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Is it beneficial for India to have a weak neighbor?

The answer would be a firm 'NO!': Just like a destabilized Afghanistan has proved very bad for Pakistan, a destabilized Pakistan would be very bad for India. Remember that Afghanistan, until late 1970s, was not much of a problem for Pakistan but now it is the number 1 source of problem for Pakistan because of the continued security threats--going on for decades! A stable, peaceful, prosperous Pakistan provides India the coveted access to the low-population, energy rich central Asian regions.

People need to stop looking through the prisms of on-going geopolitics. The current issues are nothing but a blip in human history! As I see the world going forward, 'human capital' is going to become as big as any current 'energy resources' and large, fairly empty lands with rich energy resources are going to be the magnets for human activities. What's needed are regional leaders with vision!! Give and take. Large heartedness. For the rewards are for the centuries to come and the rewards would be very large!
The answer would be a firm 'NO!': Just like a destabilized Afghanistan has proved very bad for Pakistan, a destabilized Pakistan would be very bad for India. Remember that Afghanistan, until late 1970s, was not much of a problem for Pakistan but now it is the number 1 source of problem for Pakistan because of the continued security threats--going on for decades! A stable, peaceful, prosperous Pakistan provides India the coveted access to the low-population, energy rich central Asian regions.

People need to stop looking through the prisms of on-going geopolitics. The current issues are nothing but a blip in human history! As I see the world going forward, 'human capital' is going to become as big as any current 'energy resources' and large, fairly empty lands with rich energy resources are going to be the magnets for human activities. What's needed are regional leaders with vision!! Give and take. Large heartedness. For the rewards are for the centuries to come and the rewards would be very large!

India should want a Pakistan whose interests are well being of its citizens
As undemocratic forces further claw into multitude of Indian institutions, it is in best interest for Pakistan to seek preemptive deterrence with respect to India.

India has all but decided to wage water war with Pakistan and a conflict is expected before the decade is over.
Fairly easy question if formulated as: Which would be a better neighbor to India? Pakistan or Afghanistan? Saying Bangladesh, Myanmar, Nepal, Bhutan, Sri Lanka is not a valid answer, because one doesn't get to pick one's neighbors.
India should want a Pakistan whose interests are well being of its citizens
And moreover, Pakistan suffered from destabilization of Afghanistan because they have an open border. Where as India and Pakistan is perhaps one of the highly restrictive borders in the world.
Yes. Make us weak. Tough times produce strong men. Make Pakistan financially weak so this failed system gets exposed. Make us weak so the people of Pakistan finally wake up and implement Shariah in Pakistan and make it into what it was created for. Make the current rulers and system weak so the new system can takeover. Make it weak so Indias destruction can come sooner. Once Pakistan has Shariah, nothing can save indians from our wrath. Once Pakistan has Shariah and sincere rulers, there will be no more india on the face of the earth.
Yes. Make us weak. Tough times produce strong men. Make Pakistan financially weak so this failed system gets exposed. Make us weak so the people of Pakistan finally wake up and implement Shariah in Pakistan and make it into what it was created for. Make the current rulers and system weak so the new system can takeover. Make it weak so Indias destruction can come sooner. Once Pakistan has Shariah, nothing can save indians from our wrath. Once Pakistan has Shariah and sincere rulers, there will be no more india on the face of the earth.
View attachment 917989

Let me guess - you cannot rule Pakistan properly - now I want to rule Afghanistan, India and Bangladesh :enjoy:
The only +ve may be that stirring trouble and funding insurgency in the valley has taken a back seat

for now, that is.

the great risk, and I'm not sure how big of a possibility or how feasible this is atm, is..

that they might just spark something with India to take the domestic heat off and galvanize their awaam to once again get behind their once revered sipah salaars.

the ol' India boogieman

in an ideal world, we'd be doing business and raking it in, both mulks


@langda khan giving tippani pls ?
Why's this thread even allowed here? It's beyond me

This is Pakistan defense forum, it's for us not for randians

These rats have their own defense sites they should go and discuss whatever the hell they wanna discuss on their own
Nuke this thread please mods.

Otherwise Indians will keep jerking each other for pages upon pages on dreams of grandeur.
The only +ve may be that stirring trouble and funding insurgency in the valley has taken a back seat

for now, that is.

the great risk, and I'm not sure how big of a possibility or how feasible this is atm, is..

that they might just spark something with India to take the domestic heat off and galvanize their awaam to once again get behind their once revered sipah salaars.

the ol' India boogieman

in an ideal world, we'd be doing business and raking it in, both mulks


@langda khan giving tippani pls ?

What tippani you want. Are we supposed to be having an opinion about every beggar who lives in the area around our home?

Do you also go and join social self help groups and evening desi daru kattas of all the bhikaris around where you are put up in Goa?
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