FR issue.
No. The plane was traveling like how a railway station platform vendor/hawker moves from one train coach to another selling his stuff along his path to the first customer he encounters. The Chinese met Americans first, so they sold the goods to US.

Iranian puppy posted it.. so i will not be surprised if it's a fake news.

Lol. Looks like i got under your skin. I am not even a Shia, and you assumed i am one. Retardation must be a family trait of yours.

The link is from a USA website, a major one for that matter. If you click it now, the headlines have been updated to USA denying the charges. Here is a quote from it

"Jean Rottner, president of the Grand Est region, an area devastated by the outbreak, told French radio station RTL: “It is true that, on the tarmac, the Americans arrive, take out the cash, and pay three or four times more for the orders we have made, so we really have to fight.”

You really should consider stop existing on this planet. It would help us, since a bed won't be occupied by you when you get infected. Instead someone more deserving can have that bed.
No. The plane was traveling like how a railway station platform vendor/hawker moves from one train coach to another selling his stuff along his path to the first customer he encounters. The Chinese met Americans first, so they sold the goods to US.

Evidence? Also, that sounds stupid.
Several regional French officials claimed the U.S. paid Chinese distributors at least double, in cash, to take the essential medical provisions from France.

Breach of contract

Was it not a French cargo plane that diverted the supplies to the US? If so, what did they get out of it?

Where does it say that?


1. France flies a cargo plane to China.

There's no evidence of that.
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