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‘First time' in history: White deaths outnumber births in US

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I hate to say it - but in present times the whites are more evolved than us, the browns, yellows, blacks - they run circles around us. Should I be unduly worried about their dropping birth rates? - Not quite.

Its the views like this from an Indian that make others view Indians are white people worshippers.
Only after you post a photocopy of your credit card :D

you need photo ID to go with Credit card these day, you probably still need an ID card in order to use his credit card :)

But then I doubt if he even have a credit card to begin with :)
it seems that some posters are able to continually make racist comments here with seemingly no push back. Yet on the other hand, others are taken care of fairly quickly. Just an observation from someone who lurked here for more then a year. Finally decided to register last week. if I'm wrong about this observation, I apologize.

welcome to this forum.

How is that racist? The white people are the biggest problem for the human species. They start all the wars, spread all the diseases, cause all the financial collapses, steal all the resources, kill off native populations, etc.

Racism was started by the white people.

Stop your racist comment. Actually, there are racist people every where. The Americans are one of the least racist people as we are exposed to various ethnic groups.

Not all whites are racists, but all racists are whites.

Nope, you are not white.
welcome to this forum.

Stop your racist comment. Actually, there are racist people every where. The Americans are one of the least racist people as we are exposed to various ethnic groups.

Nope, you are not white.

It's impossible to tell him to stop :)

It's actually fun to see him dishing out racist comment here and there without he, himself, knowing.

But watch out as he will probably call you an Indian too.
Can you post a photocopy of that page from your passport?

That claim will stand if only if in case people of HK starting to recognize Indian Chinese, "Vietnamese" Chinese, or whatever XXChinese as Chinese only.
However, descendants from those ungrateful criminals http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Boat_people will never ever be accepted as Hongkongers or Chinese period.
It's impossible to tell him to stop :)

It's actually fun to see him dishing out racist comment here and there without he, himself, knowing.

But watch out as he will probably call you an Indian too.

He knows that I'm not Indian. I'm just too obvious not an Indian wishing for lots of white servants.
welcome to this forum.

Stop your racist comment. Actually, there are racist people every where. The Americans are one of the least racist people as we are exposed to various ethnic groups.

Nope, you are not white.

I fail to see where my post was racist.
That claim will stand if only if in case people of HK starting to recognize Indian Chinese, "Vietnamese" Chinese, or whatever XXChinese as Chinese only.
However, descendants from those ungrateful criminals Boat people - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia will never ever be accepted as Hongkongers or Chinese period.

lol you should wait your turn to be the Chief Executive of my city, then you can do whatever the hell you want.

In the meanwhile I am a Chinese and I got tons of Evidence t support this, what can you do about that?

By the way, my mother was NOT the boat people, she drive to Chinese Vietnamese Border, she was in Hong Kong WAY BEFORE the Vietnamese expelling Chinese in 1979 and she IS an ethnic Chinese to begin with that's why she get the boot :lol: too bad, you even get that wrong

You ARE Indian. :wave:

lol and you are stupid :lol:
lol you should wait your turn to be the Chief Executive of my city, then you can do whatever the hell you want.

In the meanwhile I am a Chinese and I got tons of Evidence t support this, what can you do about that?

By the way, my mother was NOT the boat people, she drive to Chinese Vietnamese Border, she was in Hong Kong WAY BEFORE the Vietnamese expelling Chinese in 1979 and she IS an ethnic Chinese to begin with that's why she get the boot :lol: too bad, you even get that wrong

lol and you are stupid :lol:

Nope, you are a dirty little Yindoo goon.
lol, he think I am an Indian.....anyway

I'm not sure who you are. Are you pro-Indian?

Non-whites can never be racist. Since you are an Indian, I can't be racist.

People of any race can be racist against any member of other race.

I fail to see where my post was racist.

When you said that white people are the biggest problem, that is a racist term. Its like saying all South Asians are rapist when an Indian rape a tourist.
It's always been the case during an economic downturn. Breed responsibly.

And some believe "breeding" is there right. I wish the same happen in India.. We Indians are breeding like Pig, I am scared, after 30 Years, These Pigs will eat up all resources...

Only Condom can save us.. Hope we change our religion and make condom our god..
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