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Fazlur Rehman gives PM Imran 2 days to dissolve the govt

So what is this corrupt monkey Fazl asking now? Has this shameless creature given another 'deadline'? :lol:
Any idea what they up for next few days ... is it really 1 lakh or 50 thousand menpower ?

number of news anchor raise the issue about Imran Khan dharna ...here is clear difference. Imran Khan got support from public not from madrassah students ... maulana brought madrassah students ...
They are kidding me..... We went there along my patwari friends and we were all agree that they are no more than 6k or 7k..... By time we were roaming there were more than 20 molvies were going back to the home. But yes they are extremely wild and strong will give very tough time to police if incase.....
You live in Islamabad ..post some video of march. What you think about crowd ...increase or decrease in his supporter ?

My eye witness account from this Monday morning and around noon.

As I have repeatedly said...The dharna cordon to contain the Fazlu crowd is only for optics. It does not exist to restrict this crowd from coming and going as if it is a walk in the park.

I have pictures too but I don't want to share because some of the pictures and videos would get myself in harms way as I visit the area to have a look for myself instead of just talking about it.

The Dharna crowd get on their hilux or wagons or double cabins, even trucks and bikes... and simply take the available route out from dharna towards Isb exit and then they take a detour at G11 signal towards Islamabad again.

It is that easy.

They ride openly, with their flags, sticks and posters pasted on all sides of vehicles.

Pakistan is not a banana state but IG Islamabad police and those responsible for the security of this city are hell bent on facilitating the Dharna to such and extreme that it looks like a banana state on the streets of Islamabad at the moment.

So what is the down side of this blatant mockery of the writ of the state being allowed at the moment???

If you havent yet figured it out...

  • The free hand to dharna crowd has made them bold.
  • It has made them fearless towards Police
  • It has instilled in them confidence that they can challenge the state and get away with it by force.
  • Congratulations to Gul Bu Khari and liberal band...The Dharna crowd out on picnic in Islamabad streets and markets is seen telling ladies in public to wear burqa or stay at home.
  • Good luck to Islamabadians because even if these goons leave in a few days... they will come again, brimming with confidence and stories of their earlier adventure...
  • So Expect an even bigger, more zealous and confident crowd with more Madrasa students and tribals attracted by such stories of bravado to come to Islamabad adventure next time around.
One last observation: As I was entering from Rawalpindi towards G11, I saw what looked like a fresh batch of Yellow Uniformed AnsarulIslam, on an open heavy loader truck, waving sticks enter Islamabad, they were allowed to go ahead from an obliging, side stepping, cordon of wall of police standing in front of police buses,trucks and blockade... right at the junction of Islamabad Graveyard Road H11.

Banana Police if not anything else...
My eye witness account from this Monday morning and around noon.

As I have repeatedly said...The dharna cordon to contain the Fazlu crowd is only for optics. It does not exist to restrict this crowd from coming and going as if it is a walk in the park.

I have pictures too but I don't want to share because some of the pictures and videos would get myself in harms way as I visit the area to have a look for myself instead of just talking about it.

The Dharna crowd get on their hilux or wagons or double cabins, even trucks and bikes... and simply take the available route out from dharna towards Isb exit and then they take a detour at G11 signal towards Islamabad again.

It is that easy.

They ride openly, with their flags, sticks and posters pasted on all sides of vehicles.

Pakistan is not a banana state but IG Islamabad police and those responsible for the security of this city are hell bent on facilitating the Dharna to such and extreme that it looks like a banana state on the streets of Islamabad at the moment.

So what is the down side of this blatant mockery of the writ of the state being allowed at the moment???

If you havent yet figured it out...

  • The free hand to dharna crowd has made them bold.
  • It has made them fearless towards Police
  • It has instilled in them confidence that they can challenge the state and get away with it by force.
  • Congratulations to Gul Bu Khari and liberal band...The Dharna crowd out on picnic in Islamabad streets and markets is seen telling ladies in public to wear burqa or stay at home.
  • Good luck to Islamabadians because even if these goons leave in a few days... they will come again, brimming with confidence and stories of their earlier adventure...
  • So Expect an even bigger, more zealous and confident crowd with more Madrasa students and tribals attracted by such stories of bravado to come to Islamabad adventure next time around.
One last observation: As I was entering from Rawalpindi towards G11, I saw what looked like a fresh batch of Yellow Uniformed AnsarulIslam, on an open heavy loader truck, waving sticks enter Islamabad, they were allowed to go ahead from an obliging, side stepping, cordon of wall of police standing in front of police buses,trucks and blockade... right at the junction of Islamabad Graveyard Road H11.

Banana Police if not anything else...
I think you haven't read physical assessment of Islamabad police. They are overwight and physically not fit to perform there duty. There energy burnt out after 1 to 2 hours of duty. Plus, they are scared of these people in Islamabad. Police constantly receiving the warning and threats from intelligence resources .
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I means true meaning of jihad in Islam,and i already knows true meaning of jihad in Islam

Good for you. Do not let Imran Khan misguide you

I’ve asked you to explain me about few things to understand what you are complaining. But you refused because I was not able to pay you. As excuse you said it’s not a paid post but later said that mullas got paid by différents way.

You seemed worried about your exam for jannat by supporting mullah fazul the guy who know only barking with his zombies.

So as you do not want help me to understand on one side, and on other side returned me my own advice I gave you on the other side. So I understand that Ansarulislam gave you order to not explain anything to media. Don’t worry I’m not media guy. You can speak freely.

You are afraid that i could discover which sect you are following? Don’t worry I have respect for everyone. Care to explain the points I have asked.

I care for Pakistan because it’s my country, I have family there. But I want progress in Pakistan and one day insha’Allah I will be back. I know I will never found the Pakistan I have left, but at least a Pakistan on the the track of progress. Last time I went there, I found zombies coming out from madrassa, I found what we call liberals, they were zombies too living in there lalaland, I found a doctor who wrote on its door “doctor with french diploma” but wasn’t able to say a simple sentence in french, I needed a document from the council were I was born, nobody in the council helped as if they were waiting to receive under the table packet full of dollars, and I will stop because I could write tons and tons about my very bad experience.

So yes despite that I still want to come back in my country but please let the new gov to work. It’s not easy. We have several enemies outside and inside.
I want Pakistanis get education.

But yes you do not want to explain what you said. It will be difficult to continue our discussion. And all mollah are like you, knowledge only in their hands, no sharing of knowledge...oh yes I forgot that they transmit only the knowledge who serve their personal interests. so no thanks stay out of politics. At least until you don’t explain me the points I have asked you.

I know you like trolling.

Please add substance to your rant.

Otherwise it is just Mullah Imran is more pious and true than anyone else argument which i literally do not care for.
Good for you. Do not let Imran Khan misguide you
What is imran khan misguides me and current concept/theories of Jihad by these terrorist organizations like TTP/JASIH- E-MUHUMMAD/ SIPH-E-SAHABA etc etc are not true concept of jihad in fact th these terrorist organizations not doing any kind of Jihad but used that words for their terrorist activities,they are not even animals let alone Muslims/humans
What is imran khan misguides me and current concept/theories of Jihad by these terrorist organizations like TTP/JASIH- E-MUHUMMAD/ SIPH-E-SAHABA etc etc are not true concept of jihad in fact th these terrorist organizations not doing any kind of Jihad but used that words for their terrorist activities,they are not even animals let alone Muslims/humans

Please add substance to your rant.

Otherwise it is just Mullah Imran is more pious and true than anyone else argument which i literally do not care for.
You know you think you're Jack of all trades and master of none,you're false ego worth nothing here
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