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It is better to accept that we did not surgical strikes. It suits us if the enemy denies it. :)
Well this whole incident did raised the Nuclear threshold though. Lets see which side gives in to the pressure first.
dead bodies?
other jihadis cleaned up after ?

you keep forgetting the official Indian claim, that this was a hit on anti India jihadi camps, not an operation against the Pakistani military, Pakistan officially don't even acknowledge the existence of these so...
Well this whole incident did raised the Nuclear threshold though. Lets see which side gives in to the pressure first.
Pakistan will fire the first nukes. No matter what we do/don't. Just a matter of time. Whether Modi/MMS/Rahul/Kejru/etc stays in power - is all irrelevant. Pakistan will have to escalate it some day. More questions will be asked as to why Pakistan is not responding. Terror attacks will not be sufficient to satisfy their public demand.
Really hehe oh yes ryt world media is laughing don't you read foreign reports, their deplomatic answers and replies hehehe
well your boat is not floating anywhere bro and no one is supporting(study recents russian, french, bangladesh, news reports) you deviated off topic by the way :agree:
as well as world media is concerned you must watch out if india don't wanted to avoide war you might have recieved vedios as proofs but the war is against terrorism not PAK

HAHAHHAH State Department refused to buy your so called story today... which media you;r talking about ??? except INDIAN CLAIMS no body give shit about what India drama is...
Then watch it bro before commenting on this thread. He said, we struck Indian positions hard in response and i;m sure there must be casualities on indian side. Also he clarified a question about the capture of Indian soldier.
didn't he followed it up by saying I don't know why Indians are not owning up to the casualties.
I understand patriotism but it shouldn't blind you to bare faced facts. 'Surgical strikes' without any air support? Killed douzens of the enemy in 7 different places on their land and got back home without anyone any the wiser? The only proof that it ever happened is the press conferance India held to announce it? Ever heard of any other country doing 'surgical strikes' like this? Come on people, what do you need to accept that Modi and his gang of merry men have cooked up this whole drama to save face. Having beaten the war drum so feriously and so hastily after Uri, how were they now going to tell their people that all they can muster is to try to achieve 'isolation' of Pakistan. Lies have no foundation and as clever as the liar may think he is - the truth will come out in the end and when it does, the liar will be in far deeper shit than he would have been had he just faced facts to start with.
Pakistan will fire the first nukes. No matter what we do/don't. Just a matter of time. Whether Modi/MMS/Rahul/Kejru/etc stays in power - is all irrelevant. Pakistan will have to escalate it some day. More questions will be asked as to why Pakistan is not responding. Terror attacks will not be sufficient to satisfy their public demand.

That is what I am saying.. everyone knows the capability of Indian Army and surgical strikes consequecines so the story of India is already busted badly BUT... Pakistan has advatange at this time... whether India did or not ... Pakistan SHOULD (MUST) attack India... not for the public demand but it will help Pakistan alot... first.. the Nuclear bluff according to India will be busted bcuz at the end Pakistan will use nuke (1st) by any mean second.. it wil damage entire 20 years effort of huge economy of India... and third which I LOVE is... the esclation of conventional to unconventional and finish 70% population along with entire infrastructure of both sides...
Pakistan will fire the first nukes. No matter what we do/don't. Just a matter of time. Whether Modi/MMS/Rahul/Kejru/etc stays in power - is all irrelevant. Pakistan will have to escalate it some day. More questions will be asked as to why Pakistan is not responding. Terror attacks will not be sufficient to satisfy their public demand.
I highly doubt it ... I believe if things went that far it would be India to use them first. had it been congress I would have agreed with you in a second but with Modi at center I don't think we would wait that long. Our nuclear policy will be revisited soon and minor changes would be made.
The Indian military was wiser and didn’t go for a deeper strike. They just fulfilled the wishes of the political leadership without causing any major disaster,” said Maj. Gen. Mahmud Ali Durrani, a former Pakistani ambassador to the United States.

also from the article:

When reminded that the Indian government has said the casualties were in “double digits,” Durrani said: “We say two were killed and they will say 100. The truth is lost between India and Pakistan when the first bullet is fired.”

pretty much :P
HAHAHHAH State Department refused to buy your so called story today... which media you;r talking about ??? except INDIAN CLAIMS no body give shit about what India drama is...
What are your views about Pakistani journalist Nusrat Javed? mind you I am asking you this question because he did mentioned about some action in Balochistan before Afghan Taliban head was taken out by US.
Where are the Indian dead bodies? :azn:

It is astonishing to see people actually buying this. This is common. And very easy to fake.

India did not give the coordinates of the places she hit (say x). Pakistan shows places she wants. (say y)

x =/= y

This proves nor disproves anything. :angel:

But thanks for 'proving' that we did nothing. We are innocent. :angel: :smitten:
Don't Say Logical things on PDF these Days It will get you ban Or Negatives Rating Like Me
also from the article:

When reminded that the Indian government has said the casualties were in “double digits,” Durrani said: “We say two were killed and they will say 100. The truth is lost between India and Pakistan when the first bullet is fired.”

pretty much :P

From now attack to numbers.. nice shift..
From now attack to numbers.. nice shift..
one can argue its just some retired guy not in the know.

my personal feeling though is that they went in and probably did kill a bunch of jihadis, usual madrassa daura-e-aam/khaas graduates, low income deluded punjabi wahhabi cannon fodder, I haven't seen it but someone mentioned Hafiz Saeed's reaction was telling..
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