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For Pakistan state to collapse, it is basically Pakistan Army which has to collapse. Christine fair

This is what happens when you have lived & worked entire freaking breathing moment of your adult life with visceral hatred for something with all the scales tipped in your favor, yet your could not accomplish you were originally set out to, your desires don't come to fruition and you are left nothing more than a old dotting hag

In logical sense she is right and we are witnessing the practical manifestation of it... Weaken and demoralize the army and country will automatically fall. May Allah protect our army and nation from such traps
For USA to collapse . US army has to collapse

For Israeli state to collapse .. Israeli army has to collapse

For Indian state to collapse.. . Indian army has to collapse

What a fuckin geniuos
Which country doesn't ? hahaha but Ann Coulter is anti Muslim , she doesn't discriminate but this Christian Fair is weirdly so bitter against the PA, I means seriously why ? and her bitterness grows and grows to a extent that now she can't say that she is just a academic or Scholar , cause she is biased .. she just want to see PA humiliated and destroyed even if it means the whole Country dies with it . That is some seriously crazy shit she is packing hah

Why? You should already know the answer to that. She is reflecting the venom and hate that most US deep state holds against Pakistan. Remember that she herself is an element of the deep state in the US. When she claims that many US deep state institutions want Pakistan to be gone, she really means it. There is a lot of truth to her claims. We often blame India for spreading filth and hatred against Pakistan which is definitely true. We also have to view US deep state hatred towards Pakistan in a seperate context. Remember that we were reluctant partners during the Cold War. The US deep state and Pakistan have a long history before we came at this stage. This venom and hatred against Pak army and Pakistan doesn't come out of the blue.

They can’t turn Pakistan into Iraq and Syria without defeating Pakistani army. In order to do that, they will have to use corrupt mafia which includes Judges, politicians, Media and bureaucrats. This plan is 30 years old and you know rest of the story.

There is a reason why the US and India keep singling out the Pak army specifically in their statements. They fully understand that Pak army is the glue that keeps Pakistan together. The only obstacle for the US and Hindustan in dismantling Pakistan. The Pak army is far from perfect like any other institution, but it is our glue that keeps the entire nation together. We are proud of our armed forces and we will support them through thick and thin.
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Looks like someone who would sit in a tent talking to a crystal ball about the demise of Pakistan Army. The hatred has completely consumed her, to the point that it reflects on her face.
The power of pakistani d!-k will make any gorey go mad:angel:

What actually happened that made her absolutely hate Pakistan? She claims to be an academic but her behaviour shows she is more of a mouthpiece of BJP saffron lungis. I did read somewhere that she had visited Pakistan once and had her heart broken? If its true that means she cannot be taken serious and I don't know why this woman is even allowed to be attend academic events considering she acts like a teenage girl throwing a temper tantrum.
you can safely replace "w" with a "B"

This disgusting witch and those like her and the traitors within Pakistan will never succeed -- but awareness must made to our public of these threats to our Armed Forces.
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