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Fmr. Defence Secretary Rumsfeld: Best Defense of Pakistan on Bin Laden Raid


Aug 1, 2009
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United States
Rumsfeld Warns of 'Rush to Judgment' on Pakistan - Fox News Video - FoxNews.com

I can't believe Don. Rumsfeld has done the job of defending Pakistan, better than anyone inside or outside of Pakistan in a video.
A few salient points paraphrased here. The whole 6+ minute video is worth watching and need to put be extracted to YouTube. Anyone knows how to do that?

1) I have not seen any evidence of involvement of 'any level' of Pakistan's military and intelligence agencies.
2) If I were Bin Laden, I would be scared of the Pakistani military. I mean, if one person in the security establishment knows then one more can know.
3) OBL was rich and did not need any help. May be 1-2 people helped him to hide.
4) Barely 1-2 miles from the Pentagon we don't know what is happening behind the giant gated doors.
5) Question: Do you 'trust' Pakistan. Answer: Who do you trust? Any government?
6) Time to cool down and look objectively. Our interests are related to economy, security etc.
7) There is no 'they' in Pakistan as a monolith. So it is possible that someone may have tipped off the militants from inside the security apparatus but someone also tipped off militants when Pakistanis attacked them, leading to hundreds of security forces dying.
8) Everyone is there for their own interests. We have ours. Pakistanis have theirs.
Rumsfeld did a much better job than most of the Pakistanis here. As they say its better to have a wise adversary than a stupid friend. And if that stupid friend is a conspiracy theorist as well to kiya kehnay :lol:
Rumsfeld did a much better job than most of the Pakistanis here. As they say its better to have a wise adversary than a stupid friend. And if that stupid friend is a conspiracy theorist as well to kiya kehnay :lol:

And it must be a matter of great shame to those Pakistanis here and elsewhere, especially on Tribune.com.pk and Pakistaniat.com, who jumped the gun and started putting down their own country when not the slightest evidence or logic supported that 'Pakistan' was hiding OBL. Shame. Shame and Shame!
One can understand Indians doing it. One can understand Americans--who are notoriously ignorant of the world and mostly rely on their spoon-fed corporate media-- doing it. But a lot of Pakistanis contributed to the loss of image of Pakistan.

Well, at the least, we can make a YouTube video of this and start a 'sticky' topic here based on this and other counter-evidence and project it to the world.
Will you praise bush too if he starts defending Pakistan?Dummy has always been a hawk. He did not even have the time to sign soldiers death certificates he use to use a signature machine.
Will you praise bush too if he starts defending Pakistan?Dummy has always been a hawk. He did not even have the time to sign soldiers death certificates he use to use a signature machine.

I am not 'defending' Rumsfeld. Please don't twist the words. It is obvious what I am saying: Rumsfeld has mounted the best defense of Pakistan in any video by anyone I have seen so far. Whatever Rumsfeld's background is does not take away from that.
Rumsfeld did a much better job than most of the Pakistanis here. As they say its better to have a wise adversary than a stupid friend. And if that stupid friend is a conspiracy theorist as well to kiya kehnay :lol:

People will soon be saying, Rumsfield is a conspiracy theorist of the highest order. :lol:
People will soon be saying, Rumsfield is a conspiracy theorist of the highest order. :lol:

We Pakistanis watched the onslaught against Pakistan after May 1 and saw that very few came out to defend Pakistan from outside Pakistan. China was one of them and Chinese members here defended Pakistan early on. My gratitude for that. Help came when needed.
I personally did not rule out that some low-level officials may have helped OBL to hide. I know that when the bodyguards of governors can shoot the governor then there is a jihadi infiltration. But more evidence was needed with the OBL raid.
But I saw with great disappointment how the dung was heaped upon Pakistan with very few defenders from outside the Pakistan. Very early on @Agno in this forum did the best job in debunking the 'mansion' myth but all fell on deaf ears. Even a few of our 'brothers' stayed quiet or posted to incriminate 'Pakistan'.
Pakistan Army and republicans have always share common interest. Whenever the republicans came in power, pakistan was ruled by Army..
Two strong established brotherly organization ruled their respective countries to play a common game.
Republicans are war-mongers and bad for the world peace. That they appear favorable to Pakistan is only because of their own limited, vicious interests which seem to sometimes align with Pakistan's.
Just because I posted the Rumsfeld video does not make either him or the Republicans all peachy. Rumsfeld may have done the same as Panetta did after May 1 to blackmail Pakistan to 'do more' IF Rumsfeld was in power but that still does not take away from Rumsfeld's logical and powerful articulation of the OBL raid in this video.
China and the Chinese brothers on this forum were the only one's I saw defending Pakistan after May 1st. But sometimes I wonder how long will China put up with the incompetent and corrupt military and civil rulers of Pakistan. I mean their must be times when the Chinese leadership must think about how reliable the Pakistani's can be.
A question for the Chinese member's had such an incident happened in China do you think China would have executed those in the armed services responsible for the negligence?
Republicans are war-mongers and bad for the world peace. That they appear favorable to Pakistan is only because of their own limited, vicious interests which seem to sometimes align with Pakistan's.Just because I posted the Rumsfeld video does not make either him or the Republicans all peachy. Rumsfeld may have done the same as Panetta did after May 1 to blackmail Pakistan to 'do more' IF Rumsfeld was in power but that still does not take away from Rumsfeld's logical and powerful articulation of the OBL raid in this video.

The bolded part says it all, we always need wars to built our army, always ready to join America VS anyone, We can fight with our own people for $ and Military allignment to built our defence and the time will come Pakistan army will become very strong but they dont have people to protect.
China and the Chinese brothers on this forum were the only one's I saw defending Pakistan after May 1st. But sometimes I wonder how long will China put up with the incompetent and corrupt military and civil rulers of Pakistan. I mean their must be times when the Chinese leadership must think about how reliable the Pakistani's can be.
A question for the Chinese member's had such an incident happened in China do you think China would have executed those in the armed services responsible for the negligence?

Both China and American cant afford to loose pakistan, whatever the case....
Pakistan will be the battle ground alongwith India to stage war of China Vs America..
You seem to have climbed down from 'complicity' to 'incompetence'. Has Rumsfeld's video not shown that it was entirely likely that OBL managed to hide where he did?
But, in general, there is a lot of things inside Pakistani establishment which need to improve. I think most of Pakistan's problems are not related to 'corruption' though. I think most are related to Pakistan's weaker position vis a vis India. In essence Pakistan is an un-winnable situation against India over Kashmir. We need to focus on creative ways to make peace with them as the topmost priority. The rest will fall in place.
You seem to have climbed down from 'complicity' to 'incompetence'. Has Rumsfeld's video not shown that it was entirely likely that OBL managed to hide where he did?
But, in general, there is a lot of things inside Pakistani establishment which need to improve. I think most of Pakistan's problems are not related to 'corruption' though. I think most are related to Pakistan's weaker position vis a vis India. In essence Pakistan is an un-winnable situation against India over Kashmir. We need to focus on creative ways to make peace with them as the topmost priority. The rest will fall in place.

I am sorry but I have never stated in any of my posts that I think PA or ISI were complicit in hiding OBL. I am of the belief that OBL has been dead for years and unless I see solid evidence to the contrary that will remain my position. However I strongly believe that PA, ISI and PAF have shown a great degree of incompetence bordering on out right treachery with regards to this Abbottabad operation. No I don't think Rumsfeld's analogy of a gated homes near the pentagon is correct. I can bet you my pants the CIA knows exactly who is living in the vicinity of the Pentagon. And you are absolutely off your rocker if you think Pakistan's problems do not stem from the indelible corruption that is spread through all levels off society from the President right down the milk man and it it is because Pakistan is so corrupt that it finds itself in a weaker position vis a vis India. That is the truth take it or leave it.
...I am of the belief that OBL has been dead for years and unless I see solid evidence to the contrary that will remain my position. ....

Hmmmm! So Ben Ladeen's own wives and his own daughter of 12+ years age all are lying through their teeth?

Do you have a better source that was closer to Ben, I mean closer than even his own wives and daughter?

Why some of us insist on living in ignoranceburg? beats me!

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