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First ever visit by a serving Saudi Arabian Land Forces chief to India

I agree that the '71 victory is over-encashed by us and we should lay it to rest.
71 war remained unknown event for larger part of our nation' s history

Average Indian was not aware of this war, considering it barely received any attention
Prior to internet era, only 4 Bollywood movies were made on 1971 war (compare this to how many Hollywood has made on WW2/Vietnam etc)

I am myself was unware of it until reading about it in Wikipedia

71 war got dug up by general Indian masses after internet era and the videos of Pakistan's surrender and defeat in Longewala became viral

Personally I think given all the salt from Pakistanis here, any references 1971 war should be hidden by Indians and even more hidden when a foreign official associated to a military visits us

It paints a very poor picture of subcontinent's martial capability considering even spear wielding tribal resisted a technologically advanced civilization for much longer than the opponents in this war
Anglo-Zulu War
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71 war remained unknown event for larger part of our nation' s history

Average Indian was not aware of this war, considering it barely received any attention
Prior to internet era, only 4 Bollywood movies were made on 1971 war (compare this to how many Hollywood has made on WW2/Vietnam etc)

I am myself was unware of it until reading about it in Wikipedia

71 war got dug up by general Indian masses after internet era and the videos of Pakistan's surrender and defeat in Longewala became viral

I beg to differ. We are taught about the '71 war in schools (at least in CBSE) and it is common knowledge in families, which is passed down to generations. The degree of interest one takes in digging deeper will differ.

Regarding Bollywood, I won't use the number of movies as a yardstick. Making war movies with even bare minimum sophistication of technique and research was way beyond Bollywood's production capabilities back then. At best they used war as a backdrop for what would ultimately be some soapy romance.
Apparently discussion took place regarding Brahmos and other items

Personally I think given all the salt from Pakistanis here, any references 1971 war should be hidden by Indians and even more hidden when a foreign official associated to a military visits us

Well, our military establishment is not going to make decisions based on reactions on PDF :-)
As a society we need to blow our trumpet a little less. Sometimes we win, sometimes we lose. Happens to everyone. France had invaded Russia in the past and managed to occupy Moscow. France also got invaded by Germany, with Paris falling easily. The Dutch and Belgians had colonies far away, but were easily run over by the Nazis.

Mauka-mauka, baap baap hota hai etc kind of attitude is very hollow. We are nobody's baap and nobody's aulad. We are an underperforming third world country that has a long way to go in making life better for its poorest.
The Indians having a brain storm at a mere photo op......you should wait to see if Indian soldiers/trainers are ever treated like this by Saudi cadets or trusted with some high end responsibilities.

Quite a pic to be kept in background the .....
Next time your military chiefs can pose for a photo with guests having this fantastic photo in background

that wont happen ..

beating india is no game
and how do you think you are different than those fools who want KSA bashing on this thread because of an act of Indian Government.

Just like you are criticizing Saudis there are many fools criticizing Iran or America or China or any other country.

Pakistan's enemy is primarily India no one else.

P. S I highly doubt Saudi cheif even remotely knew about that pic. It's the mischievous host to fool Pakistani ignorants.

Let me rephrase, what I am saying, he is the Saudi chief of Arabian Land Forces

1)He didnt travel to india just becasue he wanted to he was invited, so he would have more then enough Time to be prepped plus he wouldn't travel alone, he will have staff who's job it is to inform...

2) He has access to all intelligence

3) This is very Important, House of Saud is helping Indians keep Pakistan on FATF list!! So this is on Purpose.
Let me rephrase, what I am saying, he is the Saudi chief of Arabian Land Forces

1)He didnt travel to india just becasue he wanted to he was invited, so he would have more then enough Time to be prepped plus he wouldn't travel alone, he will have staff who's job it is to inform...

2) He has access to all intelligence

3) This is very Important, House of Saud is helping Indians keep Pakistan on FATF list!! So this is on Purpose.
You mean he had time to prepare about knowing the future or finding from intelligence which background image will be present when a photo will be taken? I'm seriously confused on what you are trying to say here.

We ourselves and nobody else is to be blamed for being on FATF list. We like to speculate and make lines on Gulfies vs Iran, Arab vs Israel, Israel vs Iran, US vs Russia, West vs East, even Turkeye vs China or China vs Muslims and so on. India plays its cards smartly and use both sides to benefit itself. They snatch Arab money, Irani oil, Israeli technology, Russian defense weapons, Nato attack weapons, American business, Chinese business, etc etc.

So keep distancing yourself and blame others for the miseries. Or fix the relations with Arabs and Iran as well as Israel.
These photos were taken in the past of the office of Indian army chief.
As you can see this WAS NOT DONE FOR THIS OCCASION but it is the way his office has ALWAYS BEEN.





They snatch Arab money,

We do not snatch Arab money. In fact we pay Arabs hundreds of billions of dollars and run a substantial DEFICIT running into billions with the Arabs.

The ONLY country to "snatch" FREE money from the Arabs running into tens of billions over the years is Pakistan.
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71 war remained unknown event for larger part of our nation' s history

Average Indian was not aware of this war, considering it barely received any attention
Prior to internet era, only 4 Bollywood movies were made on 1971 war (compare this to how many Hollywood has made on WW2/Vietnam etc)

I am myself was unware of it until reading about it in Wikipedia

71 war got dug up by general Indian masses after internet era and the videos of Pakistan's surrender and defeat in Longewala became viral

Personally I think given all the salt from Pakistanis here, any references 1971 war should be hidden by Indians and even more hidden when a foreign official associated to a military visits us

It paints a very poor picture of subcontinent's martial capability considering even spear wielding tribal resisted a technologically advanced civilization for much longer than the opponents in this war
Anglo-Zulu War

Indians were Indians before arrival of Google Mata and Siri Devi. The national psyche of Indian specify en mass does not get shaped by education but by inherent paranoia and distrust of others.

The mass propagation of Pakistani defeat in Dhaka is and was as systematic as any Indian endeavour of soft power projections.

These photos were taken in the past of the office of Indian army chief.
As you can see this WAS NOT DONE FOR THIS OCCASION but it is the way his office has ALWAYS BEEN.

Indian pettyness knows no bounds. It's always been a character trait.
Only if they fall into the cheapness which is as close to that of as Indians. This is the difference between Indians and Pakistanis. While you talk talk and more talk and stop playing cricket and crush 2 trees and a flying crow, Pakistan crushed 46 of your occupier terrorists, 8 advanced military trucks, 2 advanced fighter jets, and made you to shoot down your own copper including 8 air personal by your own missile. And still your airforce wing commander sipped on our FANTASTIC tea.
Does pakistan really need to fall into cheapness🤔
When you lose the majority of your country ( in population terms ) and offer unconditional surrender on a territory of 148,460 square kilometres, nearly half of what was Pakistan.
The largest loss of territory since WW2 with accusations of genocide and mass rapes. The birth of another nation.

The facts speak for themselves , you do not need India to rub it in.
Hope Lt Gen Fahd Al-Mutair does not get into an Indian helicopter because it is a deadly ride.


India's own goal during Operation Swift Retort


Indian CDS and his wife were however murdered
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When you lose the majority of your country ( in population terms ) and offer unconditional surrender on a territory of 148,460 square kilometres, nearly half of what was Pakistan.
The largest loss of territory since WW2 with accusations of genocide and mass rapes. The birth of another nation.

The facts speak for themselves , you do not need India to rub it in.
Yes, from an Indian perspective - this was a big win. It is disingenuous to say that Indians in general are 'over playing' this military victory.

But I can empathize with Pakistanis not having an appreciation for threads of this nature in a message board that is primarily made for their people. In deference to their sentiment, perhaps Indian posters should think twice before making such threads.
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