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First half you were right. Pakistan will fire his nukes - no doubt about it.

What would follow is this - India will obliterate Pakistan, especially thanks to second strike capability. China will not escalate because they are a true superpower contender. Pakistan will cease to exist, possibly with most if not all of his population burnt to cinders. A huge population of India will also suffer and India will take another 50 years to recover. But the hanging dagger or nuclear blackmail will be gone. It is highly likely that India and China will exchange claims of Aksai with other disputes and the status quo hence will be amenable to all.

Pakistan will cease to exist?lol Yaar ab itni bari batain bhi na kia kr nazar na lag jay
Wrong again. Pakistan already has the capability to produce fusion, thermonuclear and H-bombs since at least the start of 2011:


You are spewing more indian bollywood propaganda fantasy. Pakistan has for a number of years had the capacity to completely wipe india of the face of the planet and turn the whole of it into glass. That's why india did not attack Pakistan after mumbai 2008 despite being more than 7x bigger than Pakistan and having the full backing of the entire West and Russia. The indian military high command know Pakistan's capabilities only too well.

Pakistan doesn't have a 2nd or 3rd strike capability????????.......indians also vehemently claimed pre-May 1998 that Pakistan could never ever become a nuclear weapons state with or without Chinese assistance. We all know what happened to that indian fantasy and dribble. Just as then so is now.
Again, I never denied these statements either.

Just know that Pakistan will not be able to hide their preparations and launches. Especially with the far superior Indian space program. Which means a swift and massive Indian counter strike. With the land and population difference (and geographical advantage) Pakistan will lose everything, while much of North Western India will be a wasteland.

Even in this case, assuming that Indian-Israeli systems are unable to intercept Pak missiles (they are capable), Pakistan ceases to exist and India barely limps on.

The message has been conveyed to the right people- It was one of a kind operation- A loud mouth commander nearly jeopardized the entire operation- He is being dealt with-
Our media should be silenced immediately.
It is better to create fires without smoke. A bit of it for public consumption is fine.
Pakistan will cease to exist?lol Yaar ab itni bari batain bhi na kia kr nazar na lag jay
I don't want that to happen. The ancient land of Saptasindhu, the ancient fountain of Bharatiya Sanskriti... but the geology is such that Pakistan is very vulnerable to nuclear fallout. It has mountains to the North and only plains to the South, also the rivers flow (naturally) ONLY in that direction.

India may be helped to a large extent by the still formidable Deccan, the Ghats, the still significant forests (something that Pakistan has little of).

I don't desire it. But if it come to it, make no mistake, Islamic bravery (fiction or otherwise) will not count against radiation that just does not care.
Again, I never denied these statements either.

Just know that Pakistan will not be able to hide their preparations and launches. Especially with the far superior Indian space program. Which means a swift and massive Indian counter strike. With the land and population difference (and geographical advantage) Pakistan will lose everything, while much of North Western India will be a wasteland.

Even in this case, assuming that Indian-Israeli systems are unable to intercept Pak missiles (they are capable), Pakistan ceases to exist and India barely limps on.

Our media should be silenced immediately.
It is better to create fires without smoke. A bit of it for public consumption is fine.

Think you'll find that India would cease to exist too. Pakistan is wayyy more advanced than what you people think. Thanks to Chinese assistance, Pakistan already has effective countermeasures to your ABM systems. Your kind were also saying that Pakistan would NEVER EVER become a nuclear weapons state with or without Chinese assistance. How wrong you indians were as with many things. Just as then, so is now.

I don't want that to happen. The ancient land of Saptasindhu, the ancient fountain of Bharatiya Sanskriti... but the geology is such that Pakistan is very vulnerable to nuclear fallout. It has mountains to the North and only plains to the South, also the rivers flow (naturally) ONLY in that direction.

India may be helped to a large extent by the still formidable Deccan, the Ghats, the still significant forests (something that Pakistan has little of).

I don't desire it. But if it come to it, make no mistake, Islamic bravery (fiction or otherwise) will not count against radiation that just does not care.

Do you remember my earlier post when i claimed that even if we Nuke mumbai and delhi India won't respond.I still stick to that claim
Our media should be silenced immediately.
It is better to create fires without smoke. A bit of it for public consumption is fine.

Media doesn't take orders from the Government- If you remember the news posted on Quint- If you followed that incident It was Doordarshan who 1st reported and then the news was removed after 2 days- When MoD categorically told reporters to keep quiet and no question on 23rd when Rafale deal was signed and only questions on deal was taken- So the Govt- doesn't even have control on doordarshan- and private news channels were already at the base and everyone saw the pictures of tripods, rockets etc being carried by heavily armed troops- But they understood the seriousness of the situation and removed that news-

I think there will be some dancing done- and since Bollywood and others are jumping in- this will fade off by Monday- If Army doesn't have anything official to say on any new development-
Here is their official statement. Northern Command, officially commented on soldiers crossing the border. Any different statement now, is a change in stance.

Same Northern Command also said that Chandu Babulal is a deserter. And then later on said he crossed LOC by mistake.

They can always change their stance. Don't worry.
Media doesn't take orders from the Government- If you remember the news posted on Quint- If you followed that incident It was Doordarshan who 1st reported and then the news was removed after 2 days- When MoD categorically told reporters to keep quiet and no question on 23rd when Rafale deal was signed and only questions on deal was taken- So the Govt- doesn't even have control on doordarshan- and private news channels were already at the base and everyone saw the pictures of tripods, rockets etc being carried by heavily armed troops- But they understood the seriousness of the situation and removed that news-

I think there will be some dancing done- and since Bollywood and others are jumping in- this will fade off by Monday- If Army doesn't have anything official to say on any new development-
True. But some shutting up needs to be done. Some surgical strikes in the media establishment is needed. They are making way too much noise.
Read BTW Lines My friend From your Source only

"The area seemed intact, but if there were more dead bodies we would have no way of knowing. We only saw what we were shown."


They were taken to that area

I heard that Indian army is told to bring Indian media to the location where they conducted the so called surgical strikes instead of fooling the masoom awaam.

Seems like ISPR is hell bent on humiliating Indian army infront of Indian Awaam
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