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Extending Visa ban to Pakistan will not solve the problem

I don't let these things worry me, UK has more problems with Eastern European refugees than Asian immigrants.
Inspiration is a dangerous game, just like Brexit inspired US to be trumped, trump's actions, if produced yield, may become an inspiration for the European continent as well. See how Canadian whites responded to Trudeau's open hearted tweet by burning the mosque in Quebec? All hints are there for tough time ahead for muslims in western countries
This thread reminded me of the Beatles song about Pakistanis. :lol:
:lol:....Sir...Don't know whether should I share it with you or not? But look at this...:rofl:


Hmm....Overall, Trump is creating uncertainty in world..I guess he will prove counterproductive for US...

somebody give this guy a bloody high-five....

Saving this one. :laugh:
Whether the restrictions are placed on Pakistan is to be seen, however it's certainly has been applied on Indian nationals.

Two Indian athletes from Kashmir denied US visa


This is interesting in more ways than just 1........The ground reality is that they are FORCED to go on indian passport. It's sad because his culture, language and ethnical attributes link him closer to Pakistan (which is not on the ban list)

But it is comical relief to see the indians getting worked up about it. Windjammer, have you been following the "leaked" CIA analyst cables pertaining to india? I'll PM you a few gems which I trust you may have already seen :)

No doubt. Absolute gold.

I'm sitting here laughing my azz off uncontrollably. What a guy :laugh:
This is interesting in more ways than just 1........The ground reality is that they are FORCED to go on indian passport. It's sad because his culture, language and ethnical attributes link him closer to Pakistan (which is not on the ban list)

But it is comical relief to see the indians getting worked up about it. Windjammer, have you been following the "leaked" CIA analyst cables pertaining to india? I'll PM you a few gems which I trust you may have already seen :)

I'm sitting here laughing my azz off uncontrollably. What a guy :laugh:
Wait...Indian will get gift of H1 visa cut down with lots ....
It doesn't matter. What Pakistan should do is shut down so called US Embassy which is reality is a fort & home to CIA & Blackwater operatives who are causing harm to Pakistan.
The ground reality is that they are FORCED to go on indian passport. It's sad because his culture, language and ethnical attributes link him closer to Pakistan (which is not on the ban list)

Forced ?

No one stops anyone from migration to a nation of choice.
Trump is only in the first week of his presidency and has mde the lone super power a laughing. No one knew that the fall from grace will be so swift.

I wish that this hegemony and this arrogance of the super power is eliminated. Only then will the world will begin to live in peace.

Middle East now and South America in 50s and 60s. Its this super power that has literally chewed away countries, destroying livelihoods and lives around the world with scant respect for humanity and other people's beliefs and values.

America deserved Trump. The so called liberal and secular administrations before him were interventionists and wanted to see the world from their myopic view, they wanted to destroy without an idea of how to rebuild. Trump is an extremist in reverse. He is an isolationist. He is building walls around himself. He is taking down his country on a path not seen before and no one knows where it will take USA.

American power is on the wane. This is the beginning of the decline if not the end of it.
Really, so the Mexicans are also terrorists now.... at least get to know facts before replying.

That is to be seen but the ban has been slapped on Indians before Pakistan.
Trump's two most outspoken anti-immigration are from California. And, they are particularly enraged at the South Asians (mostly Indians) becoming CEOs and getting good paying jobs....
Indians or anyone else, those who are in the US illegally, should be deported.
After Pakistan conducted major Anti Terrorism operation , few year ago Pakistan has rid itself of outside Terrorist from RAW

Things are quite mellow now in Pakistan , very peaceful

So peaceful , lot of people routinely come to attend , concerts and political debate in public


Just shows you how confident people are to come and enjoy a concert / like environment in Open with with full family


As you can see 100% security and thanks to our Law enforcement and Military


100% SAFE and smiling faces

The safe and secure Pakistan , day time night time , major events and politcial discussion events happen where Millions attend on regular basis

Ten times more people then what attended Trump's Inauguration


Again due to the great politcial culture in Pakistan and 100% safe cities now Pakistan is enjoying a period of growth

Obviously thanks to the Miliatry

3 million - 10 million people routinely attend public gathering with families


As you can see lot of happy people in Pakistan , going where they want with full family kids and women , in late night events

The point being if there was a security issue in Pakistan people would not be turning out on MASSIVE numbers


Obviousy it is very easy to see the confidence of Pakistani People in security system in Pakistan , the military and Secret service

A full Democractic society in functional capacity , that is Pakistan show casing awakening of it's society

Obviously these scenes are never shown on Western TV or media, however once you see the changes in Pakistan's society over last 10 years you can easily see the expansion of Public interest in Democracy and Economy and political debate

And yes it also helps that our Military / Army and Secret services have taken out the trouble makers by successful operations few years back, which is why the vast majority enjoys more peaceful times

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