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Fortress India

You need to learn some manner. This is international forum . Not your living room.. on May
15, 2010, Abdus Sobhan
Sikder, Home Secretary at
the time, said, “In
constructing this barbed
wire fencing, India has
violated international laws
in at least 46 places [The
Daily Star May 16, 2010].”

Did he also explain how ? Just mentioning one of the ten thousand laws to give a semblance of credence doesn't cut ice with anyone except some Bangaldeshis.
@ OK, convinced. This "Prithvi" is not that "Prithvi". It has no relation with the ancient history. Actually I was confused, Once Pakistan named their missile as "Ghori"(here Ghori means Sultan Mahmud Ghori) and India named it "Prithvi" so I thought that it has a historical relation. In the first Battle of Tarian in 1191 Sultan Mahmud Ghori was defeated and soon just after one year in 1192 in the Second Battle Tarian Sultan Mahmud Ghori defeated Prithviraj and took him to Gazni and blinded him. Later on it was said that the Prithviraj also killed Sultan Mahmud at Gazni. Thanks for the clarification. But not convinced about "Bande Mataram", it has a relation with Hindu religion. Again very recent a tV serial in the name of Prithviraj Chauhan has started.

There is trishul, arjun ( the awesome tank that could), and I guess the brahmos ( brahmo shamaj).
@ OK, convinced. This "Prithvi" is not that "Prithvi". It has no relation with the ancient history. Actually I was confused, Once Pakistan named their missile as "Ghori"(here Ghori means Sultan Mahmud Ghori) and India named it "Prithvi" so I thought that it has a historical relation. In the first Battle of Tarian in 1191 Sultan Mahmud Ghori was defeated and soon just after one year in 1192 in the Second Battle Tarian Sultan Mahmud Ghori defeated Prithviraj and took him to Gazni and blinded him. Later on it was said that the Prithviraj also killed Sultan Mahmud at Gazni. Thanks for the clarification. But not convinced about "Bande Mataram", it has a relation with Hindu religion. Again very recent a tV serial in the name of Prithviraj Chauhan has started.

As the saying goes: 'You cannot reason with a stone wall'
Thank God you did not said BOMB & NAG misssile was not named after Bombkesh Bakshi & Nagendra Rao.

@ No ! I never heard their names. Now, better teach us "Mahabarat" through these discussion. Actually, in the true sense we hardly study all these "Mahabarat" or "Ramayan". We just heard it. Sometimes people give example from these holy books that's all. I learnt little bit once I was stuying Hindu Law while studying Law in the university. Some time people make fun with the "Shib Lingo" and hear lot of funy stories of "Sib Lingo", something like the pieces of "Shib Lingo" scattered all around Bengal. Will you please tell the story ????
@ No ! I never heard their names. Now, better teach us "Mahabarat" through these discussion. Actually, in the true sense we hardly study all these "Mahabarat" or "Ramayan". We just heard it. Sometimes people give example from these holy books that's all. I learnt little bit once I was stuying Hindu Law while studying Law in the university. Some time people make fun with the "Shib Lingo" and hear lot of funy stories of "Sib Lingo", something like the pieces of "Shib Lingo" scattered all around Bengal. Will you please tell the story ????

For that my friend there are somethings called Google & Wikipedia. A person of your intelligence can surely use it without much problem.

Also its Shivling not Shib Lingo.

PS: Don't take me for a fool not to understand the embedded sarcasm in your post. You don't have to love other people's religion but respect their beliefs.Afterall Hindus form nearly 10% of your population.
Trishul - Trident or three pointed spear
Arjun is admittedly from the mahabharat
Brahmos - BRAHmaputra + MOScow

seriously why would russians name a joint venture after the brahmo samaj

Trishul has just too many references in the Hindu pooran to ignore. It has been depicted as a weapon of choice of different Hindu Gods,

The trishula is wielded by the Hindu God Shiva and is said to have been used to sever the original head of Ganesha. The three points have various meanings and significance, and, common to Hindu religion, have many stories behind them. They are commonly said to represent various trinities—creation, maintenance and destruction, past, present and future, the three guna. When looked upon as a weapon of Shiva, the trishula is said to destroy the three worlds: the physical world, the world of the forefathers (representing culture drawn from the past) and the world of the mind (representing the processes of sensing and acting). The three worlds are supposed to be destroyed by Shiva into a single non-dual plane of existence, that is bliss alone.

In the human body, the trishula also represents the place where the three main nadis, or energy channels (ida, pingala and shushmana) meet at the brow. Shushmana, the central one, continues upward to the 7th chakra, or energy center, while the other two end at the brow, there the 6th chakra is located. The trisula's central point represents Shushmana, and that is why it is longer than the other two, representing ida and pingala.

Trishula - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

You are right on the brahmos.

Joint Venture - BrahMos.com
Trishul/Trident is an Indo-European weapon which has reference in many countries mythology. So what if it has references in Puran?
For that my friend there are somethings called Google & Wikipedia. A person of your intelligence can surely use it without much problem.

Also its Shivling not Shib Lingo.

PS: Don't take me for a fool not to understand the embedded sarcasm in your post. You don't have to love other people's religion but respect their beliefs.Afterall Hindus form nearly 10% of your population.

@ Sorry, Pardon me. Next time it would not be repeated.
Trishul has just too many references in the Hindu pooran to ignore. It has been depicted as a weapon of choice of different Hindu Gods,

You are right on the brahmos.

Joint Venture - BrahMos.com

Sanskrit is also the language of Hinduism and also Buddhism. Sanskrit is also the language of India for thousand of Years. That's why there are some word like Trishul which is also related with Hinduism. But Trisul is a not a God Name but a Sanskrit word which is used for many Ways. Trisul is a Weapon which can be used by many ways. It's not Religious but Sanskrit Word. Same like "AGNI" - Fire. It is also used by 100 Ways including religion. But Agni is just a Sanskirt Word and Hence, It's used.
Thank God you did not said BOMB & NAG misssile was not named after Bombkesh Bakshi & Nagendra Rao.

Sorry buddy, my post went way over your pay scale. Let me chew it down for you,

Brahmoism is a religious movement from the late 18th century Bengal originating the Bengali Renaissance, the nascent Indian independence movement and the wider Hindu reform movements of the period. Adherents, known as Brahmos

Brahmoism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Brahmo Samaj (Bengali ব্রাহ্ম সমাজ Bramho Shômaj) is the societal component of the Brahmo religion which is mainly practiced today as the Adi Dharm after its eclipse in Bengal consequent to the exit of the Tattwabodini Sabha from its ranks in 1859. It was one of the most influential religious movements responsible for the making of modern India.

Brahmo Samaj - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I would say the above two reasons can be the reasons behind to name something of importance.


I would have been surprised if India had no weapon system named Trishul, it just seems natural given the religion of the majority.
You need to learn some manner. This is international forum . Not your living room.. on May
15, 2010, Abdus Sobhan
Sikder, Home Secretary at
the time, said, “In
constructing this barbed
wire fencing, India has
violated international laws
in at least 46 places [The
Daily Star May 16, 2010].”

You must forgive me, but I wonder if you are Emily Post.

It maybe any forum, international, national or otherwise, none takes it be a private living room. You, however, seem to imagine it is your private fief. Delusional to say the least.

There is nothing in my post to suggest that it is my living room. Please confine your frustrations to the confines of yuur own living room, if you will.

I daresay the Bangladesh Home Secretary is the last word in international law.

If he were his Govt should have sent a démarché.
Sorry buddy, my post went way over your pay scale. Let me chew it down for you,

I would say the above two reasons can be the reasons behind to name something of importance.

Apart from a passing reference in high school history texts, I know nothing about the Brahma Samaj. When I heard about the Brahmos missile my thoughts immediately went to the Brahmaputra River, eventhough I had a hard time figuring what MOS stands for.

Sorry, I don't see everything from a religious angle.

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