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France asks german Siemens corporation to save french ALSTOM from american take over

lol Good news at least it will remain in Europe. France tends to always be very cautious of the U.S and has been advocating an E.U that's independent from the the U.S . But its true that Germany is the most powerful country in Europe, if not for the fact that they were on the wrong side of history during the second world war, then i'm sure Europe would have been totally different today, we would have been way more powerful than the U.S in every aspect. I'm always for an independent and strong E.U . shame our government is always subservient to the U.S. :disagree:
lol Good news at least it will remain in Europe. France tends to always be very cautious of the U.S and has been advocating an E.U that's independent from the the U.S . But its true that Germany is the most powerful country in Europe, if not for the fact that they were on the wrong side of history during the second world war, then i'm sure Europe would have been totally different today, we would have been way more powerful than the U.S in every aspect. I'm always for an independent and strong E.U . shame our government is always subservient to the U.S. :disagree:

Do you know that US can literally destroy the UK economy?

Both the UK finance and defence industries are totally dependent on US support?
As an example, the US supplied technological assistance for when BAE run into problems with the Astute SSN development.

The US is happy to support the UK as long as it keeps sabotaging EU unity.
lol Good news at least it will remain in Europe. France tends to always be very cautious of the U.S and has been advocating an E.U that's independent from the the U.S . But its true that Germany is the most powerful country in Europe, if not for the fact that they were on the wrong side of history during the second world war, then i'm sure Europe would have been totally different today, we would have been way more powerful than the U.S in every aspect. I'm always for an independent and strong E.U . shame our government is always subservient to the U.S. :disagree:

It seems Alstom does have a history of selling to both Siemens and GE.
ALSTOM sells its heavy duty gas turbine business to General Electric
So now the master of industrial espionage nation asking someone else to save their cooperate, not going to happen.
i always support EU > America espacially siemens who had the balls to go putin despite russophobic media bashing the siemens president for that move,

but seriously mark whats your opinion about that more and more americans buying up EU stuff, first nokia now this while EU says always yes while they said no when germany wanted to buy the NYSE?

I thought EU is going to be a super power for you?

Correction,Nokia only sold its mobile telephone division which was badly in the crapper due to the fact that they couldn't adapt to the smartphone market.As a company,dealing in telecommunications equipmnent,computer software,internet ,Nokia still exists in her previous form as part of...Nokia as we know it.
Correction,Nokia only sold its mobile telephone division which was badly in the crapper due to the fact that they couldn't adapt to the smartphone market.As a company,dealing in telecommunications equipmnent,computer software,internet ,Nokia still exists in her previous form as part of...Nokia as we know it.

yeah all industries dependent on the Finnish goverment
Many companies are illiquid and have difficulty with the placement ,and this with Alstamom is another in a series of bad news for the European Economy.
Very bad period ...
Chinese bankers are in China, but where are European bankers ...:angry:

European bankers does not have much money. May be Germany does but then again major market is in China and in Asia. So teaming up with Chinese money and market access makes business sense. Then offcourse EU ego and sense of superiority has something to say to the detriment long term interest.
European bankers does not have much money. May be Germany does but then again major market is in China and in Asia. So teaming up with Chinese money and market access makes business sense. Then offcourse EU ego and sense of superiority has something to say to the detriment long term interest.

yeah sure, selling out technology is a great idea...not. China is not an option and will never be.
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