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Fortress India

India building fence on the people he liberated 40 years ago...
Bangladeshis are fenced by the people they have conspired with 40 years ago...
A mistake in Past? or Present? Sole Search India and Bangladesh..This is a high time!!

Where is mutul friendhip, common culture, language, geography...might be drowned not anywhere but your own Khaleej-e-Bengal!! And thats too while AL-Congress in Power...Gr8!!

You both paying your deeds to eachother.......!!! Keep Paying!!!!!!
India building fence on the people he liberated 40 years ago...
Bangladeshis are fenced by the people they have conspired with 40 years ago...
A mistake in Past? or Present? Sole Search India and Bangladesh..This is a high time!!

Where is mutul friendhip, common culture, language, geography...might be drowned not anywhere but your own Khaleej-e-Bengal!! And thats too while AL-Congress in Power...Gr8!!

You both paying your deeds to eachother.......!!! Keep Paying!!!!!!

India fought four wars with Pakistan and we are talking of peace.


The world is not static and it responds to the political and social environment.

Actually, we all pay come what may.

Just think about Jinnah's Pakistan!!

You are socially in turmoil, your internal security and safety of your people has gone for a toss, you have sectarian violence and kill each other even though you have the same God and the same Prophet, your economy is in a sad state where you cannot pay even the interest on your foreign debts and also send a Minister to give you money so that you can present the National Budget.

Now given that state of affairs, I think both India and Bangladesh are not too badly off or in a grip of total anarchy or collapse.

Nonetheless, it is very kind of you to have taken time out and spare a thought for India and I am sure the Bangladeshi may feel the same, but I don't know.
The standards of acceptability of works in Bangladesh and India would be different I presume notwithstanding you being an acclaimed architect of Bangladesh.

O really Mr. TT? You certainly talk like an engineer, a rather nerdy one at that.
Standards of acceptability as in where Bangladesh,India,Morocco? Architecture is rather about an experience, light, shadows and aesthetics.

A fortress like wall you want, well buid it! Who's saying no?
The world has moved on from Modernism to deconstructivism....:tup:
Ya, nobody gives a twat about what you think. Come out of your delusional self grandiose.

If that was the case this thread would have been over long ago...... maybe its you Indians that are delusional ...........
My comments on the FP article changes the complexion of the debate hence the new thread.

There are millions of comments on millions of articles on thousands of websites over internet. We are giving too much attention to MBI MUNshe. You should feel yourself very very lucky that inspite of such a bullsh!t comment, you have managed to waste time of so many of us.
I dont understand why people bring religion in every Sh!t worth of issue they can find. Its this very same religiously polluted mentality that we dont want to enter inside Indian border. Sadly, fences cant stop such hatred based on religion. Still, a fence will not discriminate people based on their religion. Even a wall is better than this mentality.

@ My dear friend religion plays a vital role in everywhere.

@ Why you have named your missiles "Preedvi" and "Agni" ? Why you use the term, "Vandemataram" ?
Prithvi means Earth.

Agni means fire.

Vande Maataram means I bow to you mother.

Nothing religious about any of those words at all.

Its said that Pakistan named their missile 'Ghauri' after they thought that the Prithvi missile was named after Prithviraj Chauhan.
Its said that Pakistan named their missile 'Ghauri' after they thought that the Prithvi missile was named after Prithviraj Chauhan.

@ Yes Iynx is 100% correct. It was Prithviraj Chauhan who first revolted against Sultan Mahmud and probably was defeated. And "Bande Mataram", is related with the "Ma", devi. That was the reason during the anti-British movement muslims felt embressed.
@ Yes Iynx is 100% correct. It was Prithviraj Chauhan who first revolted against Sultan Mahmud and probably was defeated. And "Bande Mataram", is related with the "Ma", devi. That was the reason during the anti-British movement muslims felt embressed.

If that was the case what about Agni or Akash. Cause as far as I know there was no Hindu King/warrior by the name of Agni.

Prithvi-Earth, Agni-Fire, Akash-Sky, thats what the Indian missiles mean.

And Vande Mataram might have been written in religious context, but in the context of our national song, Vande Mataram refers to India as our mother.
If that was the case what about Agni or Akash. Cause as far as I know there was no Hindu King/warrior by the name of Agni.

Prithvi-Earth, Agni-Fire, Akash-Sky, thats what the Indian missiles mean.

And Vande Mataram might have been written in religious context, but in the context of our national song, Vande Mataram refers to India as our mother.

Dude, in a way he is also correct. Hindus consider everything around them as pious. So we have an Agni dev, Dharti mata, Vayu dev etc. We even consider our parents to be sacred. That's why the word for mother, 'Ma' or 'Mata', is sacred to us.
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