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Former IAF Chief accepts MKI not enough to fight PAF

First we had Modi himself indirectly accepting that IAF Su30s were not enough to take on PAF.

Now, a former IAF chief too has accepted defeat:

If we had Rafale, it would have destroyed 12 of Pakistan's 24 fighter jets, says former IAF chief

CLEARLY neither the IAF nor the Indian PM has much confidence in the Su30MKI or upgraded Mig29s. Despite having over 300+ MKI and 29s, the IAF failed to down a single PAF jet.

Plainly, the abilities of the Su30MKI and upgraded Mig29s have been seriously exaggerated by Indian keyboard warriors.
Because of the kill switch russians didnt take it out , every move IAF makes its been monitered by russia , and its the level of anger in russians minds because all of the cold war era , india used russia for its military needs and at that time india wasnt was the economic power it is now ?
But when , india got the its economy up and has a lot of money to spend on , buying new weapons its.went to france , and USA which has iriked RUSSIA itself , and.thata why even with upgrades huge fleet of indian MIGS 21, 23 , 25 indian airforce isnt in shape to do any offenece ops ?
And remaining fleet of SU 27s , SU30 , mirage 2000$ r the ones which been pitched in termendous preasure , cause these are very expensive fighter jets which only to be used , in case of real attack happening over.india , but it doesnt make it airforce which can go at will at anytime any where ???
You said it boss. Once a shudra. Always a shudra. There is no known prophylactic for being a achoot. And Indian Muslims as you said are mostly just Gangoo achoots with Muslim names.
It is rare for u and me to agree on something, but on this we are of a like mind. That bieng said, it does not necessrly mean that they are lesser human biengs, all mankind is from Adam and hence is kin to each another.
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It is rare for u and me to agree on something, but on this we are of a like mind. That bieng said, it does not necessrly mean that they are lessen human biengs, all mankind is from Adam and hence is kin to each another.

If they can't fight With mki they beer to drink more cow milk then cow pi**
Modi does not understand that India can never defeat Pakistan. Unless he get's Banglas to join his team. Then yeh Pakistan would have a problem as history has shown ...

That bieng said, it does not necessrly mean that they are lesser human biengs,
I think our friend @PAKISTANFOREVER would tell you. Just because a Indian male is circumized a Muslim does not help him to overcome the famous Indian problem with length and girth. He remains a Indian.
This is just to get out of their massive corruption scam.

What kind of leadership or professional soldier talks about victory on a future weapon system. Pakistan ain't sitting idle either. By the time Rafale comes, our thunder Block three would be ready to kick its butt back to France.

First we had Modi himself indirectly accepting that IAF Su30s were not enough to take on PAF.

Now, a former IAF chief too has accepted defeat:

If we had Rafale, it would have destroyed 12 of Pakistan's 24 fighter jets, says former IAF chief

CLEARLY neither the IAF nor the Indian PM has much confidence in the Su30MKI or upgraded Mig29s. Despite having over 300+ MKI and 29s, the IAF failed to down a single PAF jet.

Plainly, the abilities of the Su30MKI and upgraded Mig29s have been seriously exaggerated by Indian keyboard warriors.
Indian lacks good pilots only way hightech new jets may work in future without need of good pilots when AI become matures and unmanned variants of all fighter jets are produced like u.s is doing and has raised f16 squadron of unmanned variants which work on AI and can engage in dogfights and manouver by using AI
Reminds me of Sultan Ghori!!! After a couple of failures to conquer Hindustan he put his generals in a parade around the streets in Kabul with bags of barley hanging around their necks!!! Then, Kutubeddin Aybek, the newly appointed general, got the job done...
That's why India isnt fully Muslim country because we were and are the bully
Also that's why eastern europe never accepted Islam because we were and are the bully!!!!

You can't make people accept you or your thoughts when you bully them!!!!

Our prophet and our god are innocents from our sins and crimes against the humanity in the name of them ( Allah SWT and his beloved prophet )
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