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Former additional secretary of Pak Election Commission, exposes massive rigging in 2013 elections!

Its called hybrid regime. Part democracy, part dictatorship. Google it.

Google is not the answer of everything .... its 'Civil Dictatorship not even Civilized Dictatorship'

Then there is no use with these election exercise.
You dont have any trust in your own system.Then it us not our problem.

look I don't want to sound rude, but its you who is mocking your nose in 'our matter' & trying to be over smart by talking about bookish things ..... I have tell u before and repeating it again 'Its not a democracy, but an arrangement' with which general public is not satisfied .... therefore we are struggling for 'better & more' democracy

Now cut your unwanted lectures, I have not said that its "your problem", its u who is trying to playing over smart
Google is not the answer of everything ....

look I don't want to sound rude, but its you who is mocking your nose in 'our matter' & trying to be over smart by talking about bookish things ..... I have tell u before and repeating it again 'Its not a democracy, but an arrangement' with which general public is not satisfied .... therefore we are struggling for 'better & more' democracy

Now cut your unwanted lectures, I have not said that its "your problem", its u who is trying to playing over smart

There is not a case of oversmart here.We also felt the same problem during 1990s when an elected govt lasting only for
1 or 2 year.
And here did you actually NS will kept silence when there is an election or following IK rule?
That would be nice to see.
There is not a case of oversmart here.We also felt the same problem during 1990s when an elected govt lasting only for
1 or 2 year.
And here did you actually NS will kept silence when there is an election or following IK rule?
That would be nice to see.

Game for NS is over and I would again say game for NS is over not just his government ....
Like I said we dont f care about foreigners opinion.
Whatever the China did for development they cant even come nearer to US because of only one reason.US is a democracy.Whatever you gloats democracy is an advantage at any case. Other why did yout nation is desparately seeking for a democracy?
Why dont you follow Chinese model?
Even PRC is aiming for a democracy in future.
Like you said India is a infintely diversified nation.But we started our reforms in only 1991 in contrast to China that started in 1978.Because of the same democracy we achieved our full steam only after 2000.
India has still a long way to go.But we succeed for a certain extent.
As a foreigner , you must stop posting in this thread!
Keep going your longer ways, we don't mind, China is economic giant?
Face the reality, don't bring weak excuses, to justify INDIAN heaven born democracy, cause it's still living in slums?
Game for NS is over and I would again say game for NS is over not just his government ....

Good luck with that.

As a foreigner , you must stop posting in this thread!
Keep going your longer ways, we don't mind, China is economic giant?
Face the reality, don't bring weak excuses, to justify INDIAN heaven born democracy, cause it's still living in slums?

Oh poor that was the height of immaturity.
My thread blah blah blah.
We are in a race for competing Chinese power.
Cutting out my argument with points and facts is a mature guys can do.It seems you cant do that.
So no more conversation with you.
Good luck with that.

Oh poor that was the height of immaturity.
My thread blah blah blah.
We are in a race for competing Chinese power.
Cutting out my argument with points and facts is a mature guys can do.It seems you cant do that.
So no more conversation with you.

Source: Former additional secretary of Pak Election Commission, exposes massive rigging in 2013 elections! | Page 14

Like I said we dont f care about foreigners opinion.
Who said that, genius?
That's you & when countered with your own dam logic, you are running here & there, don't you?
It's been more then 60, years India is competing , China & surly it will take another 600 years? Right?

Source: Former additional secretary of Pak Election Commission, exposes massive rigging in 2013 elections! | Page 14

Like I said we dont f care about foreigners opinion.
Who said that, genius?
That's you & when countered with your own dam logic, you are running here & there, don't you?
It's been more then 60, years India is competing , China & surly it will take another 600 years? Right?

Comprehnsion problem.?
Read that post carefully.That is not a lame excuse .Chinese are at least 15 years ahead of us because of their early reformation .We need time.
We have absolute satisfaction about our government and democracy
Now focus on your internal issue .No more offtopic

End of the conversation.
I would rather support those who do some corruption but gets the nation from Point A to Point B through 'continuity' of any 'system' then those who might be personally 'clean' but don't have the brains to get along with others and come up with bizzare ideas like promoting remittance-through-Hundi.

Corruption is a human condition affecting politicians the world over in varying degrees. Pakistan is not unique.

This kind of thinking is simply disgusting and disgraceful! 'Some' corruption - are you effing blind?! I pay more tax than Ishaq Dar, I pay more tax than Nawaz Shariff! And I am just an average professional. This is not 'some' corruption, this is mass corruption!

Mandela got SA from Point A to Point B, whilst in jail! Surely with your rationale and mindset, you'll now say too that he was doing 'some' corruption from jail or the regime he toppled should've been allowed to carry on because they were doing some corruption.

Oppression is just what it is. Be it by physical force or economic. But I assume you won't understand that either with a blinkered mind.
This kind of thinking is simply disgusting and disgraceful! 'Some' corruption - are you effing blind?! I pay more tax than Ishaq Dar, I pay more tax than Nawaz Shariff! And I am just an average professional. This is not 'some' corruption, this is mass corruption!
It is this mentality which has brought us to this low. We have accepted corruption as a way of life, and are not even ashamed of supporting it.
I hear Afzal Khan spoke about election irregularities on Khara Sach. I also know that there has been rigging in the elections, but what he has been saying on tv does not level any concrete allegation or provide an evidence on rigging.

As regards Meengla has stated. No politician in the world is spotless. We will have to live with it, but corruption has to be contained. You cannot make any system corruption free, but effort should continue to minimize it as far as possible, with an objective to ultimately eliminate it. I would not buy an argument given by anyone that they can finish corruption withing few days. It needs a mentality change, which will definitely take time. However, if the leader is clean the process of cleansing become fast and achievable.
TO ME HE LOOKS A SPONSORED FRAUD, why now ? why now guys ????

When he is seeing people in protests over the alleged rigging, the people who still have hearts and are brave enough come out and speak.
I hear Afzal Khan spoke about election irregularities on Khara Sach. I also know that there has been rigging in the elections, but what he has been saying on tv does not level any concrete allegation or provide an evidence on rigging.

As regards Meengla has stated. No politician in the world is spotless. We will have to live with it, but corruption has to be contained. You cannot make any system corruption free, but effort should continue to minimize it as far as possible, with an objective to ultimately eliminate it. I would not buy an argument given by anyone that they can finish corruption withing few days. It needs a mentality change, which will definitely take time. However, if the leader is clean the process of cleansing become fast and achievable.
The least we can do is to stop glorifying corruption and accepting as way of life. Back in 80s, it was a big deal if someone was found to accept bribe, not only him but his family used to hide their faces. Now, we have accepted it as our way of life and therefore people are no longer ashamed of corruption. When you accept something as a way of life, it is bound to flourish, not contained, and that is exactly what is happening in Pakistan.
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