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Federal minister announces $100,000 bounty on anti-Islam filmmaker

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Offering Bountry is good if it was to arrest the film maker and put him to a trial under the court. The same bounty was offered by the US minister for helping get proofs against Hafiz Saeed. If money could be offered for a Pakistani, why cannot we offer money to arrest an American but the only correctable aspect is "putting the b@stard to a trial" instead of "killing him straightaway".

Bilore anyway is one sick person and his judgement on this issue could only be as good as his judgement and policies towards Railway has been.
Offering Bountry is good if it was to arrest the film maker and put him to a trial under the court. The same bounty was offered by the US minister for helping get proofs against Hafiz Saeed. If money could be offered for a Pakistani, why cannot we offer money to arrest an American but the only correctable aspect is "putting the b@stard to a trial" instead of "killing him straightaway".

Bilore anyway is one sick person and his judgement on this issue could only be as good as his judgement and policies towards Railway has been.

I personally think that taking action against the individual is impossible since he did no crime according to the country where he lives. What can be done is a show of power. He used the Google platform and Google refuses to take down the videos in its entirety? Then declare Google the business as unlicensed to operate in all countries.

This will ban Search engine, Youtube, Gmail........ and Android. When Android gets banned all other phones like HTC, Samsung, Sony, LG all will go screaming at Google. If you can't take that civilized step, then you have no business calling for anyone's death.

Because you are a citizen of Pakistan, either exclusively or dually, right?

Similarly, Sam Bacile the Lanati is subject to the laws of his country and his residence, if different, right?

True , but he did not Commit a Crime in US , the Crime he committed was in 43 Muslim countries , so he should be Judged according to that , Lets take for example Dr Afia , Was she America Citizen ? Did She Killed any American ? No , the Charge Sheet against her was Planning to Kill American Citizen , and thus she was convicted in America & was Sentenced to 82 years in prison , or was she Not ?

So Now What, the Law is only for the Weak , & the Strong can do whatever the Hell they Want ? , If people like Sam Bacile are not taught a lesson , their kind will continue to do this in future , you only fear of doing a thing when you are afraid of its consequences , if there are no consequences you will do it again.

Sam Bacile & his Partners commit a Crime , & so They should be punished , & the Law of My country says , they should be punished by Death , so should they be.
Yes I Am , & So are 1.6bn other Muslims , for you faith Religion may not mean anything , for us it means every thing, you insult it deliberately, just to play with the feelings of Muslims & then accept us to just stay back , Not going to Happen.

And then they wonder why people 'generalize' Muslims :disagree:

Listen, FAITH does not mean you go around killing people because they supposedly insulted your religion..that is called Madness, that is called violence and that is called Terrorism. But if you think that is indeed FAITH, then your FAITH is nothing but a primal instinct for violence and revenge that masquerades as FAITH.

And one more thing, keep yourfaith to yourself. Dont shove it on others. It is more likely to be trampled upon than ended up being respected.
Courts 'interpret' the constitution and also decide whether the constitutional provision is applicable in this case or not.
How exactly will the constitutional provision be carried out, other than in a court of law.
Are ordinary pakistanis allowed to use the constitutional provision to carry out the sentence. Are law makers(parliament/provincial assemblies) allowed to do that?

Also, please post the relevent part of constitution, I am curious to know more about it.

Tell me something , If Constitution says that you have freedom of Speech , do you have to take permission from the court First to Speak your mind ? , No you dont , Constitution in not the law , it is a set of Fundamental principles , & the Law is based on that , the Law cannot contradict with the Constitution.

According to Section 295-C of Pakistan Criminal Code , Any Degrading Remarks against Holy Prophet Hazrat Muhammad (SAW) , is a punishable Crime & penalty can range from life in Prison to Death.

I did not made this Law , however i do have to follow this law.
And then they wonder why people 'generalize' Muslims :disagree:

Listen, FAITH does not mean you go around killing people because they supposedly insulted your religion..that is called Madness, that is called violence and that is called Terrorism. But if you think that is indeed FAITH, then your FAITH is nothing but a primal instinct for violence and revenge that masquerades as FAITH.

And one more thing, keep yourfaith to yourself. Dont shove it on others. It is more likely to be trampled upon than ended up being respected.

Please Dont Tell me what my faith is , do you know anything about Islam , or its teaching , or its methods ? No you dont , so instead of Making a fool out of yourself , why Not stay out of the matter that has nothing to do with you.

your ethical values are different from mine, so it is better to judge others based on your values , & stay out of a situation you cannto understand.
Please Dont Tell me what my faith is , do you know anything about Islam , or its teaching , or its methods ? No you dont , so instead of Making a fool out of yourself , why Not stay out of the matter that has nothing to do with you.

your ethical values are different from mine, so it is better to judge others based on your values , & stay out of a situation you cannto understand.

Why the fark should I understand what your faith is ? Whatever your faith may be, it ends right where my nose begins. You got no right to impose your faith on me. Capiche ? Keep your faith, ishq, iman all to yourself.

Oh yes, my ethical,cultural and religious values are absolutely nothing like yours currently nor do I ever want it to be like yours. That I admit. I dont believe in killing some one because someone said something about my Gods or religion. My iman is not that fragile or insecure.
"I announce today that this blasphemer, this sinner who has spoken nonsense about the holy Prophet, anyone who murders him, I will reward him with $100,000," Railways Minister Ghulam Ahmad Bilour told a news conference, to applause.

"I invite the Taliban brothers and the al Qaeda brothers to join me in this blessed mission."

A spokesman for Pakistan's prime minister said the government disassociated itself from the minister's statement.

Pakistani bounty placed on anti-Islam filmmaker | Reuters

Why the fark should I understand what your faith is ? Whatever your faith may be, it ends right where my nose begins. You got no right to impose your faith on me. Capiche ? Keep your faith, ishq, iman all to yourself.

Oh yes, my ethical,cultural and religious values are absolutely nothing like yours currently nor do I ever want it to be like yours. That I admit. I dont believe in killing some one because someone said something about my Gods or religion. My iman is not that fragile or insecure.

Exactly , I Have No Right to Impose my faith on you , & YOU HAVE NO RIGHT TO JUDGE MY FAITH , so why the Hell are you telling me i am Wrong , when you know nothing about my faith or religion ? talk about being dense .

Kido , just Get out of here , as i said before , Dont interfere when you dont Understand , This has nothing to do with you , or your country , or your Religion, this is my Problem , My Country , My Religion My faith , and if i cannot impose my values on you , Nor can you impose your values on me . UNDERSTAND ?
So Now Following the law of my Country is Terrorism ?? How close minded can you get.

Did i said somewhere e, That lets Burn America , lets Kill Innocent , lets Terrorize people , NO , I only said , that Guilty Should be Punished , according to the law of My Country, Thats it , You on the other hand , had no idea what i was talking about , or what i was saying , but had to interfere . Just So Typical.

However Thanks for Proving my point . That When you cannot argue & When you know you are wrong , Then you start Shooting arrows in the Dark & Change the Topic ,

Oh C'mon mate.. Dont cop out now.. The Blasphemy Law of Pakistan (however draconian it is) still does not allow people to be killed without a trial.. And certainly does not allow other Christians to be kidnapped and held hostage to be exchanged for people who allegedly insulted the Prophet (PBUH) so that they could be killed.. So stop hiding behind that nonsense...

As Much as I want those who are behind the movie Dead , this is not the way to do it ,

and then should contact Taliban in Afg to Kidnap some Important US people , and tell America to Hand over those behind the movie even though US does not deal with terrorists ( but since Taliban are not listed as terrorists it shouldn't matter) . . .. [/B]

Give the Black Squad of ISI , Their names & They will be taken care of. Chances of success ... 90%.
This SOB is one reason for our national malaise - this MFker should be doing his day job - running the railways, which are in a terrible state - and not interfering in things which he has neither the mind or intellect.
Oh C'mon mate.. Dont cop out now.. The Blasphemy Law of Pakistan (however draconian it is) still does not allow people to be killed without a trial.. And certainly does not allow other Christians to be kidnapped and held hostage to be exchanged for people who allegedly insulted the Prophet (PBUH) so that they could be killed.. So stop hiding behind that nonsense...

Trail Sure , I dont mind , but did US Trialed Osama ?

You dont have to follow the law of Pakistan , as you dont live in here , I Do & i will follow the law , whatever it may be , it is my Duty to do so, what is beyond my understanding is , why are you people who Dont Know Me , My Religion , May Faith , My Country , My law an are telling me Dont Do this , dont do that , this is Good This is Bad ?
If you were a Pakistan & Muslim i would have understood , but you are neither , so what makes you think you know better about my Laws & Religion then Me ?
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