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Fortress India

lunx said:
Bribe BSF= Entry
No Bribe BSF= 5.56 mm INSAS bullet, drag body into india, mutilate, let it rot and dance around it in a circle chanting "vande mataram"

Very Simple.

Simple, yet nothing but the pure truth. You are genius!
Simple, yet nothing but the pure truth. You are genius!

Modifying others post makes you so happy? :lol: So much eager to enter India without visa? As he said beware BSF is there. :lol:

Killing, massacring is purely Bangladeshi idea. In last 40 years we have seen such many massacres in Bangladesh army and BDR. Specially last one in 2009, just few days back 700 BDR soldiers were prosecuted for that, didn't they?

657 border guards jailed for Peelkhana massacre

I am sure they were not singing Vande Mataram!!! :no:

You are a great talent scout.
He might have got a taste of BSF. lol
WTF, now we can't fence ourselves also.

Oh you can! Just don't do it within 150 yards of the border. Fencing is good. It keeps our hostile population away from each other as long as there is no BSF controlled gates that allow free passage for indian sumgglers & illegal indian immigrants. I understand the BSF needs to maintain its cash flow, but it does not bode well for our souring relation.
Oh you can! Just don't do it within 150 yards of the border. Fencing is good. It keeps our hostile population away from each other as long as there is no BSF controlled gates that allow free passage for indian sumgglers & illegal indian immigrants. I understand the BSF needs to maintain its cash flow, but it does not bode well for our souring relation.

The BSF opening gates for smugglers is a figment of imagination.

There are CCTVs.

actually, the 150 yards is not an international Law.

It is India's goodness not to create any dispute by plonking the who sabchiz on the IB.

And I am still awaiting that Rub a Dub Dub Three Men in a Tub Bangladeshi chap who said that the international law says that no fence can be constructed on the Border.

Such glib talk with nothing to show to back up the big talk.

Reminds me of the yokel who wanted to be the cynosure of the village because he had visited a town and so spun yarns with wild imaginations which the villagers lappped up

The village yokel may have carried the pretence through, but here it is different matter.

A link is necessary for something to be accepted as profound pronouncements!

Give a link and one would know the reality.
Oh you can! Just don't do it within 150 yards of the border. Fencing is good. It keeps our hostile population away from each other

We are fencing our country with our own money, so why are you crying of Fortress India? lol

as long as there is no BSF controlled gates that allow free passage for indian sumgglers & illegal indian immigrants. I understand the BSF needs to maintain its cash flow, but it does not bode well for our souring relation.

Take this facepalm.....

Just few days back two ministers including Nizami and Babar were prosecuted for bringing 10 trucks worth of weapons for smuggling to India. This is just an example. Take it...

Babar, Nizami charged in Ctg arms haul case

BSF has enough cash as they are paid well unlike BDR which killed its own seniors just for not sending them to UN missions, think what they are doing on borders!!!!
Modifying others post makes you so happy? :lol: So much eager to enter India without visa? As he said beware BSF is there. :lol:

Killing, massacring is purely Bangladeshi idea. In last 40 years we have seen such many massacres in Bangladesh army and BDR. Specially last one in 2009, just few days back 700 BDR soldiers were prosecuted for that, didn't they?

657 border guards jailed for Peelkhana massacre

I am sure they were not singing Vande Mataram!!! :no:

He might have got a taste of BSF. lol

Hahaha. Such a low quality post.

Should I reply?..mmmm... K here are your answers:

- I know the BDR massacre makes you happy. That's the sole reason it was orchestrated. ;p

- The 700 BDR soldiers are not all responsible. Most of them are being punished because they did not attempt to put down the mutiny. 10/12 BDR soldiers are capable enough to kill 75 unarmed people.

- No we don't sing "vande mataram" around dead people. We pray for their soul's salvation, unless they happen to be some hostile indians. In such a cases we dump their bodies into paddy fields and the 2001 incidence of "97 vs 3" should remind you of something.

- Taste of BSF? The chubby, oily and hairy BSF dudes do scare me at times.
how many Bangladeshi actually living in India is a matter of controversy . india is not like so affluent country that if some people from Bangladesh or ther country goes there will get any job . may be very small number of Bangladeshi working there but that cannot be any excuse of building fence around country defying international law

I waded through and here it is - the international law jurist!

No, actually I want to know.

Who knows, I could be wrong.

No harm in knowing the truth since the curiosity for true knowledge has been roused!
There are CCTVs.

Ahahahahahaha. CCTVs! Enough said! Go and have a cup of warm mint tee General Tam. If they really had any use for the CCTVs, they would not shoot into BD's side of the border and drag the bodies to the other side. How many times did we have flag meetings to return the corpses of farmers killed inside BD?

I think the CCTVs are mostly used for voyerism. BSF is a naughty lot.

Kinetic: No one is shouting Fortess India, other than your Munshiji. Go ask him. ULFA will get help from China anyways. We could care less about supplying them with truckload of indian army killing tools.
Ahahahahahaha. CCTVs! Enough said! Go and have a cup of warm mint tee General Tam. If they really had any use for the CCTVs, they would not shoot into BD's side of the border and drag the bodies to the other side. How many times did we have flag meetings to return the corpses of farmers killed inside BD?

I think the CCTVs are mostly used for voyerism. BSF is a naughty lot.

Kinetic: No one is shouting Fortess India, other than your Munshiji. Go ask him. ULFA will get help from China anyways. We could care less about supplying them with truckload of indian army killing tools.

CCTV at the gates.

and electronic monitors along certain points of the fence.

Munshi maharaj does not claim so, though he writes so.

Or so is what I have understood by that tedious post of his.

And it is quite confusing and he too is confused with what he wrote since he is still unravelling if the concentration camps or whatever are military structure or civilian structure. He also opines that fences are military structures!!!

Now, since he is a very tedious in content flitting like a bee from flower to flower and running in circles, I will admit that I was exhausted going through it and so requested clarifications that does not seem to have been unravelled by him as yet.

Not a mint tea really.

I have no restriction to consuming my chota, medically or on religious grounds.
So bangladeshis border guards dont have rifles?
Shoot em up if you see any illegal indian immigrants crossing the border.( alteast takes a burdern out from over populated and controls crime)
Hahaha. Such a low quality post.

Should I reply?..mmmm... K here are your answers:

If my posts are of ow quality than your post might slang?
- I know the BDR massacre makes you happy. That's the sole reason it was orchestrated. ;p
Yes, I orchestrated it through local BNP MP to make trouble for newly elected AL govt! lol
- The 700 BDR soldiers are not all responsible. Most of them are being punished because they did not attempt to put down the mutiny. 10/12 BDR soldiers are capable enough to kill 75 unarmed people.
So it was actually 10 vs 690? And 10 won!!! When you put those crazy ideas and stories think about them, so they do not become funny like this. :lol:

- No we don't sing "vande mataram" around dead people. We pray for their soul's salvation, unless they happen to be some hostile indians. In such a cases we dump their bodies into paddy fields and the 2001 incidence of "97 vs 3" should remind you of something.
Vande Mataram for winners not you. In 2001 the same miscreants of BDR killed some BSF soldiers for no reasons as they did in 1971 but when stood in front of them they went back to the holes.

- Taste of BSF? The chubby, oily and hairy BSF dudes do scare me at times.
My Goodness!!! How do you know that they are hairy? :lol: I was true about that someday you got kicked by BSF!!!!

BTW sorry to disappoint you, that guy must not be a BSF soldiers because BSF guys mostly are tall with high physical strength! :rofl: They are posted along with highest mountain region to deserts. That you cannot even imagine.
So bangladeshis border guards dont have rifles?
Shoot em up if you see any illegal indian immigrants crossing the border.( alteast takes a burdern out from over populated and controls crime)

actually Bangladesh has great lathiyals.

I am not joking, but they are very effective.
Oh you can! Just don't do it within 150 yards of the border. Fencing is good. It keeps our hostile population away from each other as long as there is no BSF controlled gates that allow free passage for indian sumgglers & illegal indian immigrants. I understand the BSF needs to maintain its cash flow, but it does not bode well for our souring relation.

Forget 150 yards, at some places the border fence is built 1 km inside Indian territory. For that Indian Govt is taking a lot of crticism from Indian villagers on border that they are losing precious agricultural land.


As for Indian iilegal immigrants & smugglers,its BDR's problem. You are free to use whatever methods to stop them.

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