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Former PJAK member: Iran provided weapons for terrorist PKK


Jul 15, 2012
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A former member of the Party for a Free Life in Kurdistan (PJAK) -- the Iranian wing of the Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK) -- has told a Turkish court that Iran's intelligence service has provided weapons to the PKK many times.

Ahmet Güreş, who is standing trial for membership in a terrorist organization, told the Erzurum 2nd High Criminal Court on Friday during a hearing that Iran helped the PKK by supplying weapons for them many times in the 1990s.

The suspect, who said he left the PJAK in 2005, further claimed that PKK terrorists met with the Iranian intelligence service in Iran and were even provided accommodation.
Former PJAK member: Iran provided weapons for terrorist PKK
Not surprised, Iran is doing all it's possible to avoid the fall of the shia alawi minority regime (shia are less than 10% in syria but they are 90% in the military) coz they will lose the most strategic asset they had for 30 years.
The PKK is used to pressure Turkey so they expel refugee, the syrian opposition, and close the frontiers.
I think the most credible policy will be to let the iranian bark, and confirm the syrian policy. The FSA is starting to attack big military base, and if the trend is not inversed, it might be only few month of all the north and east beeing in FSA hand.
Iran would have the new task to protect the shia regime of iraq, deal with a new ennemy regime and the support to PKK will be marginal
Not surprised, Iran is doing all it's possible to avoid the fall of the shia alawi minority regime (shia are less than 10% in syria but they are 90% in the military) coz they will lose the most strategic asset they had for 30 years.
The PKK is used to pressure Turkey so they expel refugee, the syrian opposition, and close the frontiers.

They are less but have more balls than the whole arab countries together.
Aah look traitor killuminati showing its face again, This time sympithizing Iran the nation that already put several knifes in our back...

Well, he have a point though. Messing with Turkey like that indeed requires some big balls. But that doesn't mean those balls will not be crushed, it will happen sooner or later.

I think the most credible policy will be to let the iranian bark, and confirm the syrian policy. The FSA is starting to attack big military base, and if the trend is not inversed, it might be only few month of all the north and east beeing in FSA hand.
Iran would have the new task to protect the shia regime of iraq, deal with a new ennemy regime and the support to PKK will be marginal

Mind your own fvcking business dude.
Well, he have a point though. Messing with Turkey like that indeed requires some big balls. But that doesn't mean those balls will not be crushed, it will happen sooner or later.

Mind your own fvcking business dude.

I wouldnt call that 'Ballz', For that you need serious power, Might and guts. You dont first show a pro-turkish policy and then to be caught supllying weapons and info to our enemies, Thats honorless and shameless backstabbing... Have the 'ballz' to face us directly...
I wouldnt call that 'Ballz', For that you need serious power, Might and guts. You dont first show a pro-turkish policy and then to be caught supllying weapons and info to our enemies, Thats honorless and shameless backstabbing... Have the 'ballz' to face us directly...

That's just ruthless and cold blooded policy. I like that.
I wouldnt call that 'Ballz', For that you need serious power, Might and guts. You dont first show a pro-turkish policy and then to be caught supllying weapons and info to our enemies, Thats honorless and shameless backstabbing... Have the 'ballz' to face us directly...

Totally agreed about the honorless, shameless and backstabbing part...

But facing us directly requires much more than just "big balls".

That's just ruthless and cold blooded policy. I like that.

No wonder. Today you like it, tomorrow you will dislike it. The side effects of having identity crisis...
No wonder. Today you like it, tomorrow you will dislike it. The side effects of having identity crisis...

I'm against the regime, but it's sometimes funny to watch how they stir up some states in the M-E.
I'm against the regime, but it's sometimes funny to watch how they stir up some states in the M-E.

If you find your regime's support to a terrorist organization that kills innocent people, an organization that even killed many Iranians, as funny, then, you sir have much more serious problems than i thought.

Oh wait, i forgot the fact that you weren't an Iranian :tup:
Well, he have a point though. Messing with Turkey like that indeed requires some big balls. But that doesn't mean those balls will not be crushed, it will happen sooner or later.

Do you have problems with reading comprehension or are my posts just to hard for your avarage IQ? I didnt even thought about Turkey while i writed my comment.. Syria helped the Palestianians more than Arabs did and Hezbollah destroyed Israeli Army just back in 2006. Shias are more united and working organized. Unfortunally i am not happy with this but this is reality..
Do you have problems with reading comprehension or are my posts just to hard for your avarage IQ? I didnt even thought about Turkey while i writed my comment.. Syria helped the Palestianians more than Arabs did and Hezbollah destroyed Israeli Army just back in 2006. Shias are more united and working organized. Unfortunally i am not happy with this but this is reality..

I'm not talking to you moron.

Btw, someone like you who needs other's guidence in order to THINK, shouldn't be talking about IQ.
If you find your regime's support to a terrorist organization that kills innocent people, an organization that even killed many Iranians, as funny, then, you sir have much more serious problems than i thought.

Everybody is playing with human lives in the M-E.
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