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First ever visit by a serving Saudi Arabian Land Forces chief to India

If you are trying to prove that a country's military leader is ignorant of history then may God save that country. He could have simply shown some balls and declined, refused to become part of a controversary or may be should have protested for trying to harm his country's image and relations. Even Obama and Trump did better than these idiots.

Fully agree.

I think that this scoundrel General of KSA was fully aware of, what is happening. He has participated in this farce, deliberately. It is clear that he doesn't give a damn to, what Pakistan thinks or feels. The message is clear and unambiguous.
Only if they fall into the cheapness which is as close to that of as Indians. This is the difference between Indians and Pakistanis. While you talk talk and more talk and stop playing cricket and crush 2 trees and a flying crow, Pakistan crushed 46 of your occupier terrorists, 8 advanced military trucks, 2 advanced fighter jets, and made you to shoot down your own copper including 8 air personal by your own missile. And still your airforce wing commander sipped on our FANTASTIC tea.
I wonder after all that, they still refused to fight...
election speeches were about taking back "Azad Kashmir" but when push comes to shove
No response 😅, got whooped and left crying like the basanti Devis they're

By the way that photo is prominent in Riyadh Daily
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Quite a pic to be kept in background the .....
Next time your military chiefs can pose for a photo with guests having this fantastic photo in background
For me the picture exposes two truths -

  • That Hindu India has such a inferiorty complex borne out of 1,000 years of invasions from the northwest by Pakhtuns, Turks, Persians and now carry that burning burden of rape, conquest and destructon. The one military victory achieved by riding the Banglas in 1971 against a small force in siege and two thousand miles from home base is used to exorcise the beast of defeat in their hearts. You use this event 50 years like the greatest fight since the Spartans fought to glorious deaths. When the reality was what happened was a foregone conclusion. That image just shows the childishness and complex riden India.

  • I mean do Russians tout at every turn the defeat of the mighty Werhmacht when they took 5 million prisoners and destroyed Berlin? Or do Americans tout the destruction of the 10 million Imperial Japanese Army in WW2 with suurender signedd the living god - Emperor Hirohito?

  • The second point it exposes is the how punch drunk or addict the Pakistan population is with deadly coctail of religion and myth. How would Arabs take if the Pakistani COAS made a visit to Jerusalem and stood clasping hands of Israeli Chief of Staff with huge picture of defeated Arabs signing away West Bank or the An-Naqab [Negev]?

Well this is exactly the same analogy but Pakistani's because of the aforementioned addiction will ply all sort apologetic excuses.

It may be calculated,
However this Photo is centrally placed in HIS OFFICE where he met the Saudi Chief.
It has not been placed there for this occasion, it has always been there.
I mean it's kind of half and half.

The only thing this shows is the small thinking of indians.
something we witness first hand here in gulf too.

small people, small thinking, small tactics.
unprofessional and not worthy of a gentleman's notice.
nope saudis could have refused this specific background its been done before
maybe they were just not paying attention.. and this was not intentional. Benefit of doubt to them 😉
maybe they were just not paying attention.. and this was not intentional. Benefit of doubt to them 😉
Saudi's may not know about the background pic, if you closely look at the taken photo, both the army chiefs gave enough space to get background pic, with Niazi signing surrender.
At first, I thought that some Arab Sheikh has come to hire the services of a suitable Band Master, for his son's marriage ceremony. :lol:
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This is world's famous image when a country lost 46 soldiers, 8 advanced military trucks, 2 advanced fighter jets, 1 chopper, 5 airforce personal but their fighter pilot still sipping on neighbors FANTASTIC TEA.
Won't it be funny to put this image and have all guest take a snap with this in the backdrop. Hilarious. Obviously I am joking, We should remain focused on professionalism and let these hooligans proceed with their approach. It will show up on the battlefield.
Saudi's may not know about the background pic, if you closely look at the taken photo, both the army chiefs gave enough space to get background pic, with Niazi signing surrender.

Maybe, it is a tit for tat for making spectacle of Abhinandan. Previous congress govts took it lying down from Pak.

But Modi govt is giving everything back and then some.

Pak should not have released all those pics of Abhinandan. But then they must be catering to domestic audience.

PS: Just makes me wonder if Nehru was not India's first PM, how different India would have been? Maybe, 1962 would not have happened at best and not a summary defeat at worst.

My father always said this enemy we have is a characterless one a low class enemy. It’s almost an insult just bordering them.

So, Pak is a saint?? and all countries bordering pak are happy that it is Pak which is bordering them.

No, you don't have to respond. I already know your response will be like.
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