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Fears WAR IMMINENT between two major nuclear powers

Russians will stay quiet mostly this time, natural response from russians since we back stabbed them with our silence in prwvious wars which involved russia.

So, the war is coming and mostly unavoidable now as the latest talks between millitary officials failed.
If it is so, I think it will be mostly on the side of Aksai Chin towards Kashmir with Pakistan jumping in joy and helping from other end. China may not take much risk on the Bhutan and NE end where it may limit itself to small conflicts.
As you said, Russia may be silent. USA would be engaged with Venezuela and mostly North Korea so may not take the sides of India either. Although China is asking North Korea not to make any first strike, it may give a go ahead if USA tries to interfere. Many more things to speculate and nothing predictable.
More or less, A two front war is waiting for India and more chances of a world war.
I hope whatever I am thinking will become void for the sake of lives of innocents. But most wars happen when monarchs and dictators (In other words fools) rule the nations.
Looks like this is the time of Monarchs and foolsih dictators. We are also currently ruled by one.

the truth is out...as ive said many times...its suicidal for IAF

Pakistani Uncle -- Your Numbers are SKEWED!!

Even USA doesnt have 9126 Choppers
Chins Reserves 1,452500 Not 2300000

India Reserves 2,844750 Not 2,143000

Now start Hopping !!



Pakistanis Hate china...

Let's be realistic, last time the IAF went into action was during the Kargil conflict where it was called out to carry out ground strikes targeting bunkers which originally belonged to the Indian troops....so their location would have been well known to the Indian planners, the IAF strikes involved a limited area within Indian side of LOC and apart from some low altitude shoulder launched SAMs, NO other air opposition whatsoever....still the IAF needed assistance from a couple of countries to execute it's missions with mixed results....now if a conflict takes place with China, the IAF and IA will have to bear the brunt of both the PLA and PLAAF and saying that Chinese forces are both bigger and stronger is not an exaggeration and would really like to know which country would jump to India's assistance.

Wow !! Such Deep Reaserch -- This Gentleman Always Impresses Me!!
Let's be realistic, last time the IAF went into action was during the Kargil conflict where it was called out to carry out ground strikes targeting bunkers which originally belonged to the Indian troops....so their location would have been well known to the Indian planners, the IAF strikes involved a limited area within Indian side of LOC and apart from some low altitude shoulder launched SAMs, NO other air opposition whatsoever....still the IAF needed assistance from a couple of countries to execute it's missions with mixed results....now if a conflict takes place with China, the IAF and IA will have to bear the brunt of both the PLA and PLAAF and saying that Chinese forces are both bigger and stronger is not an exaggeration and would really like to know which country would jump to India's assistance.
You can even quote 65 and 71 as well... IAF had remained stagnant since then...
“Instead it will deploy aircraft and strategic missiles to paralyse Indian mountain divisions stationed in the Himalayas on the border with China.”

This is what I have been saying as well. Ground fight will not achive the strategic impact where as air campaign and missile strikes can be captured on video, satellite imagery shown to the rest of world similar to what America did in desert storm. This creates the shock and awe impression on global level. So basically China will cane India while creating the impression for "someone else".

Expect something similar to this.

But, the billion$ question is: why Modi will let China do it at the first place?
unlike Chinese who have proved themselves to be the peaceful nation on earth time and again.
Really! You really believe so?
South China Sea, East China Sea and Arunachal Pradesh ring any bells? Building roads on a disputed territory where you have already signed a treaty to maintain status quo is peaceful for you.
I bet my horse, my home & my doggy.
There is gonna be a war. Period.

Unless Modi withdraws prematurely.
Ok lets bet,there will be no war between the two countries,i only want your horse,what do you want?
Ok lets bet,there will be no war between the two countries,i only want your horse,what do you want?

You know, before you place a bet in the hopes of getting any material thing as the prize, it is a good idea to take a good look at the prize. He might be betting his unwanted horse...
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So, the war is coming and mostly unavoidable now as the latest talks between millitary officials failed.
If it is so, I think it will be mostly on the side of Aksai Chin towards Kashmir with Pakistan jumping in joy and helping from other end. China may not take much risk on the Bhutan and NE end where it may limit itself to small conflicts.
As you said, Russia may be silent. USA would be engaged with Venezuela and mostly North Korea so may not take the sides of India either. Although China is asking North Korea not to make any first strike, it may give a go ahead if USA tries to interfere. Many more things to speculate and nothing predictable.
More or less, A two front war is waiting for India and more chances of a world war.
I hope whatever I am thinking will become void for the sake of lives of innocents. But most wars happen when monarchs and dictators (In other words fools) rule the nations.
Looks like this is the time of Monarchs and foolsih dictators. We are also currently ruled by one.
Any involvment of pak inbetween asian giants is a disaster for you. The days of secind world war is over long before, keep all these things in your mind.
Ok lets bet,there will be no war between the two countries,i only want your horse,what do you want?

Of course there would be no war.
Provided India withdraws.

How about you leave this forum if war does not break out?

For that to happen - Modi has to withdraw.

War wont happen of course if Modi withdraws.
Thats the precondition.
if china and india fight war and use nuclear weapons both will become weak and it will benefit u.s as china will be eliminated from their competition as future superpower so u.s will remain superpower with no competitor
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