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Pakistan fast heading into economic meltdown

Yes, I see that 'strategic silence' among IK's supporters both here and elsewhere. No manifesto, plan or even general idea about how to revive the economy beyond the most basic bromides.

Not even basic bromides, just hot air of varying stinkiness from both ends, and not much more. Just like all other politicians in Pakistan, including the present team of morons. That, unfortunately, is the reality of Pakistan.
He did promise to turn Pakistan into a utopia. Though once out of power, he has worked ceaselessly to turn it into a dystopia.

But Riasat-e-Madina sounds very nice.
He did promise to turn Pakistan into a utopia. Though once out of power, he has worked ceaselessly to turn it into a dystopia.

You and vchung both sound clueless and out of touch with reality.

With him he’s got an axe to grind, and you being an Indian it’s clear what your agenda is.

Get a life you clowns. There’s real people suffering, while you faggots are busy blowing eachother and getting off to the chaos.
Yes, I see that 'strategic silence' among IK's supporters both here and elsewhere. No manifesto, plan or even general idea about how to revive the economy beyond the most basic bromides.

Even if he has some sort planning, he'll not divulge it now, lest the opposition steals it as their election manifesto. But from what I have gathered, he is mostly betting of political stability followed by enough reform to get substantial aids/ loans to start some sort of manufacturing base. However, observing the vast divergence of Pakistani awam on politics, religion, reforms, foreign policy etc and having some sort of inkling on their as well as the govt & establishments sense of priorities, it looks like a uphill task.
Even if he has some sort planning, he'll not divulge it now, lest the opposition steals it as their election manifesto. But from what I have gathered, he is mostly betting of political stability followed by enough reform to get substantial aids/ loans to start some sort of manufacturing base. However, observing the vast divergence of Pakistani awam on politics, religion, reforms, foreign policy etc and having some sort of inkling on their as well as the govt & establishments sense of priorities, it looks like a uphill task.
If he is a patriot, he should not be concerned if the opposition steals his silver bullet and saves the nation. Did Lenin or Mao hide their plans for fear it will get stolen? They wrote books. He must have low self-confidence if he is afraid of his political ideas being stolen. People with real charisma don't care for that.
If he is a patriot, he should not be concerned if the opposition steals his silver bullet and saves the nation. Did Lenin or Mao hide their plans for fear it will get stolen? They wrote books. He must have low self-confidence if he is afraid of his political ideas being stolen. People with real charisma don't care for that.

He doesn't have any plan. He is just another clueless subcon boomer like the rest of them who simply don't understand macro.

He will win the next election but the way things are going, he may end up getting Bhuttoed.

Anyhow, default or no default, this is gonna look like Argentina-2001 for the next decade or so.
If he is a patriot, he should not be concerned if the opposition steals his silver bullet and saves the nation. Did Lenin or Mao hide their plans for fear it will get stolen? They wrote books. He must have low self-confidence if he is afraid of his political ideas being stolen. People with real charisma don't care for that.

Well, even after his vast popularity he had a minority govt last time around & was promptly thrown out via the VoNC. I guess, he prefers a stable cabinet over the overcoming the current situation quickly. Because he also knows, it is going to be a long, long, long road to some sort of recovery.

In any case, as I wrote in the earlier post, he doesn't, IMHO, have a concrete & viable plan. Just betting on political stability, which I doubt will be achieved in the next election. We have all seen that, like the others, he too is perfectly capable of making blunders and mess, specially when it comes foreign policy & internal security. The only silver lining is that he is not corrupt himself & has bhakt-like followers who will blindly obey his dictates (many in his cabinet were corrupted & useless though).

But then, what are the other alternative for Pakistani voters? That's a perfect case of lesser of the evils.
He doesn't have any plan. He is just another clueless subcon boomer like the rest of them who simply don't understand macro.

He will win the next election but the way things are going, he may end up getting Bhuttoed.

Anyhow, default or no default, this is gonna look like Argentina-2001 for the next decade or so.
Argentina is a beautiful country but financially messed up. I am thinking of Lebanon.
Even if he has some sort planning, he'll not divulge it now, lest the opposition steals it as their election manifesto.

His plans are so secret even he does not know what they are. He will find out when he gets to read the same page. The faithful must trust him that he does, of course.
Riding on extreme level of skepticism on this thread,

Imran Khan would never have become a politician because he was a cricketer and wouldn’t know politics. Let alone win an election. Or go on a collision course against the establishment with majority on his side.

PTI with the help of other organs of state wouldn’t have come markedly unscathed during Covid when it’s neighbors were decimated.

Jinnah wouldn’t be able to create Pakistan as the odds were heavily stacked against him. Gandhi, Nehru, and the Maulvis of certain sect outright rejected him.

Pakistan wouldn’t have been able to embark on a nuclear program as they did not have an educational, scientific background.

And so on.

So yes, continue with providing mental orgasms to each other.

Coming back to the topic, most of his ardent supporters are not blinded by his support.

Most of them know IK has made stupid mistakes. His dealings with his coalition, giving extension to COAS, not choosing his battles wisely, getting himself too busy with accountability when he could have let NAB do its job, his foreign policy mistakes vis a vis Afghanistan.

But there have been alot of good as well.

For the majority he represents some hope of correcting a lot of wrongs (not all) with Pakistan.
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Pakistan wouldn’t have been able to embark on a nuclear program as they did not have an educational, scientific background.

But they did. USA trained the personnel with the required educational and scientific background. Let us not forget that.

And so on with your other contentions too.
This may not work well. Lew Kuan Yew once said, about paying public employees well: If you pay them peanuts, you will attract monkeys. It is rather obvious that the public sector is not endowed with talent. This move may push it down a few notches to the level of monkeyland.

Austerity body mulls 10pc cut in salaries of govt employees​

Has anyone made even a semi-credible argument on how, absent VoNC, the IK government would have waved its magic wand over empty wallet and allowed milk and honey to flow unhindered?
Yes through keeping the energy and food costs down by trading with Russia, maintaining the confidence in the economy, investors and business community which was lost as soon as the PDM thieves took power leading to run on dollar and thereby skyrocketing the inflation. Secondly remittance levels would have stayed up with OSP could have bumped it up as well. Lastly with export which IK had boosted to highest levels and went into decline as soon as the thieves took over.
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