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FM: Tehran Willing to Start Ambassadorial Ties with Egypt

Do you think the majority of Bahrainis considered KSA's intervention constructive and gladly welcomed?

Do you think majority of Palestinians appreciate your game playing with their case to dig a hole in the region?
Do you think majority of Iraqis appreciate Iran's intervention in their country?
Do you think majority of Lebanese appreciate Iran's intervention in Lebanon?
Do you think majority of Yemenis appreciate Iran's intervention in Yemen?
Do you think majority of Syrians appreciate Iran's intervention in Syria?

Do you think majority of ME countries appreciate Iran's militias in the Arab and Islamic world?

Basically KSA is trying to elements any Iranian existence through out the region and to geopolitically isolate Iran's Influence.let alone allowing another pro-Iranian government in the Arabian peninsula. :girl_wacko:

@topoic: No positive signs has been seen as we speck. Iran has lost her credibility and trust in the region. she has also failed to fulfill the Egyptian's confidence towards any diplomatic ties. read OP for an example
Do you think majority of Palestinians appreciate your game playing with their case to dig a hole in the region?
Do you think majority of Iraqis appreciate Iran's intervention in their country?
Do you think majority of Lebanese appreciate Iran's intervention in Lebanon?
Do you think majority of Yemenis appreciate Iran's intervention in Yemen?
Do you think majority of Syrians appreciate Iran's intervention in Syria?

Do you think majority of ME countries appreciate Iran's militias in the Arab and Islamic world?

Basically KSA is trying to elements any Iranian existence through out the region and to geopolitically isolate Iran's Influence.let alone allowing another pro-Iranian government in the Arabian peninsula. :girl_wacko:

@topoic: No positive signs has been seen as we speck. Iran has lost her credibility and trust in the region. she has also failed to fulfill the Egyptian's confidence towards any diplomatic ties. read OP for an example
What you wrote are nothing but typical Saudi propaganda.
Palestinians are already forgotten by their Arab 'brothers'.It's even possible they cooperate with Israel to oppress them more and more,Egypt and Jordan actually did it.
There are Saudi backed terrorists blowing up Shias almost every week in Iraq,nothing to do with Iran.Iraq is a democracy now and it's close to Iran,that's the hardest part for Saudi line.
There are Al-Qaeda and again Salafists fighting in Yemen,nothing to do with Iran.
Iran is not intervening in Lebanon,it just supports Hezbollah which is very popular among Lebanese and also has a strong political wing,maybe except some Sunnis in Lebanon.Hezbollah liberated Lebanon from Israel's aggression,something all Arab countries failed to do since Israel's creation.
Syria is a different story.We have discussed about it before,everyone is following her agenda in Syria,it's not only about Iran,but all the powers in ME and world.

Except Hezbollah that has Iran's support,Iran has no militias in Arab countries,there is no further explanation to it.Trying to show show Saudis as the angels and Iran as the evil is very ridiculous,you guys should know people laugh at you when you repeat these words like parrots.
Saudi Arabia is an Arabic and Muslim country, it is one of the major pillars of Arab block, all countries surrounding it wether they were people or regimes would send the one who points a finger toward it to hell. It's intervention has never been but constructive and has always been gladly welcomed, the things that Iran don't have.

I got to go to Jordan and get me some of this whacky Tobaccy wonder what it feels to be High an delusional all the times.
What you wrote are nothing but typical Saudi propaganda.
Palestinians are already forgotten by their Arab 'brothers'.It's even possible they cooperate with Israel to oppress them more and more,Egypt and Jordan actually did it.
There are Saudi backed terrorists blowing up Shias almost every week in Iraq,nothing to do with Iran.Iraq is a democracy now and it's close to Iran,that's the hardest part for Saudi line.
There are Al-Qaeda and again Salafists fighting in Yemen,nothing to do with Iran.
Iran is not intervening in Lebanon,it just supports Hezbollah which is very popular among Lebanese and also has a strong political wing,maybe except some Sunnis in Lebanon.Hezbollah liberated Lebanon from Israel's aggression,something all Arab countries failed to do since Israel's creation.
Syria is a different story.We have discussed about it before,everyone is following her agenda in Syria,it's not only about Iran,but all the powers in ME and world.

Except Hezbollah that has Iran's support,Iran has no militias in Arab countries,there is no further explanation to it.Trying to show show Saudis as the angels and Iran as the evil is very ridiculous,you guys should know people laugh at you when you repeat these words like parrots.

Oops living in denial or may be I pushed the hard button where you failed to come up with a rational debate telling the reality on the ground. Now KSA is in charge, Iran's fingers in the ME are being chopped off.Iran got busted in Bahrain, Yemen and now in Syria then Iraq until the Iranian regime gets toppled.
The elimination of the malignant tumor is now under process.
Oops living in denial or may be I pushed the hard button where you failed to come up with a rational debate telling the reality on the ground. Now KSA is in charge, Iran's fingers in the ME are being chopped off.Iran got busted in Bahrain, Yemen and now in Syria then Iraq until the Iranian regime gets toppled.
The elimination of the malignant tumor is now under process.
I see you are the one failing to reply,that proves my point.
Anyway,the tumor lies in your home country,first chop it off,then you can talk about Iran.
The Legend;3436015]Do you think majority of Palestinians appreciate your game playing with their case to dig a hole in the region?

Lets see they voted fatah out and over whelmingly voted for Hamas what do u think that is

Do you think majority of Iraqis appreciate Iran's intervention in their country?

Yes do u think Iraqis appreciate Terrorist Attacks in Iraq by Saddam s Ex supporter .

Do you think majority of Lebanese appreciate Iran's intervention in Lebanon?

Do you think majority of Yemenis appreciate Iran's intervention in Yemen?

Must as they kicked out saudi backed salah and Saudis with the help of USA kept him in power .

Do you think majority of Syrians appreciate Iran's intervention in Syria?

LOL No the Appreciate terrorist being trained and sent into Syria By House of saud

Do you think majority of ME countries appreciate Iran's militias in the Arab and Islamic world?

what Militias?

Basically KSA is trying to elements any Iranian existence through out the region and to geopolitical isolate Iran's Influence.let alone allowing another pro-Iranian government in the Arabian peninsula. :girl_wacko:

yes they are but but with zero success they cant even control their own people without holding a gun to them and people of Arabia and other Middle eastern nations have no respect for their rulers.

We all no House of saud pouring billions into Arabia to keep people from Rising up not exactly a big secret is it now.

@topoic: No positive signs has been seen as we speck. Iran has lost her credibility and trust in the region. she has also failed to fulfill the Egyptian's confidence towards any diplomatic ties. read OP for an example

what positive signs would you be looking for ? Lost credibility really is this why people in Middle east have zero respect for their rulers.
Lost diplomatic ties with Egypt really
Your right. What a great achievement, he? Al those weak Arab states that are kinda 'controlled' or 'moved' by Iran. What resulted in so many scared Wahabi's who are now trying desperately, with American and Turkish help of course, to counter Iran's influence in the Middle East, but haven't succeeded really yet. It must be really depressing for you guys to see Iran's long arms in almost every Arab country, while you guys can't move a inch in Iran.

That sir, is what you call power.

The world are witnessing Iran's slow death due the sanction imposed. KSA has basically circle Iran all the way around.
the economic and social status in Iran is indescribable and has become more fragile than before. Iran is facing economic obstacles e'g currency devolution ,,etc and shaky social structure.

Powere is nothing without achievement. Iran has been sized.
Your right. What a great achievement, he? Al those weak Arab states that are kinda 'controlled' or 'moved' by Iran. What resulted in so many scared Wahabi's who are now trying desperately, with American and Turkish help of course, to counter Iran's influence in the Middle East, but haven't succeeded really yet. It must be really depressing for you guys to see Iran's long arms in almost every Arab country, while you guys can't move a inch in Iran.

That sir, is what you call power.

Lol there is one Iran but so many Arab countries and ME countries so everyone has influence, the matter is what influence, what influence is Iran? Supporting de-stability, terrorists, etc what influence Turkey, democratic, role model, etc see the difference?
I see you are the one failing to reply,that proves my point.
Anyway,the tumor lies in your home country,first chop it off,then you can talk about Iran.

Fail again. Im implying Iran's diplomatic strategy and the Arab street point of view. your post has nothing to do with that.
Lol there is one Iran but so many Arab countries and ME countries so everyone has influence, the matter is what influence, what influence is Iran? Supporting de-stability, terrorists, etc what influence Turkey, democratic, role model, etc see the difference?

Not everyone has influence. Even Turkey doesn't have so many influence in the Middle East. Let me quote this Turkish columnist:

''On the political front, however, Iran has more tools to use against Turkey. Given the fact that Iran is a country best known for its proxy wars, Iran would use tools such as the PKK, and to some degree the Kurdish Hizbullah and other sleeper cells pretending to be Islamists in this country, to destabilize Turkey. Turkey, however, has very limited groups inside Iran which it could mobilize against the Iranian regime. Furthermore, Turkey does not know how to wage a protracted proxy war.

Moreover, there are influential intellectuals among the Islamists, even in the Cabinet, and members of Parliament who have sympathy towards Iran. For this very reason the government, despite the warnings from inside and outside, insists on its policies to support Iran in the international arena and to keep the doors of economic activity open.

Thus, Iran can easily destabilize Turkey if Turkey further deepens the cold war with Iran.''


So, don't act so tough. Not one Arab state accepted your Turkish model of democracy. Your foreign policy failed. Period. Iran is making Turkish and Arab politicians go scared.
The world are witnessing Iran's slow death due the sanction imposed. KSA has basically circle Iran all the way around.
the economic and social status in Iran is indescribable and has become more fragile than before. Iran is facing economic obstacles e'g currency devolution ,,etc and shaky social structure.

Powere is nothing without achievement. Iran has been sized.

KSA have almost no influence in Iraq, Afghanistan, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Turkmenistan, etc. So how in God's name you can state that KSA has circled Iran around? Iran have influence in Iraq, Yemen, so you can probably state it the other way around. Iran's economic and social failure has nothing to do with KSA, so that is irrelevant here.
Not everyone has influence. Even Turkey doesn't have so many influence in the Middle East. Let me quote this Turkish columnist:


So, don't act so tough. Not one Arab state accepted your Turkish model of democracy. Your foreign policy failed. Period. Iran is making Turkish and Arab politicians go scared.

Legend look at what he's saying he's living in fantasy He don't know the situation in Iran, as I said we don't use terrorism and we not suicide bombing experts like you, but we have some tools and cards not yet unleashed, a stab is more dangerous than chronic pain.
Legend look at what he's saying he's living in fantasy He don't know the situation in Iran, as I said we don't use terrorism and we not suicide bombing experts like you, but we have some tools and cards not yet unleashed, a stab is more dangerous than chronic pain.

Yeah, more things hide behind those great secret Turkish curtain? Even your Turkish foreign policy experts now about Iran's influence, as you probably read also.
KSA have almost no influence in Iraq, Afghanistan, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Turkmenistan, etc. So how in God's name you can state that KSA has circled Iran around? Iran have influence in Iraq, Yemen, so you can probably state it the other way around. Iran's economic and social failure has nothing to do with KSA, so that is irrelevant here.

I suggest look at the deal of the century Trans Anatolian gas pipeline, Iran is really isolated.
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