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F-22s escort Jordanian F-16s during air strikes against ISIS


Sep 28, 2014
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F-22s escort Jordanian F-16s during air strikes against ISIS
The Aviationist » U.S. F-22 EW-enabled sensor-rich stealth aircraft have escorted Jordanian F-16s during air strikes on ISIS

Last week the Pentagon provided some details about the American support to the Jordanian air strikes in Syria that followed the burning alive of the pilot Maaz al-Kassasbeh captured on Dec. 24 after he ejected from a Royal Jordanian Air Force F-16.

According to Air Force Times, U.S. Central Command CAOC (Combined Air Operations Center) tasked the F-22 Raptors and the F-16CJs, along with an unspecified unmanned aircraft that provided intelligence gathering and surveillance, to escort the Jordanian aircraft launched against Islamic State positions.


September 23rd, F-22 strike on ISIS compound.

Moreover, the American stealth jets are now embedded in the “standard strike package,” which includes U.S. and coalition aircraft,committed to attack ISIS militants in Syria and Iraq, Pentagon spokesman Army Col. Steve Warren said.

The news put the spotlight on the Raptor again and is a sign the U.S. stealth jets are still directly involved in the anti-IS campaign in Syria and Iraq: little was known about their contribution to Operation Inherent Resolve besides the details which were released following their participation to the opening stages of the war and focusing on those first missions.


F-22 launches an AIM-9X Sidewinder

What’s more interesting is to try to guess the role played by the Raptors in the air strikes and the value of their escort, considered that even though the F-22 is the best air superiority fighter in the world, it will hardly find any aerial opponent to shoot down.

Whereas SEAD (Suppression of Enemy Air Defenses) and EW (Electronic Warfare) platforms, like the F-16CJ/CGs, the EA-6B Prowlers and the EA-18G Growlers, are likely taking care of the residual air defenses surrounding the most dangerous targets, the F-22 Raptors are probably used to provide the so-called “forward target identification”: the Raptor stealth fighters can use their ability to enter, mostly undetected a target aerea, gather details about the enemy systems with their extremely advanced onboard sensors (including an Active Electronically Scanned Array – AESA radar), share the picture and enemy information with other tactical assets, command and control planes and AWACS, then escort other unstealthy planes or drones towards the targets.

Actually, they can also attack their own targets with JDAMs if needed: F-22s can carry two 1,000-lb GBU-32 Joint Direct Attack Munitions or 8 GBU-39 small diameter bombs, 250-lb multipurpose, insensitive, penetrating, blast-fragmentation warhead for stationary targets, along with AIM-120s AMRAAMs (Advanced Medium Range Air-to-Air Missiles) radar-guided missiles and AIM-9 Sidewinder IR-guided missiles, a configuration that makes the Raptor


F-22 drops a GBU-32 JDAM

However, in modern scenarios as well as in Syria and Iraq, the 5th generation aircraft is more an “electronic warfare enabled sensor-rich aircraft”, than a pure interceptor with swing role capabilities.
I just don't care much for the F-22 sadly. good job by the Jordanians though. for every hour the F-22 flies it need 30 hours of maintenance on the ground :tsk: and it only has like a 55% availability rate.

what a sweat fighter than could of been more.

I'd take 2 rafales for every 1 raptor we got.
I just don't care much for the F-22 sadly. good job by the Jordanians though. for every hour the F-22 flies it need 30 hours of maintenance on the ground :tsk: and it only has like a 55% availability rate.

what a sweat fighter than could of been more.

I'd take 2 rafales for every 1 raptor we got.

It is more, the Raptor is beyond what we really think it is. The problem was the number cut. They simply needed more of them out there.
It is more, the Raptor is beyond what we really think it is. The problem was the number cut. They simply needed more of them out there.
it's more than that. it's the cost of flying and maintaining it. i would say 99% of the time what the U.S wants to do doesn't need the Raptor or they are to scared to use it in case they lose it either by malfunction or a freak accident.
It is more, the Raptor is beyond what we really think it is. The problem was the number cut. They simply needed more of them out there.
A question if you could answer
The pilots that fly with F-22, should have some idea of its Radar Cross Section.
Deploying the F-22 to an area/adversary with little to no radar coverage.. So brave.. :lol:
it's more than that. it's the cost of flying and maintaining it. i would say 99% of the time what the U.S wants to do doesn't need the Raptor or they are to scared to use it in case they lose it either by malfunction or a freak accident.

The problem is two fold; congress doesn't want to fund the raptor to its maximum potential( Complete strike capability), the airforce doesnt want to push for that lest the F-35 ends up being further degraded.. and the enemy the raptor was designed to fight does not have the gumption to go against it.

Still, the raptor is more than just a Hangar queen. It is the first operational Fifth gen aircraft and so there were always going to be teething issues. As such, it needs combat time but more importantly.. it flying smack next to Iran keeps the pressure on them to avoid showing off their usual propaganda bravado in this rather messed up crap-hole known as the ISIS conflict or better known as "When America finally realized that the Middle East is best left to waste itself away".

A question if you could answer
The pilots that fly with F-22, should have some idea of its Radar Cross Section.

You do realize what you have said. The pilots who fly the F-22 would know a lot about it.. but do I look like or claim to be an F-22 pilot for you to ask me that?
Last edited:
but do I look like or claim to be an F-22 pilot for you to ask me that?
ok next time i will search a F-22 pilot....:-)
thanks for replying next time i will avoid quoting you.
F-22 Raptor is such a beauty ...
but keep the good work going Jordanians ... kill every bastard ISIS .. you find ..
I just don't care much for the F-22 sadly. good job by the Jordanians though. for every hour the F-22 flies it need 30 hours of maintenance on the ground :tsk: and it only has like a 55% availability rate.

what a sweat fighter than could of been more.

I'd take 2 rafales for every 1 raptor we got.
You can thank your government for that. It's the best plane in the world, and your government refuses to fund it's future development, and pay for maintenance: All the while, funding a fighter that's over cost, delayed, and experts say may not actually live up to it's expectations.
You can thank your government for that. It's the best plane in the world, and your government refuses to fund it's future development, and pay for maintenance: All the while, funding a fighter that's over cost, delayed, and experts say may not actually live up to it's expectations.

the cold war ended...priorities changed. it just an unneeded expensive jet, but now with the rise of China and Russia it might just prove it's worth in the next decade.

FB-22 could of be interesting and would of seen a lot of action.

Lockheed Martin FB-22 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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