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Former additional secretary of Pak Election Commission, exposes massive rigging in 2013 elections!

When he is seeing people in protests over the alleged rigging, the people who still have hearts and are brave enough come out and speak.
If a person have a clean heart and roshan Zameer honest he is not Waite for 15 months. What took him so long to keep the truth in his heart?
When he is seeing people in protests over the alleged rigging, the people who still have hearts and are brave enough come out and speak.

Not quite as simple as that. See his twitter Time Line. If he had to blow a whistle, he should have done it at least a year ago. Why now? It is a very valid concern. If you do not see timing as suspicious, then you need to think a bit more, IMHO.

See, there were 3 types of rigging in the four provinces. Why focus on just one type? I see a deliberate motivation and an agenda.
Lots of selective quoting of Afzal Khan's whistleblowing interview going on in here and in media.

A few points:

1. Ch Nisar had said on the parliament floor that there were 60k to 70k non-verifiable votes in each halka (Note: this statement was made before even a single halka was opened, a year or so ago so not recent)
Afzal: How does Nisar know this? For Nisar to make this statement, he must either know that such votes were casted OR he had the ballot boxes opened and checked. As ballot boxes are stored in the treasury of each zilah and can only be opened by the order of election tribunal, therefore if ballot boxes were opened without such order then it was a criminal offence and Ch Nisar should be charged.

2. Ch Nisar recently (just a few days ago) said that thumb & vote verification can't be done now as the ink has expired.
Afzal: This is total nonsense. Even non-magnetic ink thumb print can be verified a 100 years later. (it is a longer process but can be done easily nonetheless)
If he can prove this in court than govt. should be sent home without utilizing any unconstitutional mean.
Which court? The very court that is in the process of returning the favor (for its 'restoration') to the PML(N) government? I wish it was this simple.
Not quite as simple as that. See his twitter Time Line. If he had to blow a whistle, he should have done it at least a year ago. Why now? It is a very valid concern. If you do not see timing as suspicious, then you need to think a bit more, IMHO.

See, there were 3 types of rigging in the four provinces. Why focus on just one type? I see a deliberate motivation and an agenda.

Why should he have blown the whistle a year ago!!!? Whistleblowers all over the world do so even after decades. There is no set timeline or code or SOP for whistleblowers! Majority whistleblowers come out in the open when the issue is hot, that is the common trend globally.

See more:
Country to see fairest polls: Afzal Khan
Country to see fairest polls: Afzal Khan

Upcoming elections are mother of all elections: Zahid Malik

Sharafat Kazmi
Saturday, April 06, 2013 - Islamabad—Election Commission of Pakistan (ECP) has held out an assurance that it would conduct fairest of the elections in the history of the country and people would see a lot of difference between previous and forthcoming general elections.

The assurance was given by Muhammad Afzal Khan, Additional Secretary of the Commission while speaking at the day long workshop on ‘Promoting Ethical Journalism in Reporting Elections 2013’ at National Press Club here Friday.

‘If last elections were night then people would themselves call the next elections as day’, he claimed while elaborating the measures taken by the Commission to make the electoral exercise genuinely reliable and credible.

He said the Election Commission has a huge team of 500 cameramen that would be covering elections in every nook and corner of the country to ensure that these are held as per law and the Constitution. Besides, 19 officers of the Commission have specially been trained for the purpose and the cameramen would work under them.

Afzal Khan said Presiding Officers are also being imparted special training on how to exercise their powers on the election days at the polling stations. They will have powers of first class magistrate and can send any one to jail for three months for violation of election laws.

He said strict action would be taken against any candidate if his or her supporters resorted to any wrong doing or illegal means at several polling stations in a Constituency.

The Additional Secretary of the Election Commission said the ECP would not issue passes to NGO-funded election observers. Passes would be issued to all journalists and those recommended by the National Press Club and are genuine working journalists, he added.

He appealed to the media to become eyes and ears of the Commission as these would be historical elections and those indulging in violating election laws would meet the fate of infamous Waheeda Shah. Muhammad Afzal Khan specially referred to Zahid Malik, senior journalist and Editor-in-Chief Pakistan Observer, and said he began his career in journalismunder the guidance of Mr. Malik.



This is not a reliable witness. If he gave assurances, then he should have apologized a long time back.

I am reminded of a hit-job story aired on Express TV about 3 years ago. This is pretty similar.

Which court? The very court that is in the process of returning the favor (for its 'restoration') to the PML(N) government? I wish it was this simple.

So, all this shows is that you have 'bought' it. Good for you. I hope you do not imagine others to be as trusting.
Not quite as simple as that. See his twitter Time Line. If he had to blow a whistle, he should have done it at least a year ago. Why now? It is a very valid concern. If you do not see timing as suspicious, then you need to think a bit more, IMHO.

See, there were 3 types of rigging in the four provinces. Why focus on just one type? I see a deliberate motivation and an agenda.
Several things could have happened to him. His pension could be suspended, he could be involved in some corruption charges etc. Now the situation is such that even if the government tries to go after him, it will be difficult for it will be considered as revenge. What happened to the NADRA chairman? he even received threats of his and his family's life. If it was this time, the government would not dare to touch him. There is a right time for everything, and taking into account the way how Nawaz operates, it is this time to blow the whistle when people are there to listen.
Justice Kayani taking Afzal Khan apart right now.

Several things could have happened to him. His pension could be suspended, he could be involved in some corruption charges etc. Now the situation is such that even if the government tries to go after him, it will be difficult for it will be considered as revenge. What happened to the NADRA chairman? he even received threats of his and his family's life. If it was this time, the government would not dare to touch him. There is a right time for everything, and taking into account the way how Nawaz operates, it is this time to blow the whistle when people are there to listen.

Watch TV right now. Most of the answers are there. It is about his pension, which he did not deserve - per Justice Kayani. Among other things, of course.

Look at the timing, Mohammad afzal retired from Election commission on 11th of May 2014, and if he will still in election commission he will satisfied , but because now he is not in election commission, so every thing is fraud.

My point is if election is rigged, and Mohammad Afzal also accepting the responsibility, then i think he will be first person who needs to be hanged infront of Public.

Mohammad afzal with his family in Azadi March.

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Justice Kayani taking Afzal Khan apart right now.

Watch TV right now. Most of the answers are there. It is about his pension, which he did not deserve - per Justice Kayani. Among other things, of course.
Justice Kiyani is a party now hence whatever he says should be taken with a pinch of salt.

My point is if election is rigged, and Mohammad Afzal also accepting the responsibility, then i think he will be first person who needs to be hanged infront of Public.
People are not hanged for rigging. Get to know the Pakistan Penal Code before posting non-sense.
Timing in a testimony ofcourse risks the testimony to be questioned. If one says tha, ok since there was no major movement against rigging before and now since there was a massive movement i decided to come out in the open, then many can easily question it as its been 11 days since the march began and many days before that it was planned. Why didnt you come out in the open at the start of the march and reveal all? This will ofcourse put the testimony under question.

The next thing is that he once openly announced the elections were true and fair by the ECP which would again put his testimony under question. Where he could have stayed quite, he came out in the open and said the elections were right.

This makes his testimony murkier and murkier and even though he himself is a form of an evidence in the rigging case, him not having more proof also makes the case weaker.

However even with all of this, his testimony cannot be brushed aside as he is a key witness to all of this. The question is how well imran uses his revelation to gain leeway. How well can this be used to put the govt under pressure. You see if used rightly and smartly, he can make his statement very effective. He will need the minds of hashmi and qureshi here.
Which court? The very court that is in the process of returning the favor (for its 'restoration') to the PML(N) government? I wish it was this simple.

Whatever that is - unconstitutional means should not be followed, If the state set the precedent to submit to mob than it will become banana republic. What if tomorrow a mullah brings few thousand of his followers and demand to throw away the constitution and make him Khalifa? mind it there are plenty of nut jobs who consider constitution of Pakistan un-Islamic.
Whatever that is - unconstitutional means should not be followed, If the state set the precedent to submit to mob than it will become banana republic. What if tomorrow a mullah brings few thousand of his followers and demand to throw away the constitution and make him Khalifa? mind it there are plenty of nut jobs who consider constitution of Pakistan un-Islamic.
I 100% agree with you and that is why I never supported Imran's demands of deposing government or resigning of the PM.
Imran said that all those who did rigging should be tried and punished. Afzal khan , if that point is agreed upon and worked on, should be no exception although in a normal law his sentence will be reduced bcz he came out in the open. Never the less punished alongside others. you dont get complete pardons for revelations.

See more:
Country to see fairest polls: Afzal Khan
Country to see fairest polls: Afzal Khan

Upcoming elections are mother of all elections: Zahid Malik

Sharafat Kazmi
Saturday, April 06, 2013 - Islamabad—Election Commission of Pakistan (ECP) has held out an assurance that it would conduct fairest of the elections in the history of the country and people would see a lot of difference between previous and forthcoming general elections.

The assurance was given by Muhammad Afzal Khan, Additional Secretary of the Commission while speaking at the day long workshop on ‘Promoting Ethical Journalism in Reporting Elections 2013’ at National Press Club here Friday.

‘If last elections were night then people would themselves call the next elections as day’, he claimed while elaborating the measures taken by the Commission to make the electoral exercise genuinely reliable and credible.

He said the Election Commission has a huge team of 500 cameramen that would be covering elections in every nook and corner of the country to ensure that these are held as per law and the Constitution. Besides, 19 officers of the Commission have specially been trained for the purpose and the cameramen would work under them.

Afzal Khan said Presiding Officers are also being imparted special training on how to exercise their powers on the election days at the polling stations. They will have powers of first class magistrate and can send any one to jail for three months for violation of election laws.

He said strict action would be taken against any candidate if his or her supporters resorted to any wrong doing or illegal means at several polling stations in a Constituency.

The Additional Secretary of the Election Commission said the ECP would not issue passes to NGO-funded election observers. Passes would be issued to all journalists and those recommended by the National Press Club and are genuine working journalists, he added.

He appealed to the media to become eyes and ears of the Commission as these would be historical elections and those indulging in violating election laws would meet the fate of infamous Waheeda Shah. Muhammad Afzal Khan specially referred to Zahid Malik, senior journalist and Editor-in-Chief Pakistan Observer, and said he began his career in journalismunder the guidance of Mr. Malik.



This is not a reliable witness. If he gave assurances, then he should have apologized a long time back.

I am reminded of a hit-job story aired on Express TV about 3 years ago. This is pretty similar.

So, all this shows is that you have 'bought' it. Good for you. I hope you do not imagine others to be as trusting.

But he also said that authority to make decisions was in the hands of the judges. Rigging happened at halka levels. He couldn't possibly be at every halka monitoring it all. RO's were directly appointed by that b***** Iftikhar. His assurance, as you quoted, is based on the system in place, such as pictures of voters on ballot lists. If people at ground level start stamping, how could he possibly stop that!?

One has to take his whole interview in consideration. I have worked at senior management levels in big multinationals, and although one can sense corruption happening (unusual figures in financials, unusual commission payments & contracts etc), and forensic investigations of the full structure is required to dig out the real culprits. Administrators, on most parts, are oblivious and clueless until shit hits the fan.
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