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Former IAF Chief accepts MKI not enough to fight PAF

The Su30s, Mirage 2000s and Mig29s.... Are they laying eggs in their pens? Do you need starship enterprise in your next air battle with PAF?
The Su30s, Mirage 2000s and Mig29s.... Are they laying eggs in their pens? Do you need starship enterprise in your next air battle with PAF?
honestly IAF is a cluster f@$k weapons from Russia France Britain and now the US can you imagine the cost of logistic of that mess
I have noticed two things the clever (read it stupid) Indians are doing since the air skirmishes.

1- They always mention that F16 are used by Pakistan, that too illegally (read stupid again). Knowing fully well that according to the agreement there is no such clauses that F16 cannot be used against India, therefore, it is just propaganda for their own audiences that even to protect itself Pakistan is doing something illegal. Damn stupid Indians.

2- They never mention JF17 at all. Trying to purposefully downplay the importance and increasing credibility of JF17 around the world (read stupid million times). Even if they are compelled to mention JF17, they always mention that it is Chinese made. What is in the name "Joint Fighter" malarkey!! (Read stupid zillion times).

In short, Indian's Psyche hurting badly from JF17 success, while the envy of the world Teja's rest somewhere in a maintenance hanger (read rechecking designs parameters or for better expression Dump).
These morons are now pushing Rafales too much and even an idiot with half a brain could see that this whole fiasco was fabricated to convince poor folk of India of the indispensability of the Rafales just so the few corrupt politicians, generals and businessmen could fill their pockets.
These morons are now pushing Rafales too much and even an idiot with half a brain could see that this whole fiasco was fabricated to convince poor folk of India of the indispensability of the Rafales just so the few corrupt politicians, generals and businessmen could fill their pockets.

Forget about Rafale. India needs a starship with a cloaking ability. Than India would be ready to take on JF-17.

Maybe India can borrow one from the Klingon high council. I heard that the Klingon Chancellor Gowron attended Nalanda university with Spock and learned about warp drives there? Is that true. Can any Indian verify if Gawron was at Nalanda with Spock?

My dear Young Pak,

We have all seen how India 'took on' China in the infamous stand-off... the flying kick, we all remember.

India is only a challenger to China Might on paper.... on TV, on defence publications/fora, films or perhaps some naval excercises.

JF-17 II = Rafael

In the western diplomatic circles it is known that Indians have the 'superpower syndrome'. So they usually utter those soundbites to pump their egos and sell them military hardware. And talk about UNSC membership.

Remember Pres. Bush Jr. saying in New Dheli... 'America will help India become a superpower'.

If India sends troops to AF only then can it be seen as great power.

I am amazed how little Iron Falcon JF-17 changed the power balance in Asia.

You keep doing good.




For last 5 years, videos after videos by the Indians boosted how Tejas' are superior to JF17. How they can petty much better and defeat JF17 in a combat.
Just days before the air battles India channel was broadcasting how India would destroy Pakistan. If you watch the video you will get depressed by watching with how much ease India can wipe Pakistan off the map.
When the going get tough, the toughs get going, that's JF17. While Tejas' hiding in shame.
Sometime a smaller, more agile fighter can beat the hell outta more heavier and powerful opponent.
That's what exactly had happened. India has not recovered from the shock and awe.
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For last 5 years, videos after videos by the Indians boosted how Tejas' are superior to JF17. How they can petty much better and defeat JF17 in a combat.
Just days before the air battles India channel was broadcasting how India would destroy Pakistan. If you watch the video you will get depressed by watch how with ease India can wipe Pakistan off the map.
When the going get tough, the toughs get going, that's JF17. While Tejas' hiding in shame.
Sometime a smaller, more agile fighter can beat the hell outta more heavier and powerful opponent.
That's what exactly had happened. India has not recovered from the shock and awe.

My dear Pak friend,

I am sorry I don't watch Indian media. I am not worthy! The Western media has exposed them already.

Indians are deploying Tejas on the Chinese border to counter J-20. PAF is not worthy of Tejas.

Besides Tejas is stealth. In fact it is so stealth that you can't see it with naked eye.

No, Indians will wait for Rafael to counter Sino-Pak JF-17 Block II. For Block III the Indians are negotiating F-22E.

It is too early to celeberate. Indians have been humiliated internationally and the power balance has changed in the region. So they are desparate now.

We should fear some falseflag again to justify Indian agression. This time in major Indian cities or political personalities.

It is not dependent on Indian elections. The Indian deep state is desparate.

Take care,

First we had Modi himself indirectly accepting that IAF Su30s were not enough to take on PAF.

Now, a former IAF chief too has accepted defeat:

If we had Rafale, it would have destroyed 12 of Pakistan's 24 fighter jets, says former IAF chief

CLEARLY neither the IAF nor the Indian PM has much confidence in the Su30MKI or upgraded Mig29s. Despite having over 300+ MKI and 29s, the IAF failed to down a single PAF jet.

Plainly, the abilities of the Su30MKI and upgraded Mig29s have been seriously exaggerated by Indian keyboard warriors.
For IAF, even F22 raptor is not useful, it is pilots who make difference here. Give same SU30 to Pakistan and you will see what wonder we can make. Don't blame your weakness to this fine machines

My dear Pak friend,

I am sorry I don't watch Indian media. I am not worthy! The Western media has exposed them already.

Indians are deploying Tejas on the Chinese border to counter J-20. PAF is not worthy of Tejas.

Besides Tejas is stealth. In fact it is so stealth that you can't see it with naked eye.

No, Indians will wait for Rafael to counter Sino-Pak JF-17 Block II. For Block III the Indians are negotiating F-22E.

It is too early to celeberate. Indians have been humiliated internationally and the power balance has changed in the region. So they are desparate now.

We should fear some falseflag again to justify Indian agression. This time in major Indian cities or political personalities.

It is not dependent on Indian elections. The Indian deep state is desparate.

Take care,


I agree. They are now wounded snakes, they definitely would turn and bite again. This is the problem with paper tigers, if you use strong enough eraser, they disappear.
Most astonishing are Indians claims for decades that they have indigenous arms programs, while taunting Pakistan that they don't produce anything, with a jibe that how technically advanced the Indians are compared to Pakistan. All that tall talk came to naught. Their boosting is mind boggling. I am sure their public is finding out how they are fooled. This is opportunity for the west and the Russians to sell more junk to India with "promise" of technology transfers. For over 40 years the technology transfer projects approved by India. Where are the results on the ground!!! #fakeindia.
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