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Exclusive - DG ISPR takes Journalists to LoC and briefs

was there any question answer session if any video or link please
Visiting such threads .. I've seen the countless use of the argument of "where there is smoke there is fire" by the Indian side while talking about ISPR's activity. Why does ISPR do it ? To prove the fact that India's "surgical strikes" never took place. Why ? Because in the midst of this propaganda war, Pakistani population NEEDS to SEE the facts ... unlike a certain other population that is doing jumping jacks without any evidence whatsoever ...But coming to the main point ..

How about we subject the same "where there is smoke there is fire" argument to India's side of the story. India first claimed that it carried out surgical strikes in Pakistan. The media went ape sh!t, and in the midst somehow claims started to contradict each other and that too on more or less everything. How many targets aka Launchpads were engaged ... 5,6 or 7? How did India infiltrate across LOC .. there were claims of para dropping, using choppers and then finally trekking through some points under cover fire ... How long did the operation last .. 2 hours, 4 hours or 8 hours? Then what about all the evidence ? 38 bodies just vaporized into thin air ... BTW here is just a fun 20 sec compilation covering how all over the place India went with this ....

Keeping all the discrepancies aside .. It wouldn't be the first time India stages up some fake encounters ... After all, that has already been proved. Lets not forget this piece of gem ..

this is called pseudo rationality. It goes like t

Or how the war trophies that IAF displays ... of jets such as the F-6 ( a dual engine fighter) somehow has a single exhaust and a tail number a little too similar to IAF assets ...


Or whether it is going back to times like, 1965 where IAF made GNAT in to a legend and termed it a sabre slayer but when you actually probe in to the claims that are backed up by neutral statistics a total of 9 kills of IAF gnats on PAF sabres during 1965 is observed. Ironically enough, atleast 6 kills of Gnat's by PAF sabers has also been reported. A mere discripancy of 3 kills between a so called "slayer" and its "prey" .. (from acig.org) Ofcourse if we account for other sources the picture becomes alot more grimmer for the sabre slayer

Conclusion - When you apply the "where there is smoke there is fire" argument to the Indian rehtoric, where continuous modifications were made to the original story to sell the idea that .. "It actually happened.." ... One needs not look at the smoke because the flames of propaganda and chest thumping are visible from miles away ..
Visiting such threads .. I've seen the countless use of the argument of "where there is smoke there is fire" by the Indian side while talking about ISPR's activity. Why does ISPR do it ? To prove the fact that India's "surgical strikes" never took place. Why ? Because in the midst of this propaganda war, Pakistani population NEEDS to SEE the facts ... unlike a certain other population that is doing jumping jacks without any evidence whatsoever ...But coming to the main point ..

How about we subject the same "where there is smoke there is fire" argument to India's side of the story. India first claimed that it carried out surgical strikes in Pakistan. The media went ape sh!t, and in the midst somehow claims started to contradict each other and that too on more or less everything. How many targets aka Launchpads were engaged ... 5,6 or 7? How did India infiltrate across LOC .. there were claims of para dropping, using choppers and then finally trekking through some points under cover fire ... How long did the operation last .. 2 hours, 4 hours or 8 hours? Then what about all the evidence ? 38 bodies just vaporized into thin air ... BTW here is just a fun 20 sec compilation covering how all over the place India went with this ....

Keeping all the discrepancies aside .. It wouldn't be the first time India stages up some fake encounters ... After all, that has already been proved. Lets not forget this piece of gem ..

Or how the war trophies that IAF displays ... of jets such as the F-6 ( a dual engine fighter) somehow has a single exhaust and a tail number a little too similar to IAF assets ...


Or whether it is going back to times like, 1965 where IAF made GNAT in to a legend and termed it a sabre slayer but when you actually probe in to the claims that are backed up by neutral statistics a total of 9 kills of IAF gnats on PAF sabres during 1965 is observed. Ironically enough, atleast 6 kills of Gnat's by PAF sabers has also been reported. A mere discripancy of 3 kills between a so called "slayer" and its "prey" .. (from acig.org) Ofcourse if we account for other sources the picture becomes alot more grimmer for the sabre slayer

Conclusion - When you apply the "where there is smoke there is fire" argument to the Indian rehtoric, where continuous modifications were made to the original story to sell the idea that .. "It actually happened.." ... One needs not look at the smoke because the flames of propaganda and chest thumping are visible from miles away ..

Pure pseudo rationalization aka BS science . I will explain the pattern:

* start with a agonizing account of how much you have tried to hold your bias in check and striven for objectivity
* 2nd - state a noble cause for the effort; doesn't matter how corny poppycock it is ('people need to know'!)
* 3rd - start bullet pointing whatever nonsense you can find; more bullets the better
* 4th - voila! state the conclusion

The reader is supposed assume 1 2 3 4 are connected.

Yup. Bullet points. Seen it a hundred times.

in this case for example - a picture of old plane fragments - the author's opinion that he thinks it is a fake - and then that opinion is used as corroboration for his current argument.

no dice.
The question is why is PA running away from the battle?

Even if we assume the surgical strike was fake, PA could have used the story to their advantage by calling it an attack on their army and launch a counter strike.

The whole act of trying to prove it as fake is actually confirming the weakness of PA which was all along suspected.

No.fight is coming..
This op was just a smoke.screen ...
Indians are evacuating villages along international border... that is significant...

Current farse of an op is just for media jagnoists to keep up the madness..and judge international response...

This is my personal opinion and oponion of a senior retd indian army officer who works wth me...
No.fight is coming..
This op was just a smoke.screen ...
Indians are evacuating villages along international border... that is significant...

Current farse of an op is just for media jagnoists to keep up the madness..and judge international response...

This is my personal opinion and oponion of a senior retd indian army officer who works wth me...

I too sense that Pakistan is preparing for the retaliation to the Indian surgical strikes. The firing on the LOC has also picked up. Hence India is moving the villagers away from the LOC.

Pakistan too is moving people out of training camps in anticipation of Indian retaliation to Pakistan's retaliation.


Seems like both countries are preparing and getting into the never ending retaliation cycle. Not sure when and where it would end.
I too sense that Pakistan is preparing for the retaliation to the Indian surgical strikes. The firing on the LOC has also picked up. Hence India is moving the villagers away from the LOC.

Pakistan too is moving people out of training camps in anticipation of Indian retaliation to Pakistan's retaliation.


Seems like both countries are preparing and getting into the never ending retaliation cycle. Not sure when and where it would end.

Pakistan may not respond to current one ... this is more for media digestion than actually any thing on ground....
But what happens if there is another Uri like attack?? Surely indians cant fake another one...
Both sides are preparing for war....and its serious
Pure pseudo rationalization aka BS science . I will explain the pattern:

* start with a agonizing account of how much you have tried to hold your bias in check and striven for objectivity
* 2nd - state a noble cause for the effort; doesn't matter how corny poppycock it is ('people need to know'!)
* 3rd - start bullet pointing whatever nonsense you can find; more bullets the better
* 4th - voila! state the conclusion

The reader is supposed assume 1 2 3 4 are connected.

Yup. Bullet points. Seen it a hundred times.

in this case for example - a picture of old plane fragments - the author's opinion that he thinks it is a fake - and then that opinion is used as corroboration for his current argument.

no dice.


yup, typical Bs scientist!

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Here is their official statement. Northern Command, officially commented on soldiers crossing the border. Any different statement now, is a change in stance.
Also known as backtracking from a false statement.

"Based on receiving specific and credible inputs that some terrorist teams had positioned themselves at launch pads along the Line of Control to carry out infiltration and conduct terrorist strikes inside Jammu and Kashmir and in various metros in other states, the Indian army conducted surgical strikes at several of these launch pads to pre-empt infiltration by terrorists," a statement said.

It said the "surgical strikes" had caused "significant damage to terrorists".

Indian Minister of State for Information and Broadcasting Rajyavardhan Singh Rathore, himself an ex-Indian Army man, told The Hindu during an interview.

Rathore said the Indian Army crossed the Line of Control (LoC) “on the ground” for carrying out what he termed were “pre-emptive strikes”. “That is not like crossing the international border.

Pre-emptive and what and where?
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The fact remains that the plethora of false statements and propaganda being thrown up by India is falling flat and so far not one corroborative evidence has been provided.

I do not find it surprising if the Indians online get more and more aggressive and descend into pathetic ideals that would make their parents ashamed to utter as their government's ploy and their media's idiocy breaks down around them.


"...even if for argument's sake we consider that India faked it, the purpose has been solved. So doubters have the permission to doubt in peace and perpetuity."
Oh wow, some random dude decides to write up a fluff piece filled with self fellatio and you predictably decide to go for the fiction as if craving the sights and smells of tattapani.
So many bodies cleaned up and no one saw it in todays digital world? wow amazing logic.
Keep telling these lies to yourself, they wont become truth. India has humiliated itself with fake surgical strikes, deep down even Indians know it, its just the fat ego that just not accept the reality.

What we could there was the amazing stupid logic of your authorities?
Initially they said noone did surgical strikes then said 14 Indian soldiers died during the strike.
Now again rakes u turn.
That is th real embarrassment .Not for us but for Pakistan.

Lol..Because the details doesn't even exist..Your Army is not fool....DGMO actually made you mamu...Why don't you answer the basic questions asked in the video?

Your authorities indirectly verified the attack that is all that matters

Pak Army never said that officially. It was only reported in Pakistani media.

Look at the comment of General Asim
No proofs of any ‘surgical strikes’ on LoC: UN Monitoring Group (UNMOGIP)
  • October 1, 2016

India’s already suspect ‘surgical strikes’ claims have been rendered completely bogus after Secretary General UN, Ban Ki-moon’s spokesperson Stephane Dujarric has also repudiated them.

Read More: India backtracks on the most important ‘Surgical Strike’ claim

In the daily press briefing, Dujarric said “The UN Military Observer Group in India and Pakistan (UNMOGIP) has not directly observed any firing across the LoC related to the latest incidents.”

Read More: Pak Army takes journalists to frontlines to expose Indian lies

“The UN Military Observer Group in India and Pakistan (UNMOGIP) has not directly observed any firing across the LoC related to the latest incidents.”

– Ban Ki-moon’s spokesperson Stephane Dujarric
When asked to explain how UNMOGIP can say it did not observe any firing even as India said it has conducted the surgical strikes, Dujarric repeated that UNMOGIP has not “directly observed” any of the firing.

Read More: Why is India “hiding its losses” on Loc? Asks DG ISPR Asim Bajwa

“They are obviously aware of the reports of these presumed violations and are talking to the relevant concerned authorities,” he said.

The explicit refusal to confirm the Indian propagandist reports was met with great anguish and anger in India.

“Facts on the ground do not change whether somebody has observed it or not.”

–India’s permanent representative at the UN, Syed Akbaruddin
Read More: Pakistan denies Indian claim of surgical strike across LoC last night

Rejecting the embarrassing refusal from UN, Akbaruddin stuck to Indian government’s official line. “I have nothing to say because what (Dujarric) said was ‘directly observed’. It’s a call that they have to take. I cannot place myself in their boots and directly observe something.”

“Facts on the ground do not change whether somebody has observed it or not,” he added, oblivious to the fact that it is the Indian government who is not letting the UN observers do their work on the Indian side of the LoC and has been repeatedly reprimanded by UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon for doing so. UNMOGIP continues to function on Pakistan’s side of LoC.

Read More: 14 Indian soldiers killed in response by Pakistan Army

Secretary General Ban Ki-moon on Friday expressed regrets over the fact that UNMOGIP (United Nations Military Observer Group in India and Pakistan) has not been able to fully function due to India’s non-cooperation, adding that the UN’s military mission is only able to operate on the Pakistani controlled side of the LoC as India refuses to accept its functioning on the other side and opposes its expansion.

Pakistan had already dismissed the claim that Indian forces conducted a surgical strike on Pakistani side of Line of Control (LoC) in Azad Kashmir violating the 2003 ceasefire treaty.

As many as two Pakistani soldiers were martyred as India resorted on unprovoked firing along the Line of Control (LoC) in Azad Jammu and Kashmir on Thursday.

hold on - the LOC is pretty lengthy. How can the Pak Army spokesperson take the reporters to one spot and claim nothing happened along the length of the LOC?
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