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Fortress India

abe baandu its not mande mataram its vande mataram..and yes prithvi lost but how in the 2nd war what happened in the first war??he let the ba$tard go alive..wat ever how cares look how things have turn around in about 65 years..it took the muslims 1000 years to destroy the hindus but were not successful but wats the result 60 crore converts whose ancestors liked the feet of the arabs for fear of life or lure of money, and it took us 65 years to et the arabs to their knees, now the hindus can destroy whole middle east in a war if it wants..so for me those who converted lost..

you can't win against one pakistan. And you are talking about whole middle east.. Lol. You are funny.
abe baandu its not mande mataram its vande mataram..and yes prithvi lost but how in the 2nd war what happened in the first war??he let the ba$tard go alive..wat ever how cares look how things have turn around in about 65 years..it took the muslims 1000 years to destroy the hindus but were not successful but wats the result 60 crore converts whose ancestors liked the feet of the arabs for fear of life or lure of money, and it took us 65 years to et the arabs to their knees, now the hindus can destroy whole middle east in a war if it wants..so for me those who converted lost..

Cool imagination bro :tup:
abe baandu its not mande mataram its vande mataram..and yes prithvi lost but how in the 2nd war what happened in the first war??he let the ba$tard go alive..wat ever how cares look how things have turn around in about 65 years..it took the muslims 1000 years to destroy the hindus but were not successful but wats the result 60 crore converts whose ancestors liked the feet of the arabs for fear of life or lure of money, and it took us 65 years to et the arabs to their knees, now the hindus can destroy whole middle east in a war if it wants..so for me those who converted lost..

And little Pakistan can pretty much send massive India back by many decades. What is your point?

Please get over ancient history as that is not relevant to your life now.
We cannot stop India constructing the fence but allowing them to have transit and access to our infrastructure and ports gives them a strategic advantage over China in the event of war. Is Bangladesh prepared to face those consequences?

consider some facts. . Pakistan was fighting against a part of it EPR and half of its people.... If you want to learn how brave the EPR fought please read the wiki page 'operation search light'. You defeated A group of soldiers who were detached from their main land and already confined to their cantonments by freedom fighters....
consider some facts. . Pakistan was fighting against a part of it EPR and half of its people.... If you want to learn how brave the EPR fought please read the wiki page 'operation search light'. You defeated A group of soldiers who were detached from their main land and already confined to their cantonments by freedom fighters....

While at the same time we were being attacked on the western border by much more powerful Pakistan Force, expecting a Chinese intervention at any moment ;not to mention the American 7th fleet was sailing to Bay of Bengal to save Pakistan. India was fighting on a much much larger theater than the Bangladeshis. Also pls don't forget from where the 'freedom fighters' got their training, arms & ammunition and safe haven.

We don't need your thanks, but atleast don't try to cover the truth.
consider some facts. . Pakistan was fighting against a part of it EPR and half of its people.... If you want to learn how brave the EPR fought please read the wiki page 'operation search light'. You defeated A group of soldiers who were detached from their main land and already confined to their cantonments by freedom fighters....

By November there was a huge build up of Indian forces on the border. War seemed imminent. India was just waiting for the rains to cease to allow for freer movement. Moreover snow and ice would close the mountain passes thus stalling Chinese intervention. On 23rd November Yahya Khan declared Emergency asking the people to be ready for war.

Sunday 3rd December – in the evening Pakistan attacked eight air fields in northwest India. The inspiration behind this operation was Israeli success in the Arab-Israel Six Day War. The lesson gained was to strike without warning. But in this case the Indians were ready. The raid proved a failure. In a counter attack the Indians proved their superiority. In the east India joined hands with the Mukti Bahini to form the Mitro Bahini (Allied Forces) and an impressive air, sea and land attack was made on East Pakistan.

Pakistan was supported politically and materially by USA. Nixon, backed by Kissinger was afraid of Soviet plans towards the south and southeast. Pakistan was close to China, with whom USA was looking for a rapprochement. A visit was scheduled for February 1972. Nixon reasoned that Indian victory over West Pakistan would lead to total influence of Soviet Union. It would seriously harm the global image of America as well as its new ally – China. In order to prove its credentials to China, Nixon directly violated the US congress imposed bans on Pakistan and sent military support via Jordan and Iran. Parallel to this action China was encouraged to supply arms to Pakistan. The Nixon administration turned a blind eye to reports about genocide in East Pakistan and even ignored the ‘blood telegram.’



When no doubt remained about Pakistan’s defeat Nixon sent a naval ship, USS Enterprise to the Bay of Bengal on 11th December 1971. It was interpreted by India to be a nuclear threat. On 6th and 13th December, the Soviet Union dispatched from Vladivostok, two groups of ships containing nuclear arms as well as a submarine. From 18th December to 7th January 1972 the Soviet ships trailed the US task force.

Above one of ships Dispatched by Soviet Union to Help India against The Seventh Fleet of U.S.A.(The ships and Nuclear submarines dispatched by U.S.S.R were good in number to make sure Seventh Fleet goes no where but missiles on warship had limited range).

Then the Russian (Soviet) involvement has played an important role in prevention the Anglo-Saxon pressure on India which was directed to save face of their Pakistani ally and not to allow Bangladesh secession. This video is a part from the Russian TV program 'Strike Forces' and it's involved the witnesses of those events. The translation from Russian is mine.

In 1971, December, 3 the World has become an attestor to a new war between India and Pakistan. At afternoon the Pakistani aviation has strike the Indian cities and airstrips. The Indian PM Indira Gandhi put the country in emergency state and gave the order to nip the aggression. Hard clashes were started on the ground in the air, and at the sea.

Historic document: "Confident. December, 10, 1971. Moscow. For the DM Marshal Andrey Grechko. According to the information from our attaché in Delhi in the first day of conflict the Indian destroyer 'Rajput' has sunk a Pakistani submarine by depth charges. In December, 4 and 9, the Indian fast boats have destroyed and damaged 10 Pakistani battle ships and vessels by the P-15 missiles. In addition 12 oil storages was burned in flame. The Commander of the Military Intelligence Service Gen. Pyotr Ivashutin".

In the same day the Soviet Intelligence has reported that the British Naval group with the leadership of 'Eagle' carrier went closer to the territorial waters of India. The Soviet Government immediately sent a unit of battle ships under the leadership of counter-admiral Vladimir Kruglyakov for helping to the fraternal country.

Vladimir Kruglyakov, the former (1970-1975) Commander of the 10th Operative Battle Group (Pacific Fleet) remembes:

"I received the order from the Chief Commander 'To not allow access of the American Navy to the Indian military objects'.

On the way of American Navy stood the Soviet cruisers, destroyers and atomic submarines equipped with anti-ship missiles.

Vladimir Kruglyakov, the former (1970-1975) Commander of the 10th Operative Battle Group (Pacific Fleet) remembers:

"We encircled them and I have targeted the 'Enterprise' by missiles. I have blocked them and didn’t allow enclosing to Karachi, nor to Chittagong or Dhaka".

On the Soviet ships then were only the missiles with limited to 300 km range. Thus, to be sure the rival is under the hindsight the Russian commanders have had to take the risk of maximal enclosing to the American fleet.

Vladimir Kruglyakov, the former (1970-1975) Commander of the 10th Operative Battle Group (Pacific Fleet) remembers:
"The Chief Commander has order me: 'Lift the subs when they (the Americans) appear!' – It was done to demonstrate, there are all the needed in Indian Ocean, including the nuclear submarines. I have lifted them, and they recognized it. Then, we intercepted the American communication. The commander of the Carrier Battle Group was then the counter-admiral Dimon Gordon. He sent the report to the 7th American Fleet Commander: 'Sir, we are too late. There are the Russian atomic submarines here, and a big collection of the battleships'.

The war was then two weeks long, and it has finished by Pakistani forces surrendering.

Bangladesh had won the sympathies of the Soviet Union. The Communist country gave support to the Indian Army as well as to the Mukti Bahini. Soviet Union had reasoned that the independence of Bangladesh would weaken both USA and China. Therefore India was assured of Soviet Union’s support in the Indo-Soviet friendship treaty of August 1971.

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We cannot stop India constructing the fence but allowing them to have transit and access to our infrastructure and ports gives them a strategic advantage over China in the event of war. Is Bangladesh prepared to face those consequences?

What advantage of your Infrastructure and ports ? Could you explain more ? I failed to understand. Sorry, If I missed any point. As per me, Bangladesh will not give any strategic advantage and we will never ever need it today or after 20 years.

India already have 2 Naval Bases near Bangladesh (Kolkatta and Chilka). In Addition, 3 Major Naval Bases @ Vishakhapatnam and Andaman + Nicobar. They can't reach in NE before crossing A&N Island. If already near NE, then we also have. We will have 1 Air Craft Carrier specially in Bay of Bengal with Full Squadron of MIG29UPG. We already have or will have in 1-2 years - Multiple Destroyers, Frigates, Nuke Sub Marine in that region too.


Air Bases ? We have 15 Air Bases in North-East region (More than enough, Even whole Pakistan has 17 Air Bases) -- West Bengal -6, Assam - 6, More @ A.P. etc. Sukhoi 30 MKI Squadrons already there. We also have 3 Naval Air Bases extra in Ocean region + 7 near by North-East. Army - We have 2,00,000 Strong capacity + BSF (BD) + 1,00,000 mountain rangers will be deployed in next 2 years too.

Hence, We don't need any Infrastructure and Ports of Bangladesh. Why we will need when we have 10's of bases surrounding Bangladesh. Each is strong, If not then it will be. It's no strategic advantage at all. Also, I don't think there will be War with China as Gap between two countries will be decreasing YoY as we are improving our strength to defend ourself in better way compare with 1-2 decades back. Your Dream will be in Dream most likely.
We live in our forts, indians lives in theirs, its all cool. Just no transit without proper consideration.
What advantage of your Infrastructure and ports ? Could you explain more ? I failed to understand. Sorry, If I missed any point. As per me, Bangladesh will not give any strategic advantage and we will never ever need it today or after 20 years.

India already have 2 Naval Bases near Bangladesh (Kolkatta and Chilka). In Addition, 3 Major Naval Bases @ Vishakhapatnam and Andaman + Nicobar. They can't reach in NE before crossing A&N Island. If already near NE, then we also have. We will have 1 Air Craft Carrier specially in Bay of Bengal with Full Squadron of MIG29UPG. We already have or will have in 1-2 years - Multiple Destroyers, Frigates, Nuke Sub Marine in that region too.


Air Bases ? We have 15 Air Bases in North-East region (More than enough, Even whole Pakistan has 17 Air Bases) -- West Bengal -6, Assam - 6, More @ A.P. etc. Sukhoi 30 MKI Squadrons already there. We also have 3 Naval Air Bases extra in Ocean region + 7 near by North-East. Army - We have 2,00,000 Strong capacity + BSF (BD) + 1,00,000 mountain rangers will be deployed in next 2 years too.

Hence, We don't need any Infrastructure and Ports of Bangladesh. Why we will need when we have 10's of bases surrounding Bangladesh. Each is strong, If not then it will be. It's no strategic advantage at all. Also, I don't think there will be War with China as Gap between two countries will be decreasing YoY as we are improving our strength to defend ourself in better way compare with 1-2 decades back. Your Dream will be in Dream most likely.

Not against Bangladesh but China!!!!!!
Not against Bangladesh but China!!!!!!

It doesn't matter Bangladesh or China. Our All 20 Such bases is strategically located to counter any country in eastern region. Only change in angel in few seconds. But Bangladesh is not a threat as of now. China - We have protection shield and improving further. Also, BSF is there for BD specifically for border protection.
i thank them for building the fence... The only thing is in some places they have violated international rule..

International rules?


can you quote some?

If not, don't keep repeating issues that you brain inflammation suggests.

you can't win against one pakistan. And you are talking about whole middle east.. Lol. You are funny.

Are you suggesting that we should 'vaporise' Pakistan.

It is not the way we look at Pakistan.

And it also proves you are clueless about military operations!

We cannot stop India constructing the fence but allowing them to have transit and access to our infrastructure and ports gives them a strategic advantage over China in the event of war. Is Bangladesh prepared to face those consequences?

What a juvenile and most illiterate statement.

That apart what a ignorance of military operations.

Another of those flawed and fallacious doctrines?
Prithvi = Earth.
Agni = Fire.


Vandemataram : I pray the Mother , the Country.

@ OK, convinced. This "Prithvi" is not that "Prithvi". It has no relation with the ancient history. Actually I was confused, Once Pakistan named their missile as "Ghori"(here Ghori means Sultan Mahmud Ghori) and India named it "Prithvi" so I thought that it has a historical relation. In the first Battle of Tarian in 1191 Sultan Mahmud Ghori was defeated and soon just after one year in 1192 in the Second Battle Tarian Sultan Mahmud Ghori defeated Prithviraj and took him to Gazni and blinded him. Later on it was said that the Prithviraj also killed Sultan Mahmud at Gazni. Thanks for the clarification. But not convinced about "Bande Mataram", it has a relation with Hindu religion. Again very recent a tV serial in the name of Prithviraj Chauhan has started.
International rules?


can you quote some?

If not, don't keep repeating issues that you brain inflammation suggests.

You need to learn some manner. This is international forum . Not your living room.. on May
15, 2010, Abdus Sobhan
Sikder, Home Secretary at
the time, said, “In
constructing this barbed
wire fencing, India has
violated international laws
in at least 46 places [The
Daily Star May 16, 2010].”

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