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Flight of the falcon

6, I was landing when I saw 5 sabers in pens one out side standing in the middle. The middle one got hit exploded and took the other 5 with them, I had no Ammo but decided to takeoff again and take them away from the base, by the time I took of the Fighters were gone.

See most people ask me why were our heroes retired so soon.
Because that thought they knew more than the COAS or DCAS Ops.

Mistakes happen specially in war Rahim khan did everything by the book actually it was MM Alam who was fighting the war from the control room and did a fantastic job.
Yes!!! Such kind of stories I would really to see coming from you...come on Sir, do write some more stories, incidents etc. of your days in PAF...like... Your Son's sat in the cockpit of Nur Khan's Sabre, You were given the name of TIGER by MM Alam in 1971 and this one above, I hope you can write a book titled "Great Moments in PAF"...and one thing more do not forget to send a copy to me:yahoo:
that was not the reason or he wouldn't get a SJ. He got superseded because he was told something not to do but he kept doing it again and again. I will not into details. He was a good pilot and a decent man.

but he got his SJ (Sitara) . I think his complaint is about his promotion.
However, I must add that the serious blunder committed by the then Base Commander Mauripur in not positioning the 8 aircraft in time resulted in the total failure of an otherwise very well thought plan. This serious act of negligence not only went unpunished but the officer rose to the rank of an Air Commodore and headed the Operations Branch of the PAF. Why, I do not name him, only because he died a number of years ago.
If it is true, he or someone else should tell his name. It was a criminal negligence and nation lost two of his sons. It does not matter if he is dead or not.
Though the finest aircraft of its kind we should never have gone for the F16s. Like I said earlier we never learn from our past mistakes. The Americans have a very poor political track record with us; they let us down in 65 and 71 despite we being members of their CENTO pact. On the other hand France has been a reliable friend, we should have gone for the Mirage-2000 instead. I don’t know but we hear about kickbacks in the F16 deal but NAB does not seem to think so or they don’t want to go that far. But I do know of a number of ex PAF officers who could not afford a car, now own flats in England — thanks to British weekly lottery I guess.
So it means stories of kick-backs floated at that time had some actual grounds. When Anwar Shamim retired he was appointed ambassador in Canada but Canadian govt officially reused to accept him. At that time Pakistan’s finance minister was Mehboob-ul-haq. He said in one of his statement that our retired officers are now tagged as drug trafficker by other countries. Hope it was not about our ex air chief because kick-back is bit decent in comparison with drug trafficking.
But I do know of a number of ex PAF officers who could not afford a car, now own flats in England — thanks to British weekly lottery I guess.
This indicates how deeply rooted is corruption in our forces.
I was cleared for promotion to the rank of an Air Commodore by the Air Board but was not approved by Zia, who in any case was supposed to be a rubber-stamping authority. No Chief, Shamim or Jamal had the moral fibre to tell me why. Would I then be wrong to conclude that it was my religion that came in the way?
If you belong to some minority and don’t get some thing which you really deserve then this is automatic feeling. A normal person would not be blamed for this feeling. But he is not a normal person. He would have gone through tough psychological and physical training. Secondly being a principal of an educational institute he might be transferring this to his students, may or may not be.
No that is just bullshit I love him like a brother but that was not the reason or he wouldn't get a SJ. He got superseded because he was told something not to do but he kept doing it again and again. I will not into details. He was a good pilot and a decent man.
Dear Muradk if you know something bring it up. I feel it is your responsibility to clear this haze
If it is true, he or someone else should tell his name. It was a criminal negligence and nation lost two of his sons. It does not matter if he is dead or not.

So it means stories of kick-backs floated at that time had some actual grounds. When Anwar Shamim retired he was appointed ambassador in Canada but Canadian govt officially reused to accept him. At that time Pakistan’s finance minister was Mehboob-ul-haq. He said in one of his statement that our retired officers are now tagged as drug trafficker by other countries. Hope it was not about our ex air chief because kick-back is bit decent in comparison with drug trafficking.

This indicates how deeply rooted is corruption in our forces.

If you belong to some minority and don’t get some thing which you really deserve then this is automatic feeling. A normal person would not be blamed for this feeling. But he is not a normal person. He would have gone through tough psychological and physical training. Secondly being a principal of an educational institute he might be transferring this to his students, may or may not be.

Dear Muradk if you know something bring it up. I feel it is your responsibility to clear this haze

First my wife only calls me dear.:smitten:
Second No Sir you are very wrong may be you are not familiar with our Code, We don't RA- on my friends. If PAF thought it to be deemed classified it will remain classified. I only said that its bull because blaming Zia is wrong. All my life I have lived with one principal " What is right is right and what is wrong is wrong no matter what"
Zia as COAS sat on the promotion Board for Birg and above in PAF the COAS PAF sits as the head and he decided who gets promoted and who doesn't. The process is simple All staff officers all DCAS VCOAS vote yes or no the Chief has a copy of the officers ACR's and if he thinks the Board has taken a good decision he will not say anything and the officer in question gets promoted or gets SC. The COAS has vote power only and if the board says no he can just say yes promote him no question Asked.
An Iqtibas from the book with reference to 6th september

"The first news of Indian offensive was conveyed to Ayub Khan through a PAF Mobile Observer Unit and Air Cdre Akhtar; not through army intelligence. A shocked president called Gen Musa at 4AM to ask him,” Where are your field troops?” He ought to have asked “Are your troops fully deployed and operational to defend the borders?” The answer by C-in-C was misleading; he assured the president that his troops were fully prepared tp defend the motherland. This was the farthest from the truth, because all the defences had been removed from Lahore, Sialkot and Kasur on the orders of Gen Musa. Imploring by Div Commanders had been boorishly rejected. As a result, the main entry point to Lahore over the BRB canal was defended by a handful of men of 3rd Baluch. Those on leave were not recalled on the absurd pretext that recalling the men and mining the border would provoke the enemy."
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An Iqtibas from the book describing the battle for Lahore

"Suddenly the radio crackled, breaking the powerful silence of six cockpits, as we heared the voice of Air Cdre Masroor Hussain, the senior Air Staff Officers at the Air Defence Headquarters. He called ma by name and in a deeply somber ordered me to change my target plan and head for Atari village on the fringes of Lahore, warning that the Indian tanks had crossed into Pakistan territory, and were about to enter Lahore."
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An Iqtibas from the book describing the battle for Lahore

Crossing over the Wagha border, I noticed the famous omnibus at the barrier and many people standing there and looking up at us. Then I saw what5 looked to faint tank tracks about 3-4 miles north of the GT road. I followed the tell tale tracks to the south, praying hard to make contact with the monsters leaving those broad tracks. Just a few moments later, I spotted several tanks and armored vehicles trying to climb from the banks into the main road. I called out and said ,”Boys, our Armoured Crops seem to be finally out, let’s give them a salute.” As I pulled slightly and turned my aircraft on its back flying over the first batch of tanks, I sae to my horror the unmistakable Indian saffron roundels; I imediatewly yelled as I pulled up sharp left, “These are Indian tanks, SOB! LET’S GET ‘EM! Select switches to hot, fire rockets in pairs.”
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Zohare Haider
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