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Expensive Pakistani Habbits , for a Economically Poor nation

You know, I label myself as a minimalist and I usually promote it here too.
But judging by how this guy and his messiah syndrome party is acting, the only thing which comes to my mind is F U...
Ban half of the things and heavily tax the other half.
Go to caves and start living like cavemen or hermits.
Thats their solution.

i Think they officially are telling people that they only cater to the rich.

one may quote the true leader himself and say they suffer from stunted growth
it might work for a small dense city state like singapore. it does not work for pakistan

Most of the pakistani population also live in densely populated areas, don't get yourself fooled by our country map, most of the country is quite empty, the population is mostly concentrated in the cities situated near the rivers.
because we have you.
wannabe fascist

lets stay on topic and not talk about other stuff if you wish you can move to different thread

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For Pakistan to reduce our Oil Import a massive Bus , transport system could have helped with out needing to spend 2-3 billion on bridges and overpass and weirdness

All these had to do (Government) was to import large number of buses and then put them on streets and at same time ban the Motor cycles from being driven on roads



Increases Buses : 600-1000 Buses , Double Decker (Per City), Top 20 cities of Pakistan
Reduce : Motor Cycles
Reduce : Cars (Introduce Tolls on Main streets)

  • The elevated tracks and bridges were just unnecessary in my opinion we could have fixed our transportation problem 100% in 20 cities of Pakistan by just ordering Buses and running them on Main streets of country , while imposing ban on motor cycles

Restriction on Cars and Motor Cycles would have de-clogged the roads and more people would have traveled much faster on roads

Notice how less congested the rest of highway is and cleaner with no motor cycles

Look at this simple picture , and answer to me why we need bridges and elevated track and digging of roads?
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lets stay on topic and not talk about other stuff if you wish you can move to different thread

All these had to do (Government) was to import large number of buses and then put them on streets and at same time ban the Motor cycles from being driven on roads

I am not in favor of banning motorcycles, aim should be to reduce their numbers back to what they used to be 20 or 30 years ago, just concentrate on public transport using Buses and also the elephant in the room the railway which is essential for an efficient public transport system at least inter-city and inter-province transport. But within cities the use of buses must be encouraged.

The real losers in current crisis are the privileged rich class that form 5% of pakistan population and have been living beyond their means through eating up paksitan's dollar reserves for their luxurious imports during last 20 years. The remaining 95% population will off course also suffer but they are quite resilient, they are capable of eating one roti instead of 2, subsist on couple of shalwar qameez and shoes for the next 2 years in hard times and just relying on less luxuries during economic hardship. But I am very happy that 5% rich are facing the music in the current crisis since their subsidized import luxuries are under attack.
commie amreeki pakistani hahahaha

Petrol price in Pakistan is 0.67$

Compare it with,
USA ------------- 0.71
Russia------------- 0.68
Turkeye------------- 1.21
KSA------------- 0.54
India------------- 1.03

So before calling me commie, look at facts. Countries that have 8%+ growth, or countries that are super rich or countries with oil have higher prices than Pakistan.
We can't really compare to the Richer Nations of World unless we correct our core national issue drastic reduction in Oil/Petroleum products

For Transport our Approach has been for last 20 years

  • We need Massive infrastructure to fix transport issue , and never did once anyone said , lets import 20,000 buses
  • The statement was always we , need this big over pass, it goes makes 10 loops around city and then it splits in 10 areas , over pass , under pass, circular pass
  • Instead of banning motor cycles , we Took Massive loans to make these silly over passes and under passes which fill up in rain season and cause flooding in underpass segments

While the core issue was simple

  • Get the buses , put people in buses and collect money and put it in State Bank of Pakistan

When we talk about Transport problem:

  • Every one stated we need that 10 billion dollar Subway and digging and import of drills and machinery and then we need another 2 billion for consultants

  • No one said the simple item, we have roads, lets put buses on roads and lets manage number of cars/motor cycles , without digging up roads
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I think the most important thing that Pakistani government should do is to convey to the spoiled 5% rich classes of Pakistan that they don't have a god gifted "right" to luxurious imports. Availability of Luxurious imports in crisis hit country like Pakistan should be seen as a "privilege" and not a "right", that is the psychological lesson to be instilled into the minds of spoiled rich class of pakistanis during this economic crisis.

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