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FIRST ON CNN: Iran confronts U.S. drone over Persian Gulf

I use Drone generally but I mean UAV.

Fair enough but can you explain what these UAVS are looking for which a satellite can ???
Means US has a big number of such sats. Why risk going near hostile airspace when you can look right inside it ??? I think there won't be much difference in both things or is there ???
Ooooooohhhhh...Yesssss...There are...

Satellite intel are best for periodic and/or fairly predictable events, like naval fleets coming and going on scheduled deployments. Also that these events are long term occurrences.

UAVs, strategic recon (SR-71), and tactical recon (RF-4), are best for events that are highly volatile in terms of occurrences and less predictable, like a sudden reschedule of troops movement upon which other signs pointed at. They are also best for when events that builds and that you need finer grain intel of that progress. For these, satellites are predictable, you know you will get an update every 24 hrs, whereas with tactical recon (UAV or a jet fighter) you can get updates on the hour or every 1/2 if you want.

If you do not have the tool you need -- make one.
I still do not understand why an MQ1, a predator, was sent for reconnaissance? Any opinion?

Your observation is correct. The Iranian F-4 came with 25 km zone of unmanned predator.That close?

At one point the Iranian F-4, an old US-built warplane dating from the Vietnam War era, was within 25 kilometres of the unmanned Predator drone, spokesman George Little said.
The unarmed Predator, the workhorse of the US fleet of robotic planes, was carrying out ''a routine classified surveillance flight'' over the Gulf when it was approached by the Iranian warplane, he said in a statement.
I looks like the pilot wasn't expecting anything else but the UAV.
Also the numbers tells us something.
Why an Air force will launch just one manned aircraft?
Because it seems that they were expecting just an unmanned aerial vehicle.(Easy kill).
Means the escort went undetected till they exposed themselves and delivered a warning.

Also quoting a part of the news,

The US expanded its military presence around the Gulf over the past year, deploying minesweepers and F-22 fighters to the area.
Source:Iranian jet tries to intercept US drone over gulf

If that was an F-22 vs F-4. Isn't that too harsh?:D
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Your observation is correct. The Iranian F-4 came with 25 km zone of unmanned predator.That close?

I looks like the pilot wasn't expecting anything else but the UAV.
Also the numbers tells us something.
Why an Air force will launch just one manned aircraft?
Because it seems that they were expecting and unmanned aerial vehicle.(Easy kill).
Means the escort went undetected till they exposed themselves and delivered a warning.

Also quoting a part of the news,

Source:Iranian jet tries to intercept US drone over gulf

If that was an F-22 vs F-4. Isn't that too harsh?:D

If its gonna be F-22 vs F-4 then its gonna be white wash... Total hunt... 10 f22 can hunt down all iran jets... No offence
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I still do not understand why an MQ1, a predator, was sent for reconnaissance? Any opinion?
A strategy that uses UAVs as bait? That's all I got.
A strategy that uses UAVs as bait? That's all I got.

I think the same way. A bait.
All over internet, Iranian users are saying "we have everything, except a predator", which is almost right. MQ1 might only have been used as a bait.
I can imagine the huge gifts "UAV hunters" receive, especially for NICE ones. China and Russia contribute to the gifts too.
10X8 = 80 Missiles

I didn't know Iran had just 80 jets.

Oh i never knew that f22 cant fly more than one stories...
Well to @Skyman to be honest i dont have 1% anti iran feeling for that country. I respect that country but i just pointed out one fact that no jet wanna mess with f22. F22 smoke each and every jets that comes on her radar. Be it indian beast su30mki, pakistan j17,f16, or chinese j10a,b
Right now world dont any jet that compete against raptor, its a well known fact.
Try to accept facts rather than doing BS
No offence
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Your lack of military experience is evident and the laugh is on YOU:omghaha:

You probably have the impression that an escort must always fly right next to its charge. Wrong. In this situation, the Iranian fighters never seen the UAV's fighter escorts. The Iranian fighters came within 16 miles of the UAV and he was verbally warned. That mean the Iranian pilots never knew they were being watched/hunted until they were given a verbal warning, which could have been a couple of missiles. That also mean the UAV was probably a ruse to see Iranian response, which was pretty pathetic considering the Iranian pilots never knew they were being watched/hunted.

Try to put yourself in the Iranians' place: So focused on a UAV and all of sudden, you hear an American voice telling you to frack off. You frantically turns your head all over to try to find what is clearly an opponent but alas, you could not.

So who is going to have a good laugh at the bar at the end of the flying day? The Americans who scared the crap out of the Iranians? Or the Iranians who were so fixated on a UAV that they got busted by a disembodied voice in their headsets?
U.S. fighters warn Iranian jet trailing UAV - Navy News | News from Afghanistan & Iraq - Navy Times

U.S. fighters warn Iranian jet trailing UAV

By Brian Everstine - Staff writer
Posted : Thursday Mar 14, 2013 15:44:50 EDT

An American fighter jet verbally warned an Iranian F-4 on Tuesday as it pursued an Air Force MQ-1 Predator over international waters.

The MQ-1 was flying unarmed reconnaissance over the Arabian Gulf when it was approached by the F-4, Pentagon spokesman George Little said in a statement Thursday. The Iranian jet came within 16 miles of the unmanned Predator. The Pentagon said earlier today that the U.S. fired a flare to warn the Iranian jet, but amended that statement.

Two American fighter jets were escorting the Predator and warned the jet, ending the situation. All American aircraft remained in international waters, Little said.

Last November, an Iranian Su-25 jet fired on an unarmed MQ-1 in international waters, according to the Pentagon. After that incident, the U.S. told Iran that it would continue to fly the surveillance flights and “we reserve the right to protect our military assets as well as our forces and will continue to do so going forward.”

I guess u didn't bother reading the news. U are senior member just try to act like one.
U.S. fighters warn Iranian jet trailing UAV - Navy News | News from Afghanistan & Iraq - Navy Times

U.S. fighters warn Iranian jet trailing UAV

By Brian Everstine - Staff writer
Posted : Thursday Mar 14, 2013 15:44:50 EDT

An American fighter jet verbally warned an Iranian F-4 on Tuesday as it pursued an Air Force MQ-1 Predator over international waters.

The MQ-1 was flying unarmed reconnaissance over the Arabian Gulf when it was approached by the F-4, Pentagon spokesman George Little said in a statement Thursday. The Iranian jet came within 16 miles of the unmanned Predator. The Pentagon said earlier today that the U.S. fired a flare to warn the Iranian jet, but amended that statement.

Two American fighter jets were escorting the Predator and warned the jet, ending the situation. All American aircraft remained in international waters, Little said.

Last November, an Iranian Su-25 jet fired on an unarmed MQ-1 in international waters, according to the Pentagon. After that incident, the U.S. told Iran that it would continue to fly the surveillance flights and “we reserve the right to protect our military assets as well as our forces and will continue to do so going forward.”

I guess u didn't bother reading the news. U are senior member just try to act like one.

these kind of news from animal agencies are all somehow against iran(persia land) they can't be trusted at all.
No. Technically speaking, these are not drones but Un-manned Aerial Vehicles (UAV). Un-manned does not mean not piloted. A drone is both un-manned and not piloted. A UAV is remotely piloted and also have a high degree of autonomous programming like a drone, if not more sophisticated.
h capability of an afterburner engine.

You are wrong! A sophisticated aircraft like F-22 is certainly capable of conducting reconnaissance missions better than a drone, F-22 is capable of functioning as a mini-AWACS.

F-22 Raptor Avionic system - Aircraft Wiki

From a technical point of view F-22 could carry more advanced equipment compared to a UAV however, using UAV is less costly and also doesn't endanger the pilot's life if intercepted.

Slow speed doesn't have much to do with quality of photographs taken (it has to do with the cost of the camera installed), recently MIT Media Lab developed an Ultra-High Speed Camera that could theoretically be used for military purposes. Even before this, there were very high speed cameras available that could take high quality pictures at MACH 3 or even at higher speeds.

Pilot would need only one sortie to perform the operation, as the system could be programmed to take photographs from sensitive areas, this of course needs a very fast processing speed that is certainly possible to achieve even without having powerful equipment on-board, aircraft sat link could channel cloud communication between a base in the region and the aircraft. However communication delays may cause problem (they will!), anyhow this problem can be solved by installing faster speed VQ processors that eliminate redundant calculations for real-time image capturing.

Programming navigation system for a drone is a relatively easy task for a second year Electrical Engineering student with intermediate knowledge of C++ libraries such as OpenCV.


F-22 is a better and faster option, however there is that "blowing up" possibility!
Drone is a cheaper, safer, but less "better" option.

And by the way, I think U.S. navy wanted to see how we respond, otherwise they wouldn't send escorts, sending escorts will theoretically increase the chances of detection, this is true even for an advanced aircraft such as F-22.
You are wrong! A sophisticated aircraft like F-22 is certainly capable of conducting reconnaissance missions better than a drone, F-22 is capable of functioning as a mini-AWACS.

F-22 Raptor Avionic system - Aircraft Wiki

From a technical point of view F-22 could carry more advanced equipment compared to a UAV however, using UAV is less costly and also doesn't endanger the pilot's life if intercepted.

Slow speed doesn't have much to do with quality of photographs taken (it has to do with the cost of the camera installed), recently MIT Media Lab developed an Ultra-High Speed Camera that could theoretically be used for military purposes. Even before this, there were very high speed cameras available that could take high quality pictures at MACH 3 or even at higher speeds.

Pilot would need only one sortie to perform the operation, as the system could be programmed to take photographs from sensitive areas, this of course needs a very fast processing speed that is certainly possible to achieve even without having powerful equipment on-board, aircraft sat link could channel cloud communication between a base in the region and the aircraft. However communication delays may cause problem (there will!), anyhow this problem can be solved by installing faster speed VQ processors that eliminate redundant calculations for real-time image capture.

Programming navigation system for a drone is a relatively easy task for a second year Electrical Engineering student with intermediate knowledge of C++ libraries such as OpenCV.


F-22 is a better and faster option, however there is that "blowing up" possibility!
Drone is a cheaper, safer, but less "better" option.
You are getting into the ridiculous here.

The F-22 is not designed to be an AWACS or a recon platform, even though it can perform some limited functions of those specific platforms. The -22 is designed to be an air superiority platform. A UAV is designed specifically to be a long duration first and long range second recon/observation platform. The avionics link you gave does not contain cameras and the high quality high capability camera you cited will certainly require its own containment system, of which the -22's internal volume does not accommodate. So if I am going to design a dedicated long duration high altitude recon/observatio platform, why should I pay more money for high speed cameras when because of the lower airspeed I can use less expensive equipment and still can get the same results?

And by the way, I think U.S. navy wanted to see how we respond, otherwise they wouldn't send escorts, sending escorts will theoretically increase the chances of detection, this is true even for an advanced aircraft such as F-22.
The odds of Iranian radars detecting an F-22 is...Errr...Good luck...:lol:
U.S. fighters warn Iranian jet trailing UAV - Navy News | News from Afghanistan & Iraq - Navy Times

U.S. fighters warn Iranian jet trailing UAV

By Brian Everstine - Staff writer
Posted : Thursday Mar 14, 2013 15:44:50 EDT

An American fighter jet verbally warned an Iranian F-4 on Tuesday as it pursued an Air Force MQ-1 Predator over international waters.

The MQ-1 was flying unarmed reconnaissance over the Arabian Gulf when it was approached by the F-4, Pentagon spokesman George Little said in a statement Thursday. The Iranian jet came within 16 miles of the unmanned Predator. The Pentagon said earlier today that the U.S. fired a flare to warn the Iranian jet, but amended that statement.

Two American fighter jets were escorting the Predator and warned the jet, ending the situation. All American aircraft remained in international waters, Little said.

Last November, an Iranian Su-25 jet fired on an unarmed MQ-1 in international waters, according to the Pentagon. After that incident, the U.S. told Iran that it would continue to fly the surveillance flights and “we reserve the right to protect our military assets as well as our forces and will continue to do so going forward.”

I guess u didn't bother reading the news. U are senior member just try to act like one.
All you did was copied/pasted a news article. What is your point here? I already made mine, which is that UAVs do not usually fly with escorts, and yet now there is one. This is about testing Iranian response and the grade for the Iranian Air Force is: F.

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