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Extending Visa ban to Pakistan will not solve the problem

Total Mexican illegals- 6,650,000

I'm sure he views 2700 Indians as a threat. I don't blame you bro. This addition thing is not as easy as it looks.
When people start posting without even bothering to read the OP or understand the subject, this is what happens hence here it is again.

Indians are staying in the US illegally at far higher rates than any other nationality. In 2014, there were nearly half a million unauthorized Indian immigrants, according to a recent Pew Research Center report. The influx represented a nearly 43% spike since 2009, when the number was 350,000.23 Sep 2016
Mehreen Saeed
12 hrs ·
Pakistanis or Pakistani-Americans worried about traveling to Pakistan or having relatives visit, please relax! Trump's anti-Muslim ban will likely not be extended to my beloved watan because there are NATO forces still stuck in Afghanistan that need a safe exit, and that safe and economical exit route is only through Pakistan, which is America's most key strategic ally. And let's say even if the ban is extended to Pakistan, we have Imran Khan who will easily block the NATO supplies through his street power in retaliation, and you know he will do it, it's his hobby.

Remember how Imran Khan led tens of thousands of Pakistanis to march toward Waziristan against the U.S. Drone strikes? If this travel ban happens (which it won't) I will use my democratic right and will go and protest in front of a NATO truck to block it myself, I promise

My cousin who was in the Pakistan army just reminded me, all 7 countries on the discriminatory anti-Muslim ban list have a civil war going on and have ineffective armies. Pakistan doesn't have a civil war and Pakistan army is the most battle hardened army in the world, it will not allow a civil war.

Lastly, don't you think that Pakistan has already been through the worst? I mean around 60,000 Pakistanis have died since 9/11 although not a single Pakistani was behind 9/11. No country has sacrificed more than Pakistan in America's war in Afghanistan and the U.S. Intelligence agencies know that. And we already are being vetted and monitored since the war in Afghanistan started, there are no direct flights coming from Pakistan to America. So please while we protest Trump's unconstitutional #Muslimban let's not stop traveling to the beautiful and resilient land called Pakistan. It needs all the tourism and economic boost, we owe #Pakistan that
:-) #ImranKhan

Got goosebumps when read....This is why I am advocating for overseas Pakistanis...They are such patriotic bunch you will proud of....Hope Pakistan won't be affected...Ameen
That was expected since all his campaign and now pleasing the voters that praised such rhetoric. Interestingly, rather than addressing the issue and dealing with problem, himself started to isolate the USA by such bans against seven countries that are never declared as terrorist states at all. Instead, should have decrease the support for proxies and interfering in other countries which will result in less vengeance for US. In-case of ban against Pakistan, US in Afghanistan may ring a bell for the people that thought it is going to be easy.

Pakistan-US still enjoying good relations and are not that cold that such ban may occur and even if it is, still the choice of US and planners would have worked out possible outcome though for the time being, chances are slim. Trump want to fight terrorism so is everyone then must discourage the support for terrorists and strict immigration policies as well as evaluate US Embassies business in other countries which is more than diplomacy but throwing the Governments by meddling into their affairs. Furthermore, ban investment and hiding of all the leaders looted money from other countries that I am sure, people will see USA once again as a friend of people and other states for not favouring the thugs at all. Stop housing the self-exiled so-called political asylum seekers and traitors of other countries and he will see a drastic change in mood of other countries towards US. Trump must order for reducing the US Embassy staff in Pakistan that is too high w.r.t. diplomatic purpose and withdraw from such large area bought for nothing. These kind of bans will result into more opposition and hatred against US itself and can harm at large by risking their citizen lives.

Sometimes these hypes are created to put more pressure on leaders that cannot stand against and are corrupt to core that rather than being loyal to own country, will obey and would go to extend by harming own people and sovereignty. Ironically, we don't have such leaders here that can be worth and represent a strong Pakistan as none may every think about to do so but these thugs are more loyal for their own family business and security of looted money as well as the safeguard and assurance for possible asylum when done with Pakistan. The only beneficial ban is, when imposed every anti-Pakistan cheerleader of this country must be sent back to Pakistan as well and stop backing them in the name of freedom of speech and fake journalism so I see this as good as a punishment for the traitors in Pakistan that have hopes about to leave for US. The ban will serve the purpose if ever happened, that no corrupt leader will be able to leave the Pakistan to US, in fear of justice so then we will thank Mr. Trump otherwise, by banning the civilians only, it is nothing but hypocrisy.

On lighter side: Those bans are already challenged and being stopped by many Attorneys in US, IMO and if Trump still move ahead with such stance, good luck for US self isolation that many countries couldn't do so.
I don't think he referred to the Mexican nationals either.

Let me get your logic straight here...trump should ban Pakistan because then he will finally realize illegal Indian immigration problem that you say is serious.....despite the entire strength of his white house staff that can point it out to him at any moment.......

trust me, that's not how it will turn out my friend.....:D
Let me get your logic straight here...trump should ban Pakistan because then he will finally realize illegal Indian immigration problem that you say is serious.....despite the entire strength of his white house staff that can point it out to him at any moment.......

trust me, that's not how it will turn out my friend.....:D
how strange, man never referred to Indians till date.
Indeed his spin doctors would have kept him in picture about where problem stems from, no point in placing Visa ban on Indians since they enter through other means hence best to plug that hole. :)
Indeed his spin doctors would have kept him in picture about where problem stems from, no point in placing Visa ban on Indians since they enter through other means hence best to plug that hole. :)

Ok bro, then let's both start a petition asking Trump to ban Pak immigrants then. You have my FULL support of this :lol:
Ok bro, then let's both start a petition asking Trump to ban Pak immigrants then. You have my FULL support of this :lol:
You see, while ban has been imposed on some without notice or warning, the could, would , should is the kind of language one hears US using even for superpowers like Russia and China, so no matter how hard we try, sadly most of your country fellows may not live the dream.
You see, while ban has been imposed on some without notice or warning, the could, would , should is the kind of language one hears US using even for superpowers like Russia and China, so no matter how hard we try, sadly most of your country fellows may not live the dream.

our country fellows can live their dream only in our country. In the end a developed country is the best way to avoid these embarassments. Else how does Singapore, which is the size of Bangalore International Airport get to pretend that it is 'better' than most of the subcontinent?
Total Mexican illegals- 6,650,000

I'm sure he views 2700 Indians as a threat. I don't blame you bro. This addition thing is not as easy as it looks.


There's news floating that new US government may extend it's visa ban policy to Pakistan along with seven countries already put under restrictions. I sincerely hope that US executes it's policy on Pakistan, only then it may find and realise where the actual problem stems from. The figures from last few years show that even the Mexicans are now not the biggest illegal migrants in US. The position for the fastest illegal population has been taken over by escape India citizens whose figure now swells over 500,000. Building walls and visa bans will stop the influx but the authorities will obviously need to crack down on those already abusing the system.





Dude worry about yourself, UK may follow Trump because of problems they are facing because of immigrants and extremism!
Keep going Trump. You are doing a heck of a job isolating and shaming your country.
Dude worry about yourself, UK may follow Trump because of problems they are facing because of immigrants and extremism!
I don't let these things worry me, UK has more problems with Eastern European refugees than Asian immigrants.
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