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FM: Tehran Willing to Start Ambassadorial Ties with Egypt


Dec 10, 2011
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Iran, Islamic Republic Of
Iran, Islamic Republic Of
FM: Tehran Willing to Start Ambassadorial Ties with Egypt
TEHRAN (FNA)- Iranian Foreign Minister Ali Akbar Salehi underlined Iran's readiness to send an ambassador to Cairo to resume relations between the two countries at the highest level.

"We have announced many times that we are prepared to promote ties with Egypt to an ambassadorial level," Salehi said in an interview with Egypt's channel one TV on Wednesday.

"And to promote the level of our relations with Egypt, the Islamic Republic of Iran waits for Cairo's response," he added.

Salehi also stressed that the Iranian and Egyptian governments should pave the way for further contacts between the two Muslim nations.

After the collapse of Hosni Mubarak's regime, the Iranian and Egyptian officials voiced their interest in the resumption of diplomatic relations between the two countries and Salehi officially invited the then Egyptian counterpart Nabil Al-Arabi to pay a visit to Tehran.

Later, the Iranian foreign minister and his former Egyptian counterpart also held a meeting in Bali, Indonesia.

Also, during the Non-Aligned Movement summit in Tehran late August, Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and his Egyptian counterpart conferred on ways to promote the bilateral relations between Tehran and Cairo, and stressed the need for continued consultations in this regard.

In a latest development, Egyptian President Mohammad Mursi in a meeting with Salehi in Cairo on Tuesday said that Iran plays an important role in resolving the regional crises, and underlined that Tehran and Cairo should be united in dealing with global challenges.

"When the followers of unrighteousness are united in their unrighteous path, why should not we go united in our right position when dealing with global challenges," Mursi said.

Stressing that Egypt assumes Iran's stability as its own stability, he said, "There is no problem between Iran and Egypt."

The Egyptian president also underscored the important role of Iran's assistance to the settlement of problems in the region, and announced Cairo's readiness for any kind of regional cooperation with Tehran.
Fars News Agency :: FM: Tehran Willing to Start Ambassadorial Ties with Egypt

great news!:yahoo:
Great news for Egypt and Iran. :tup:

Why does it bother you if two Muslim countries get back to friendly ties?

No chest beating right next door.

In fact thats not the case but what value do they hold for Egypt, Iran has fabricated an Interview and got sued for by Morsi himself. Iran has also mistranslate his speech during the last NAM summit.

if thats is the start then what is the end
"When the followers of unrighteousness are united in their unrighteous path, why should not we go united in our right position when dealing with global challenges," Mursi said.

Stressing that Egypt assumes Iran's stability as its own stability, he said, "There is no problem between Iran and Egypt."

after the mistranslation of Morsi speech, I don't think so. :lol:

Oh not to forget the interview Iran fabricated and published..........

Look at him fellas Such an accurate interpretation on Mursi words , I tip my cap for you dude, you know you are really talented ,enjoy it and be sure you have a promise future in fiction go ahead dazzle us ...
I put out valid points for an argument while you along with others just blabbering

What is your argument more precisely? That Iran and Egypts shared interests are negated by the events you point out? That it's in Egypts best interest to avoid relations with Iran? If that is the case I think it's a weak argument.
I would like to hear your reasoning.
What is your argument more precisely? That Iran and Egypts shared interests are negated by the events you point out? That it's in Egypts best interest to avoid relations with Iran? If that is the case I think it's a weak argument.
I would like to hear your reasoning.

read post #4
No chest beating right next door.

In fact thats not the case but what value do they hold for Egypt, Iran has fabricated an Interview and got sued for by Morsi himself. Iran has also mistranslate his speech during the last NAM summit.

if thats is the start then what is the end

First of all it wasn't Iran it was a news website nothing more, thus don't confuse them. besides I don't wanna justify the act of that sole channel I mean in every country you can find some idiots, while that mistranslation occurred in only one internal channel the other Iranian news networks such as PressTv , Al-Alam and IRINN translated Morsi's speech correctly .Your statement as to Egypt and its people and their reluctance to bridge btw two countries and nations due to these reasons , no I don't think so I'm so sorry but it's so silly .
I think ambassadorial ties between Egypt & Iran are subject to Iranian performance on Assad's departure from the helm of Syrian affairs and support to Egyptian sponsored transition plan.
This possibility is very low as Iran supporting assad and mursi slammed assad in Iran. Egyptian - Turkish cooperation will be on a record high. :) on all levels. İnşallah
This possibility is very low as Iran supporting assad and mursi slammed assad in Iran. Egyptian - Turkish cooperation will be on a record high. :) on all levels. İnşallah

Egypt won’t get any direct benefit to resume the diplomatic ties in today's extraordinary circumstances in fact it has more to lose. One has to analyze Iran's standing in the Sunnite states of the region especially after Syrian uprising so Morsi would try his level best to get best out the deal (resumption of diplomatic ties). IMO in ordinary circumstances resuming the ties between Iran & Egypt is natural and normal after regime change in later.
This possibility is very low as Iran supporting assad and mursi slammed assad in Iran. Egyptian - Turkish cooperation will be on a record high. :) on all levels. İnşallah
we shall have strong relations with turkey and iran i dont see any reason to choose or side with some one against the other i think egypt should have relations with all powers in the middle east
like i said before no one can say right now what will be the future of Egypt relations with everyone while we have this economic crisis soon İnşallah we will recover
Egypt won’t get any direct benefit to resume the diplomatic ties in today's extraordinary circumstances in fact it has more to lose. One has to analyze Iran's standing in the Sunnite states of the region especially after Syrian uprising so Morsi would try his level best to get best out the deal (resumption of diplomatic ties). IMO in ordinary circumstances resuming the ties between Iran & Egypt is natural and normal after regime change in later.

I disagree. As you say the circumstances in the region are out of the ordinary and there is a degree of uncertainty as to what will happen. The new Egypt have been increasingly assertive in it's foreign policy as opposed to pre-revolutionary Egypt which was essentially an american puppet state. So the reality is that Egypt is looking to safeguard it's own national interest in the region for the first time. In order to do so it needs to recognize the major players in the region and interact with them to decrease the level of uncertainty and shift the circumstances as close to Egypts interests as possible. Of course Iran is one of these major players and I think Morsi signaled that he recognized this to Iran and the world when he just recently invited it to a quartet with the aim of negotiating a solution in Syria. He is basically saying that the region cannot ignore the elephant standing in the room and so it follows that Egypt should have relations with Iran in order to safeguard it's interests in the region. Interestingly USA was not invited to this group which is consistent with my point of a new assertive Egypt.

On a lesser note I should comment on your assertion that Egypt needs to take Iran's standing in the sunni states into consideration and point out that if you flip the coin you have a situation where Egypt needs to analyze Iran's standing in the Shia states of the region and what this means for Egypt.

read post #4

I did and still can't find substance for an argument. Would you like to elaborate?

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