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Why would people from China, the world's second-biggest economy, risk their lives to enter the UK?

UK 's GDP per capita is four times higher than China. Skyscrapers?LoL. We have a genius on our hands here. Who told you skyscrapers were a sign of being rich? The countries with the highest quality of life have no skyscrapers Norway , Sweden , Switzerland , Denmark.
That guy is an imbecile. He is pretending to be Chinese and talking shit. Indian troll

They have no skyscrapers because they are too expensive for them to buy.

In my city, there is literally a villager who bought himself a highrise tower, and he lives right around the corner in the Yellow Hill village.
For someone who doesn't even know how tsinghua is spelt....
This was the Gold Standard Script belonged to the ROC, and it has nothing to do with the RMB.

Taiwanese owns more of this kind of crap than we do.

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So now u turn to blame TW while they r true WW2 heroes when Mao and his pathetic coward PLA were just hiding somewhere in unknow desert during Nanjing massacre ??:lol:

Dude, show ur respect to ur true WW2 heores ROC first .
Four times GDP per capita has no meaning or significance if cost of living is also four times higher.

Hong Kong GDP per capita is FIVE times higher than China, but rent in Hong Kong is one of the highest in the world. Residential floorspace one of the smallest. Their people are protesting in the streets.

The only way you can utilize your superior buying power is to go on vacation to China and exchange 1 Pound sterling for 9.21 Chinese Yuan.

In the meantime, China is mass producing skyscrapers (and virtually every form of real estate imaginable), while UK is sitting on its a$$ doing nothing.


That means absolutely nothing. China's population is 15-20 times higher than UK. In terms of per capita The UK has China beat on most indicators that matter. Lofe expectancy , GDP per capita , Education , Health/Social Indicators , Freedom.

The UK is a developed country. China might be a developed country in 25-30 years time. If given the option more Chinese would prefer living in UK rather than vice versa. China's average income is still lower than Turkey and Malaysia. The 1.25 Billion combined skews the stats.
The UK is a developed country. China might be a developed country in 25-30 years time. If given the option more Chinese would prefer living in UK rather than vice versa. China's average income is still lower than Turkey and Malaysia. The 1.25 Billion combined skews the stats.
thousands Cnese workers only earn 283usd/month, even lower than VN samsung workers (380-450 usd/month) when Samsung moved the factories from CN to VN.

VN even offer better salaries for workers than CN, so no supprise when millions Cnese risk their lives to enter UK/US now.
thousands Cnese workers only earn 283usd/month, even lower than VN samsung workers (380-450 usd/month) when Samsung moved the factories from CN to VN.

VN even offer better salaries for workers than CN, so no supprise when millions Cnese risk their lives to enter UK/US now.



Are you on drug??? So $1000 per month is less than $200 in your dream world??? People here are not idiots like you...

Risking live to enter UK/US now??? Do you mean these 39 dead vietnamese with their fake Chinese passport are Chinese??? Come on, your fellow men from the jungle will not agree with you on that vn belongs to China today, as during the past for 1,000 years...
Qinghua is a correct transliteration. Tsinghua is an incorrect elitist-rightist reactionary transliteration.
No Chinese in China will spell it as qinghua because tsinghua had been used for too long genius.

thousands Cnese workers only earn 283usd/month, even lower than VN samsung workers (380-450 usd/month) when Samsung moved the factories from CN to VN.

VN even offer better salaries for workers than CN, so no supprise when millions Cnese risk their lives to enter UK/US now.
Bro, i don't mind you saying UK/US is better and many Chinese wanna migrate there,but Vietnam? Stop living in a well..... Just come to China... You will understand what I am trying to tell you. Aiiihhh the ignorance..
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Are you on drug??? So $1000 per month is less than $200 in your dream world??? People here are not idiots like you...

Risking live to enter UK/US now??? Do you mean these 39 dead vietnamese with their fake Chinese passport are Chinese??? Come on, your fellow men from the jungle will not agree with you on that vn belongs to China today, as during the past for 1,000 years...
Stop barking like idiot. Come to the old Samsung factories in CN and see what really happen to ur pathetic workers.

In real life.u r also just a jobless Cnese earning 5cent for 100 post, thats why, u dare not tell us what ur job is:cool:

We feel the factory is running such a strategy that it does not need to formally lay off staff, but lets executives take three month holidays with less than 2,000 yuan (US$283) monthly income

London (CNN)The deaths of 39 Chinese people found in a truck in a UK industrial park this week has sparked horror and revulsion around the world.

Little has been publicly revealed about who the victims were, and how and why they came to be transported across the world in what is believed to be a refrigerated truck.
A murder investigation has been launched, the Belgian Federal Prosecutor's office has opened an investigation, and UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson has called for those involved in the deaths to be "hunted down and brought to justice."
But one question has perplexed many: why would citizens from the world's second-biggest economy travel -- either voluntarily or under duress -- to the UK in such a way?
The numbers
Nearly 10 million of the international migrant population of 258 million are Chinese citizens, according to the Migration Policy Institute (MPI) -- making China the fourth-largest country of origin for international migrants.
Most of these, almost 2.5 million, reside in the US, while there are 712,000 in Canada and 473,000 in Australia.
The country's rapid economic growth in recent decades has, according to MPI, dramatically expanded China's "geopolitical and economic footprint across the world."
In the UK in 2018, for instance, more than 730,000 visas were issued to Chinese nationals -- 25% of the 2.9 million total, and a 11% increase on the previous year.

British Police forensics officers work on ther lorry found to be containing 39 dead bodies, at Waterglade Industrial Park in Grays, east of London, on October 23, 2019.

Who is migrating?
There is an assumption that migrants are often the poorest in society, seeking low-skilled employment or fleeing from terror. But this is not always true, especially for Chinese migrants.
"There's a huge range of migration from China, so you have everything from low-skilled, middle-skilled to the highly-skilled," Natalia Banulescu-Bogdan, an associate director of MPI's International program, told CNN.


  • [paste:font size="5"]

How China state media is spinning lackluster GDP growth 01:56
Typically, migrants traveling to Europe or the US are not the "poorest of the poor," she said, because they require significant resources to move, whether they are migrating legally or illegally.
"If you're traveling through regular channels you need to think about passports, visa fees," she said.
"If you're traveling through irregular channels, smugglers often exact quite high fees and, more than that, it's about know-how and being aware of opportunities, and this necessitates a quite sophisticated network of people abroad. Often, it's the household who've had people move abroad that are likely to move."


Police stand guard at the site where 39 bodies were discovered in the back of a lorry.

Migration patterns of the wealthy[/paste:font]
Chinese migration has many forms. Where that country's skilled citizens choose to live differs from their lower-skilled compatriots, experts say.
"You have migration pathways for very skilled people in academia, in the science and technology sectors that might take them to the United States and other high-income countries," Banulescu-Bogdan said. "And you may have pathways for construction in Africa or eastern Europe. They are very different numbers."
According to MPI, 10 to 20% of China's migrants are in Africa and are diverse in their socioeconomic class, occupation and age, ranging from diplomats or aid workers to laborers working on infrastructure projects.
Many Chinese students study abroad, too. In the UK, almost 100,000 Tier 4 study visas were granted to Chinese citizens -- up 13% on the previous year and about 40% of the global total.
Economist Christian Dustmann, from the London-based Centre for Research and Analysis of Migration (CReAM), said many Chinese students in the UK are from wealthy families. "They are willing to pay high fees and live in expensive cities like London," he told CNN.

Italy's 'shadow' economy
According to the UK government's 2018 annual report on modern slavery, China is the fourth-most common country of origin for victims of modern slavery in the UK, behind the UK itself, Albania and Vietnam. In 2017, 293 potential victims of modern slavery in the UK were reported to originate from China, the government said.
But Dustmann added the number of illegal Chinese migrants in the UK is still small compared to those in Mediterranean countries such as Spain and Italy, mainly because it is more difficult to enter the UK.
"Of course, there are illegal immigrants from China in all European countries," he said.
"Italy is one of the big destinations. They have fueled the textile industry in Italy where they are willing to work at low wages. Italy has a large shadow economy where you find many migrants from China and the Middle East."
An economic boom that led to inequality
In the US, 1,077 Chinese nationals were apprehended by the US Border Patrol in 2018, spiking at 2,439 in 2016. So why are so many Chinese citizens willing to take such risks?
In China, vast migration from rural to urban areas powered the economic boom, while pension reforms also helped move Chinese citizens out of poverty. "China has developed dramatically, poverty has decreased dramatically, the economic circumstances have improved -- whether that will continue at that pace in the future is questionable," Dustmann said. "Everything I've seen over the past years was actually positive, but that doesn't mean that there were some groups who may have suffered more than others."
Banulescu-Bogdan said that in becoming wealthier, China became a less equal society. "The opportunities within a country as large as China are not equally distributed," she said. "You do have the high end of the spectrum, but you also have people in more desperate circumstances."

Trafficking and smuggling
According to the Migration Policy Institute, Chinese citizens have migrated for many reasons over the years, including political repression, the one-child policy and a desire to study abroad.
But the methods to leave can vary significantly. "The opportunities that are available are not available equally for all citizens and this is also where smuggling and trafficking comes in, particularly with human trafficking," Banulescu-Bogdan said.
"We don't know yet if this was a smuggling operation gone wrong, but it's important to understand that there's no white line between the two.
"A young man who wants to find employment opportunity aboard might, for instance, engage the service of a smuggler from point A to B but, along the way, the relationship could turn more coercive.
"A criminal syndicate could attract more money from these people, or there could be multiple legs getting from China to the UK and it's not one group, the migrants get handed off. It's possible some of the drivers along the way didn't know they were carrying human cargo. There's a very wide range in terms of the criminality behind these movements."


11 Chinese migrants found hiding inside furniture in moving truck at US-Mexico border
Bro, i don't mind you saying UK/US is better and many Chinese wanna migrate there,but Vietnam? Stop living in a well..... Just come to China... You will understand what I am trying to tell you. Aiiihhh the ignorance..
come to CN while million Cnese trying to hide inside washing machines to enter US/UK ??

Thats doesnt make sense,bro :pop:
Stop barking like idiot. Come to the old Samsung factories in CN and see what really happen to ur pathetic workers.

In real life.u r also just a jobless Cnese esrning 5cent for 100 post, thats why, u dare not tell us what ur job is:cool:

We feel the factory is running such a strategy that it does not need to formally lay off staff, but lets executives take three month holidays with less than 2,000 yuan (US$283) monthly income

Don't mistake, Samsung is your daddy... they fled to the jungle because they can only afford to pay your jungle creatures...lol...
BTW...Don't be jealous of your Chinese daddy Huawei:

And run slowly, don't fall..
Don't mistake, Samsung is your daddy... they fled to the jungle because they can only afford to pay your jungle creatures...lol...
BTW...Don't be jealous of your Chinese daddy Huawei:
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And run slowly, don't fall..
U cant deny that Cnese workers in old samsung factories just get 283 usd/month now.

HK students like saint Joshua wong should come and help those pathetic Cnese workers there now :lol:
U cant deny that Cnese workers in old samsung factories just get 283 usd/month now.

HK students like saint Joshua wong should come and help those pathetic Cnese workers there now :lol:
So Samsung died in China, while jungle slaves like you considered 300$ a huge fortune for you... lol...
At the meantime, Huawei pay 300,000$/ year to your Chinese Daddy here:lol:...
So Samsung died in China, while jungle slaves like you considered 300$ a huge fortune for you... lol...
At the meantime, Huawei pay 300,000$/ year to your Chinese Daddy here:lol:...
Only few get 300,000$ while million Cnese only get 255 usd/month.thats so pathetic :lol:

CN law is so clear : local basic salary is just 255 usd/month only cos CN still reamain as a dirty third world nation even licking Jap azz so hard since 1978 despite Jap massacre Cneee so hard in ww2 :lol:
According to local labour law, workers must work 22 days a month to receive the monthly basic salary of around 1,800 yuan (US$255).

“Many of our workers worked for only 15 or 16 days total last month. Due to the insufficient attendance, the factory even deducted our basic salary,” Liu added.
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