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Fortress India

@ Yes Iynx is 100% correct. It was Prithviraj Chauhan who first revolted against Sultan Mahmud and probably was defeated. And "Mande Mataram", is related with the "Ma", devi.

abe baandu its not mande mataram its vande mataram..and yes prithvi lost but how in the 2nd war what happened in the first war??he let the ba$tard go alive..wat ever how cares look how things have turn around in about 65 years..it took the muslims 1000 years to destroy the hindus but were not successful but wats the result 60 crore converts whose ancestors liked the feet of the arabs for fear of life or lure of money, and it took us 65 years to et the arabs to their knees, now the hindus can destroy whole middle east in a war if it wants..so for me those who converted lost..
Whatever fence India is building, it is India's problem.

The Indo-Bangla border is pretty porous and a difficult task to track the whole thing. And sadly, BD lacks the resources and commitment from higher levels to do just that.

Question: Why are we going over religion? Good God, don't you nerds have anything better to do?
@ My dear friend religion plays a vital role in everywhere.

@ Why you have named your missiles "Preedvi" and "Agni" ? Why you use the term, "Mandemataram" ?

So why do your country named as Bangla DESH? why not Banglistan? Its not religion, its culture. Its just that the missile program was started to develop missiles to rule all 5 elements: Air (Aakash,, sky representing air), Fire (Agni), Land (Prithvi) and more. The names are in Hindi, spoken by majority and sanskrit, the ancient language of Indian subcontinent.

BTW, I meant to say that, saying India is doing this & that because it is against Islam & such bullsh!t is incorrect. You should learn not to play "we are victims because we are muslims & kafirs hate muslims" card.
I read the article height of stupidity. It seems that there are Bangladeshi whose life's goal is to crossover to India. There are agents who could have been fooling them that they have bribed the Indian guards. The guards did the right thing of shooting, think it this way when knowing fully well that we shoot they still try to cross, think what will happen if they just capture and return them. It will be big motivation for them. To top it up some bangladeshi here keep complaining about this is disgusting. Border is border cross it at your own risk.
@ My dear friend religion plays a vital role in everywhere.

@ Why you have named your missiles "Preedvi" and "Agni" ? Why you use the term, "Vandemataram" ?

Why don't you change your official language to Arabic, rename your nation to Al-Banglastan too
@ My dear friend religion plays a vital role in everywhere.

@ Why you have named your missiles "Preedvi" and "Agni" ? Why you use the term, "Vandemataram" ?

Prithvi = Earth.
Agni = Fire.


Vandemataram : I pray the Mother , the Country.
Are we still discussing illegal crossings or should this thread be closed now?
^ we are discussing everything except Illegal crossing .. time to put a full stop sir :)
Are we still discussing illegal crossings or should this thread be closed now?
That way lot of threads will get closed. Sad that educated people don' t know how to post on-topic.

---------- Post added at 08:51 AM ---------- Previous post was at 08:51 AM ----------

Are we still discussing illegal crossings or should this thread be closed now?
That way lot of threads will get closed. Sad that educated people don' t know how to post on-topic.
stupid thread,stupid members, stupid discussions. Imaginary paranoia...
stupid thread,stupid members, stupid discussions. Imaginary paranoia...

tired of it. Mods should ban following topics in BD section Illegal migration, fencing , Bsf shooting. Discussed thousand times.
Whatever fence India is building, it is India's problem.

The Indo-Bangla border is pretty porous and a difficult task to track the whole thing. And sadly, BD lacks the resources and commitment from higher levels to do just that.

Question: Why are we going over religion? Good God, don't you nerds have anything better to do?

i thank them for building the fence... The only thing is in some places they have violated international rule..
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