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Fake Indian Propaganda And Ground Realities


Sep 26, 2018
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As they say a war lost on the ground can always be won in the media, BJP have mastered the art of SPIN DOCTORING to fool its cadres. There is a momentary lull in Ladakh, where both sides are consolidating their positions, before the next round of talks tomorrow. Some sane voices in India are saying to the contrary what BJP media has whipped up today.


Apart from loosing 60sqkm of Ladakh in 2020 ,India has been loosing land to China continuously since 1962.

Some more heavy deployments from the Chinese side.

It will take the Indians ages, to decipher the Chinese art of war .They will dissect piece by piece, by the time the Indians wake up they will have nothing left to stand on!:pakistan::pakistan:
Today Indian trolls will go to any length to prove China hasn’t deeply shafted land off them. It’s deep pain they have inside them and these international global warrior trolls are coming at the mouth.
They supapowa and they are simply incredible they will conquer China by Friday
Today Indian trolls will go to any length to prove China hasn’t deeply shafted land off them. It’s deep pain they have inside them and these international global warrior trolls are coming at the mouth.
They supapowa and they are simply incredible they will conquer China by Friday

It has been one way traffic. China has smoked Hindustan.
hats a shame. They lost all wars with neighbours, their claim about Bangladesh is also a propaganda.
Today some more bad news for India from Nepal, their FM is disappointed with India over delays in talks and their parliament will pass a law for a new Nepalese map(including Indian Territory).

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