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France allows girls to consent to sex at 15, but bans hijab until 18

Mujahid Memon

Apr 24, 2012
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France appears set to make the lives of Muslim women harder with additional laws on what they are allowed to wear.

France's anti-Islam laws could be about to make the lives of Muslims much more difficult. A barrage of new restrictions is making its way through the French parliament, which, if finalised into law, could see Muslims face some of the draconian restrictions on their faith in Europe.

The latest amendment to the so-called "separatism bill" would seek to ban girls under the age of 18 from wearing the hijab in public spaces.

While the prohibition doesn't specify Muslim women, merely saying that it would prohibit "conspicuous religious" clothing that signifies a lower status for women in relation to men, many believe the real target is Muslim girls.

Another amendment to the law would see Muslim women who wear the veil not allowed to accompany their children on school trips.

Even before such amendments, the bill was controversial seen by many as an attempt to legalise rising anti-Muslim sentiment in the country.

The additional amendments have confirmed the worst-case fears that many had that the bill was being used to attack Muslims for believing in Islam.

Critics have decried the attack on Muslim women by the French state.

One critic pointed out that young girls are allowed to consent to sexual relations at 15, but the state won't allow girls to choose whether they want to wear a hijab.

"It isn't a law against the hijab. It's a law against Islam," added the activist.

France only recently established an age of consent after a series of sex scandals that rocked the country, which allowed sexual predators to escape justice after abusing young girls.

Another critic of France's proposed draconian laws warned that "there will be no real freedom unless we respect each other's faith."

Many have also pointed out French politicians' hypocrisy arguing that Muslim women are forced to wear the hijab while at the same they legislate to give police powers to inspect and compel women to take off their clothes.

"My hijab is what I choose to wear, and you are oppressing me to not have a choice while I have a constitutional right to wear what I please".

While others pointed to the fragility of French society, which sees women on the one hand as oppressed and, on the other hand as a threat to the integrity of the country.

Another aspect of the ban critics have pointed to is that often French law doesn't impact women of other faiths who also cover their hair but instead focuses on "liberating" only Muslim women.

"Muslim women don't need to be told what to wear, just like orthodox Christian or Hasidic Jewish women aren't policed for wearing headcovers.

In 2004 France banned the hijab from being worn in schools, a move that remains controversial.

The state followed this with another ban on Muslim face veil in 2011 while talking about France's "Christian heritage."

Well, if you are against it, you should emigrate to islamic republics, where hijab is not only allowed but preferred. Why should anyone stay in France if it disrespects your religion so much?

Why don't you tell France to piss off from Islamic nations? Tell them to move their embassies to non-Islamic nations.

You hate Muslims, but you beg Muslims to consume your products.
Well, if you are against it, you should emigrate to islamic republics, where hijab is not only allowed but preferred. Why should anyone stay in France if it disrespects your religion so much?
When french or western women landing in Muslim country it contemporary them to wear the full burqa or hijab than we see who western bigots react.
Than We will see two faces evil of west
When french or western women landing in Muslim country it contemporary them to wear the full burqa or hijab than we see who western bigots react.
Than We will see two faces evil of west
You should try. But you won't because that would loss of business as they won't visit.
Yes only after the retaliation of hundreds of years of colonialism is complete.
LOL. Ok. Should Indian Hindus also retaliate against Muslims?
Prey tell where 100k native reverts should immigrate?
They can revert back.
France appears set to make the lives of Muslim women harder with additional laws on what they are allowed to wear.

France's anti-Islam laws could be about to make the lives of Muslims much more difficult. A barrage of new restrictions is making its way through the French parliament, which, if finalised into law, could see Muslims face some of the draconian restrictions on their faith in Europe.

The latest amendment to the so-called "separatism bill" would seek to ban girls under the age of 18 from wearing the hijab in public spaces.

While the prohibition doesn't specify Muslim women, merely saying that it would prohibit "conspicuous religious" clothing that signifies a lower status for women in relation to men, many believe the real target is Muslim girls.

Another amendment to the law would see Muslim women who wear the veil not allowed to accompany their children on school trips.

Even before such amendments, the bill was controversial seen by many as an attempt to legalise rising anti-Muslim sentiment in the country.

The additional amendments have confirmed the worst-case fears that many had that the bill was being used to attack Muslims for believing in Islam.

Critics have decried the attack on Muslim women by the French state.

One critic pointed out that young girls are allowed to consent to sexual relations at 15, but the state won't allow girls to choose whether they want to wear a hijab.

"It isn't a law against the hijab. It's a law against Islam," added the activist.

France only recently established an age of consent after a series of sex scandals that rocked the country, which allowed sexual predators to escape justice after abusing young girls.

Another critic of France's proposed draconian laws warned that "there will be no real freedom unless we respect each other's faith."

Many have also pointed out French politicians' hypocrisy arguing that Muslim women are forced to wear the hijab while at the same they legislate to give police powers to inspect and compel women to take off their clothes.

"My hijab is what I choose to wear, and you are oppressing me to not have a choice while I have a constitutional right to wear what I please".

While others pointed to the fragility of French society, which sees women on the one hand as oppressed and, on the other hand as a threat to the integrity of the country.

Another aspect of the ban critics have pointed to is that often French law doesn't impact women of other faiths who also cover their hair but instead focuses on "liberating" only Muslim women.

"Muslim women don't need to be told what to wear, just like orthodox Christian or Hasidic Jewish women aren't policed for wearing headcovers.

In 2004 France banned the hijab from being worn in schools, a move that remains controversial.

The state followed this with another ban on Muslim face veil in 2011 while talking about France's "Christian heritage."

There is another law currently in France that will make incest legal. So a father can sleep with his daughter legally but they wouldn't allow a girl to wear a scarf.

Thank God for coronavirus.... At least
You should try. But you won't because that would loss of business as they won't visit.

LOL. Ok. Should Indian Hindus also retaliate against Muslims?

They can revert back.
In modern world humans are forgetting GOD and spinning around money,more money and most money.
They are now behaving worst than ever now a days
"Oppressed" Muslim females are a threat to western civilisation. What would they do to western civilisation if they were some day suddenly not oppressed?

French hypocrisy in full flow. Egalite, liberte, fraternite as long as you agree with us.
Down with organised religion too! Separate church and state! (Except when we need to cite our "Christian heritage" to Muslims).

This nation is like a Monty Python sketch.
Just wear a mask and hat..... you dont have to be in ninja costume to be a good muslim. Muslims in forigner land should stop complaining over small issues like this. If they want to practice their interpretation of islam then kindly go back to your nation.
This is Republican France which is racist. You have Catholic idiots in Europe defending these "laws" against Islam, Republic France which drown nuns and priests as part of the French Revolution and aftermath. Anti-religion is the ideals of the Republic. And you have racist nazis who hated Christianity for decades, are now draping themselves with flags of crosses because like the Russian allies, want Islam out of Europe and to have some putin fake church focused on "whiteness" and Christianity - religion for show (to simply go through the motions of religion and nothing about G-d), not for devotion. In Italy we have same nazis who are anti-Islam and only Christian for show as some rally cry to kick out Muslims and Gypsies. This is nazism.

I supported Marine Le Pen's father, who was an anti-Republican and a Catholic traditionalist. Wanted to get rid of these Macrons and other modernists and return France to the tradition of not being slaves of London and Washington. Marine Le pen is a fraud, her zionist boyfriend, friend of zionists, friend of banksters. No different than trump and netanyahu. A racist nazi.

The same thing happened to Ron Paul, I supported Ron Paul, except the child of Ron Paul - Rand Paul - is a fake to the movement - a fake libertarian - nazi trump supporter.
When french or western women landing in Muslim country it contemporary them to wear the full burqa or hijab than we see who western bigots react.
Than We will see two faces evil of west
The main reason why West has come up with this idea is their jealousy of Muslim men. As non-Muslim women want to date and marry Muslim men but when it comes to Muslim women, they don't want anything with non-Muslim men.
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